US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Wednesday August 26, 2009
A Publication of
Sally Price - Correspondent
Permit No. 14
Newscaster Publishing
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
With Sally Price
YTS A School of
Students, no matter how
happy they are when the last
bell rings to designate summer, are always
excited about that first day back when
school resumes. Little ones coming for
the first time, or new students to the area
are a little apprehensive as they climb the
steps to a new life experience.
In my opinion, Yankeetown
School, under the leadership of Principal
Ann Hayes, is “about as good as it gets”.
In an ever changing world where the edu-
cational system is turned upside down like
everything else with the likes of FCAT
and AR Reading Program, our school
still hangs right in there. Everyone at the
school seems to have a love for the part
that they provide in the daily routines of
educating our youth right down to the best
apple crisp I have ever eaten in the school
Budget cuts have to be lived with
and the donations by businesses, individu-
First Day of School - Welcoming students, Alex and Ryan Wildey back with their mother Rachel Tully Wildey (who went to YTS) Monday are
als and parents are always appreciated.
Principal Ann Hayes, Computer Lab Mgr. Pat Caron and Levy County Sheriff’s Yankeetown School Resource Officer Kerry Runnels (who completed
Enrollment this year has slipped, even
all grades at YTS). Photo by Sally Price
though it has always fluctuated. At the
Dunnellon Man Arrested on
end of last year YTS had 308 students en-
rolled. Monday morning’s numbers were
down to 232. According to Mary Berg-
Child Porn Charges
doll, YTS Secretary, kindergarten students
are on a staggered start and a few come
each day until Monday when they will all
Drops Lawsuit,
A 31-year-old Dunnellon man was
The investiga-
be on board.
arrested on numerous child pornography
tion was initiated on
Some of the students are 3 gen-
charges, August 19, the result of an investi-
Jan. 12 by Det. Chris
For Now
erations of a family, all who walked these
gation that began in January. Rodney Tundi-
Cornell with the Citrus
dor, a laborer with a Dunnellon landscaping
Continued on page 3- Squawk Box
County Sheriff’s Office,
Former Inglis
company, was arrested at his home (21271
who is also a Task Force
On Friday Izaak Walton Investors
S.W. Rainbow Lakes Blvd.) at 4:00 p.m. He
Member of the Florida
(IWI) withdrew its pre-suit Notice of Claim
was charged with 14 counts of possession of
Attorney General’s Cy-
filed against Yankeetown last February
child pornography and 2 counts of promot-
berCrime Unit. Det. Cor-
Police Chief
under the Bert J. Harris Property Rights
ing the sexual performance of a child. He
nell located a compute
Protection Act. IWI had alleged that the
was held at the Marion County Detention
at a Dunnellon IP address that had several
downzoning of its property through recent
Facility on $80,000 bond.
Continued on page 4 - Porn Charges
comprehensive plan changes during all
Postal Carrier Pleads Guilty to Charges
most three years of moratorium had resulted
in a substantial diminution in the value of
their property.
Former Inglis Chief, Timothy
Rose Martin Conklin, a Bronson
pieces of mail from October of 2003 through
According IWI Managing Mem-
“Tim” J. Bible, 43, Inglis, was arrested by
mail carrier, pled guilty in U.S. Federal
May of 2009.
ber, JimSherwood, the decision to withdraw
the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, at 2:22
Court, August 21, to a federal charge of de-
According to court documents,
the Claim was made on advice of counsel
a.m., Saturday morning, after an alleged car
lay or destruction of mail. Conklin is facing
investigators received a tip that Conklin
with the intention of resubmitting it at a
rage-type incident with a 24-year-old Crys-
penalties which could include up to 5 years
was not delivering all the mail on her route,
later date. “Ongoing litigation and other
tal River woman.
in prison, followed by 3 years of probation
and an investigation started in April. Several
uncertainties have made it difficult to obtain
According to the arrest report, at 1:
and a $250,000 fine. Her sentencing hearing
greeting cards, one containing a gift card,
a reliable appraisal of the properties at this
23 a.m., Dep. Parsons was dispatched to W.
is set for November at the federal court-
were placed for Conklin to deliver, but the
Venable St. and U.S. Hwy. 19, due to a dis-
house in Gainesville. Conklin is accused
cards did not arrive at the designated ad-
of failing to deliver an estimated 125,000
Continued on page 3 - Lawsuit
Continued on page 2 - Former Chief
Continued on page 4 - Postal