PAGE 2 - August 26, 2009
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Former Chief  - Continued from page 1
Pet Patrol
turbance, and while enroute there, he had been informed that Bible was chasing the victim at
a high rate of speed and had rammed her vehicle. The vehicles were observed by Sgt. Lane
as they passed by him, traveling south on Hwy. 19, with Bible’s vehicle only inches behind
the woman’s.
Bible pulled into an address at 806 N.E. Hwy. 19 and stopped
his vehicle, and the woman pulled into the Subway parking lot, across the
Bible stood outside his vehicle and spoke with Dep. Parsons,
while Sgt. Lane spoke with the woman. Bible said that he was following
his ex-girlfriend because she had taken his cell phone, and he wanted it
back. Sgt. Lane came across the street and asked Bible for his driver’s
license, registration and proof of insurance, due to his reckless driving.
Dep. Parsons then spoke with the woman, who said that she and Bible had gotten
into an argument at Margarita Grill (in Homosassa). She said she left Bible at Margarita
Grill and proceeded to Applebee’s restaurant, but she had spoken with Bible on the phone,
and they had agreed to meet at Colonel Frog’s bar (in Homosassa). She said they’d left Colo-
nel Frog’s and had gone to Applebee’s (in Crystal River) where they’d gotten into another
Bell is a gentle little 10#, 2yo, s.f. Rat Ter-
She said she took Bible’s cell phone, then locked herself into her truck, and Bible
rier companion. Her irresponsible owner did
had banged on her truck door and window, demanding his cell phone back. When Bible
not go to the shelter to save her life, so we
jumped into the bed of her pickup truck, she rolled her window down and threw his cell
Monty is a wonderful little n.m. brown
rescued her to give you more love than she
phone out. At that time, he’d begun punching on the back window of her truck, she said, and
mini-Dachshund. He is good with other
loves herself. Bell will devote herself to be-
she was afraid the glass would break. Bible jumped out of her truck, she said, and she took
dogs and cats, and will give you many years
ing your faithful companion. Now it s up to
off. When she was sitting at the traffic light at Hwy. 19 and Venable Dr., she saw Bible’s
of devotion. He can make your home a hap-
you to give her the permanent home she de-
truck coming up behind her, so she drove down Venable a high rate of speed, to get
pier one. Come to see Monty at the Saturday
serves. See her at the Saturday adoptions at
away from Bible. When she slowed to turn around, she said, Bible struck the rear of her ve-
Inverness Pet Supermarket adoptions, from
Inverness Pet Supermarket, rt.#44 and Croft
hicle with his (while she speaking to her Mom on the phone). She then traveled back toward
11-2 PM, and check www.adoptarescuedp
Av, Golden Corral s Plaza, 11-2 PM. Phone
Hwy. 19, and turned north. She said she was traveling at 70 to 80 mph, with Bible’s vehicle Phone Adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc.
adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc. foster mom,
against the rear of hers.
foster mom, Judy, for more information at
Abby, 527 3593.
When she got to the mall, she turned around, trying to lose Bible, she said, but in
the area of Hwy. 19 and Citrus Ave., he rammed the back of her vehicle, once again, and that
Ralph is a 5 month old siamese mix. He
is when she saw Sgt. Lane’s patrol vehicle and turned around, to try and get his help.
does have blue eyes and loves to talk. He
Dep. Parsons reported that the victim’s trailer ball hitch had fresh scratch marks
is a little shy and would need to live in a
on it, and there was a small ding on her truck’s bumper. He noted that Bible’s vehicle had
home with another cat.He would like to get
a large dent on the front bumper that appeared to have been caused by the victim’s trailer
adopted with one of his brothers. He gets
hitch. Meamwhile, Sgt. Lane discovered a firearm lying on the transmission hump of Bi-
along with dogs also. He has been tested for
ble’s vehicle “readily available,” the report stated. According to the report, Bible told Dep.
feline leukemia/aids,been dewormed,has
Behnen that he had another firearm in the glove box. The reported stated that the concealed
had all his shots, been neutered, and has
firearm was a Glock 22.
been on flea prevention. If interested
Bible was taken into custody on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly
please contact his foster mom Tanya at
weapon and carrying a concealed firearm. Bible was held without bond on the aggravated or 352-697-5657.
assault charge, as the charge involved domestic violence, the report stated. His bond was
set at $1000 on the concealed firearm charge. Bible was police chief from January of 2007
Pioneer Precision Metals
through mid 2008. He then became a security officer with Tarmac Inglis Mine.
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THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by Newscaster Publishing, 19170 SE
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