PAGE 2 - August 8, 2012
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Candidates - Continued from page 1
Pet Patrol
Ruth Ruppert moderated the event and each candidate made
their presentation in a timely fashion. Almost every candidate for office
made an appearance and the few who were unable to attend had rep-
resentatives in their stead. The contest which appears to hold the most
interest is the sheriff’s race and all four candidates participated.
Noel Desmond spoke of the lack of accountability in the sher-
iff s office and promised to be fiscally responsible. He would research
opening the old jail that was closed by the current administration to oth-
er law enforcement agencies for housing prisoners at a profit. He is also
Ruth Ruppert
critical of the 28 new patrol vehicles that have been purchased over the
past three years and the pickup truck purchased for the current second
in command Evan Sullivan. Desmond also cites improving department morale, decreasing
response time and increasing road patrols as priorities.
Bobby McCallum points to his background with the Levy County Sheriff’s De-
partment, Florida Highway Patrol, and as investigator for the Eighth Circuit States Attor-
neys Office, his business experience and his record as a civic leader as qualifications.
“Ladybug is an adorable little white with red
He will establish innovative programs to combat illegal drugs, bring back more interaction
spots, 5-6 mo ‘deer type’ Chihuahua. She
between deputies and citizens and restore morale and integrity within the department. Mc-
has been trained to papers and doing well at
Callum is a Levy County native graduating from Chiefland High School and with degrees
This is Paco. He is an adorable dog with the
going outside. She is doing well at walking
from Central Florida Community College (AA), University of Florida (BS), Nova Uni-
most beautiful brown eyes. He is a Pug that
on the leash, going into a crate, and being a
versity and several law enforcement academies. McCallum made a passing reference to a
we think is mixed with Dachshund. He is a
buddy. Ladybug will be spayed, up to date
video sent to Levy County newspapers & other candidates and circulated on the internet by
little shy at first but then very sweet and lov-
on all vaccines, on HW /flee prevention, and
a Gainesville couple. He said the information contained rumors and lies.
able. He is about 2yrs old and he walks well
ID chipped. Adoption donation is $175.
Lee Sullivan is not running with a party affiliation. He states that he will be a sher-
on a leash. He is not neutered yet but will be
A Humane Society of CENTRAL FLORI-
iff for all of the people. He also states that he will be accessible to his constituency. His 27
before adoption. Adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc.
DA Pet Rescue, Inc. does home visits prior
years experience ranges from deputy Sheriff to Assistant Bureau Chief of Investigations. He
does home visits prior to adoptions, there-
to adoptions, therefore, we only adopt to the
also has experience in patrols, investigations, corrections and SWAT operations. A native of
fore, we can only adopt to the Citrus County
Citrus County and adjoining county areas.
Chiefland, his wife of 30 years is also a Levy County native having grown up in Bronson.
and adjoining county areas. If you are within
If you are within these areas, see this dog
Evan Sullivan points to his proven record in law enforcement and assured the au-
these areas, please, phone Adopt A Rescued
and other little dogs at our WEEKLY SAT-
dience he will be a good steward of their tax dollars. Evan Sullivan is a fourth generation
Pet, leave your name, number, and pet’s
URDAY Adoption Events, located at Pet
law enforcement officer and a graduate of the prestigious FBI National Academy. His back-
name, for a return call from the foster mom,
Supermarket, Inverness,10-12 PM. If you
ground includes patrol, investigations, SWAT commander, Traffic Unit, Drug Task Force
later, at 795.9550. All of our dogs have been
must give up your little dog phone 527.9050
Commander, and Public Information Director. He has a four point platform he will institute:
sterilized, tested negative for heart worm, on
Please help us help the local pets! We are
A Scared Straight Program for at risk teens, an inmate work farm, a “work gang” of inmates
heart worm prevention, on flea prevention,
a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization and ev-
to clean up the roadsides and other tasks and a Sheriffs Advisory Board made up of citizens
up to date on vaccines, wormed, ID chipped
ery dollar that is donated goes directly for
from different walks of life to meet with the sheriff quarterly.
and vet checked. Check http://www.adop-
the pets. If you want to help but don’t know
Darryl Diamond of Inglis spoke of his record of commitment to the Inglis com- our other pets and the
how, PLEASE consider sending a check to
munity and his extensive education and business experience. He promised to work to bring
ADOPTION CALENDAR with locations,
AHSCFPR, Inc, 4085 N Chisholm Pt, Bev-
jobs to the county. He believes his experience with the Town of Inglis on growth issues is a
dates and times. Come see the pets!
erly Hills, FL. 34465.
huge plus for him. His auction business has carried him to all four corners of Levy County
Joe Cino of Inglis mentioned the high unemployment rate in Levy County and
added that we need to protect our environment and water supply. Cino also cites his business
acumen and experience as qualifications. He says He will fight the 8 percent sales tax Mike
Joyner proposes.
Mike Joyner was not present because of a commitment in Tallahassee, but Bobby
Wells spoke for him. One point of emphasis was that the proposed 8 percent sales tax has to
be voted on but, he sees it as a fair alternative to placing the tax burden on a few.
Al Macri is the only Democrat running for District 3 Commissioner. He points to
his business background, and commitment to community service as a volunteer fire fighter,
and member of several service clubs and service Levy County Board of Adjustment as
qualifications for that position.
For supervisor of elections Brooke Ward said "my experience as a small business
owner, educator, director, instructor, manager, trainer and supervisor are evidence of my
proven leadership abilities that are necessary to run the supervisor of elections office. My
main focus will be to educate voters of all ages. It’s vitally important that future generations
understand both the honor and civic responsibility that being able to cast a ballot entails."
Tammy Jones, candidate for supervisor of elections said, " I have over 18 years of
elections experience here in Levy County. As your assistant supervisor of elections, I have
been involved in the process of planning and overseeing elections. I am certified in both
the ballot on demand equipment and tabulation equipment for Levy County. It has been an
honor and a privilege serving you. As a military wife, I fully understand the great privilege
we have in voting." (More election information on page 8.)
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Pet Grooming
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