The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - September 5, 2007
Letter to the Editor:
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Re: Response to Mayor Clary
I am outraged by the rude, arrogant and completely disrespectful treatment shown
descent folks of this town by the Yankeetown Mayor and certain Council members. Specifi-
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
cally, the recent demeaning comments directed at former Councilman and resident, Glen Spetz.
I used to go on camping trips with my Mom. She was a wonderful traveling compan-
Mr. Spetz and his wife, Peg have been active members of this community since retiring here
ion because she likes to take the back roads and finds something fascinating at every turn.
after nearly 35 years from Honeywell, keeping Polaris Missiles in the air. Glen, who just turned
We would stop and watch the peanut harvesting in Georgia and spend a whole day touring
eighty-seven, is a highly educated gentleman. He has worked tirelessly on the long ignored
the ruins of an old saw mill by a beautiful creek in Tennessee. Mom had "schedule". She had
infrastructure problems that have been plaguing this community for decades.
definite ideas about where she wanted to be every day. However, Mom would get up every
He practically single handedly brought the storm water and drinking water issues
morning and make a five course breakfast, which meant copious amounts of dishes and only
before the town government. He was actually told by a standing councilperson, to resign
me to pick up the tent and pack. I didn't mind except that we couldn't seem to get on the road
because he continued to "criticize" the drinking water. Lucky for us, he didn't take that
'till 11 o'clock which meant that to make it to the next planned destination, we were rolling into
advice. His persistence paid off and council finally began to listen. Mr. Spetz is the man who
campgrounds at midnight and setting up in the dark, exhausted. I couldn't get her to either
originally worked with SWFMD on various grants to help solve our huge storm water prob-
start earlier or be flexible about our destination. You are probably wondering what my point is.
lems and it was Mr. Spetz who kept after the town for many years trying to solve the water
This week's No See'Um News deals with the water issue in the same way. It's kind of
plant's financial and technical problems. He is one of the main reasons something is FINALLY
like the old joke about the want ad that is looking for a "25 year old with thirty years experi-
being done about the drinking water problems in Yankeetown and some of you "public
ence". The No See Um News people, who still do not seem proud enough of their product to
officials" have the audacity to personally and publicly attack his efforts and accuse him of
identify themselves, apparently want a brand new water plant but they don't want to pay a
"fear mongering". SHAME ON YOU!!
nickel more for it. They complain about using their tax money but don't seem to mind a lot of
During the past ten years that I have had the good fortune of knowing Glen Spetz, I, and
other tax payers in Florida kicking in THEIR TAXES to help us out to remove the contami-
many others. hold him in high regard because he is a true gentleman. He has diligently worked
nants, the No See Ums aren't happy and apparently really wish that other people would pay
to drag this community into the twentieth (not a typo) century and has ALWAYS, ALWAYS
for the No See Ums freight and kick in more so the plant produced perfect water. Or could we
TREATED EVERYONE WITH DIGNITYAND RESPECT even those who disagreed with him.
deplete our town savings so they can avoid any responsibility for the new plant. They seem
This is the true measure of a gentleman and an open-minded public official.
unappreciative that they will be spared the total cost of building a new plant as could be the
I am certain if Mr. Spetz had been asked to help, instead of being dismissed at
case since ours is getting worn out and were it not for the grant to remove the contaminants
meetings; he would have participated and contributed willingly to help solve the drinking and
we could be looking at the whole cost. Also since over the years it has become clear that
storm water problems still facing this town. How any of you could attempt to degradate the
Yankeetown wanted to keep its water plant here rather than hook up with Inglis, which now
character of this man is beyond comprehension. Accusing him of deliberately misleading the
does not appear to be an option anyway, we are trying to build this thing in the swamp which
public simply demonstrates your ongoing feeble attempts to quiet those who are not in
is challenging.
agreement with your personal agendas. Your role as "public officials" is to provide leadership
The No See Um's have been quite upset with the Council for apparently not being
and bring the community together. It does not give you the right to attack your constituents
able to overcome Mother Nature and make the swamp not behave like a swamp. So the
if they happen to disagree with you.
bottom line is they would like perfect water, for nothing, built in the swamp, by clairvoyant
Attacking a man who has had nothing but a positive impact on Yankeetown during
engineers and a Council that can alter the forces of nature, all on a breakneck schedule. It
his years of volunteerism is outrageous. Glen Spetz simply exercised his RIGHT of FREE
would be funny but I think they are serious. Good Night and Good Luck,
SPEECH and because it's not in agreement with your spin, you proceeded to attack him. If any
Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
of you think for a moment that your repugnant sarcasm, offensive disrespect and dismissive
attitude towards citizens who disagree with your agenda is OK, you are sadly mistaken.
Judge Rules in Yankeetown Case
Helen Ciallella, former Councilwoman and Yankeetown Resident
Letter to Inglis Police Chief Timothy Bible Dear Chief Bible:
On August 16th , in response to Izaak Walton Investors' second lawsuit (Petition For
We want to take this opportunity to thank you and your Staff for the wonderful program
Writ of Certiorari), Levy Circuit Judge David Glant ruled in favor of IWI and 1)ORDERED the
you conducted at our Church. The information was astonishing, and our young people are
Board of Adjustment to respond within 30 days and show cause why IWI is not entitled to the
still talking about it and making comments about "what drugs will do to you."
relief it seeks and; 2)ORDERED the Board of Adjustment to respond with a legal argument to
We hear comments every Wednesday about some type of situation that deals so graphi-
each issue raised by IWI in its Petition and; 3) IWI shall have 20 days from the Board's
cally with the drug culture of today.
Response to its Petition to provide the court with a reply.
We pray that the great job done by the Police Department at our church will have a positive
In its lawsuit, Izaak Walton Investors requested that the court deny the board's
impact on many. You are doing a great PUBLIC SERVICE and we pray this type program can
approval of the Smith parties appeal and remand the appeal back to the BOA for the correct
be done in our schools and other organizations in our community.
application of the law. During the BOA proceeding the suit alleged that it failed to give IWI
Give our thanks to all your officers for a great job! In Christ,Pastor Phillip Thompson
procedural due process and failed to observe the requirements of law.
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