PAGE 10 - August 22, 2007
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Community Events
Letter to the Editor:
"The V.A. has failed me"
Y-I Women's Club Set to Re-Open Thrift
1951, I went into the Army and was sent to Yucca Flats, Nevada after Basic
Training. There were no roads, no buildings; just desert. We lived in tents, and our water was
The Yankeetown-Inglis Woman's Club will begin their 2007-2008 season Sep. 4 at
trucked in. I did not know what was going on; the atomic bomb testing was a secret mission,
which time the Thrift Shop will open with some amazing deals. Its' hours are Tuesday and
and we had to sign a paper saying we would not talk about this for 15 years.
Friday from 10am-1pm and Wednesday from 12noon-3pm. The first regular meeting of the
For about three months, we were trucked several miles to Ground Zero where the
Club will occur Sep. 5 at 1:30pm at the clubhouse at #5 56th St. in Yankeetown. Thursday,
largest bomb made would be tested. When the bomb went off, we were about a half mile away,
Sep. 6 sees the resumption of Bingo every Thursday night from 7pm-? with sandwiches,
sitting on the sand with our back to the blast, no protective clothing and our hands covering
drinks and desserts offered at 6pm. Look for an upcoming article announcing our Special
our eyes. During the blast, I could see every bone in my hands, although my eyes were
Activities schedule for the year.
closed. The power from the blast knocked us over; the dust and fallout was so thick, we could
Proceeds from the Thrift Shop and our special activities help support various community
not see for about an hour. When the dust cleared, we were sent to Ground Zero to assess the
projects and pay for the maintenance and upkeep of the A.F. Knotts Library which the Club
damage; we were there for several hours. After the test, I was sent to the Korean War for 16
owns. Proceeds from Bingo fund scholarships for local students with eight students receiv-
months until the war ended (1953). I was injured twice and permanently disabled.
ing $500.00 scholarships this year amounting to $4,000.00!
1976, I started having trouble breathing and lost about 30 pounds. In 1977,
The Club made some amazing improvements this summer by creating a handicapped, wheel
submitted to outpatient testing at the Lake City Veterans Administration (V.A.) Hospital,
chair accessible bathroom, installing new window treatments, and reorganizing the
where they determined that I had a bad pulmonary problem. They thought I was a smoker, but
kitchen. Anyone interested in contributing to our efforts is warmly invited to attend the first
had never smoked.
regular meeting Sep. 5 at 1:30pm. For further information contact President Eleanor Berkley
The Army denied I had ever been in the atomic bomb test. Finally, Reynolds Electri-
447-3899 or First Vice President Leslie Dasch at 447-2700.
cal Company, Inc. (Las Vegas, Nev.) the civilian company in charge of the first atomic bomb
Brownie Scouts Meet
tests, confirmed to the V.A. that I was exposed to radiation. However, it took the V.A. over 50
The Inglis-Yankeetown Brownie Scouts will have their parent meeting September
years to list this as service connected. As a result of the atomic bomb test, I now have my
12, 2007 at Parsons Memorial Presbyterian Church at 6:00 PM in Yankeetown on Riverside Dr.
third cancer. V.A. doctors have stated that the atomic bomb test is the cause of my cancers
Come and meet your daughter's leaders and learn more about Girl Scouts.
and breathing problems.
Since 1951, I have used the V.A. medical system for all my medical needs and had
Fishing Tournament to Benefit So. Levy
always thought they were the best, but in the last few years, the V.A. has failed me. Some of
B.U.B.B.A. Fishing Club (Bubba's Unique Bass/Bream Anglers) invites your and
the V.A. facilities are good, but some are a joke, with untrained employees, many of whom can
your family to join us for a fun time at our fishing tournament that will ne held on Sat., Aug.
not speak English. The local clinics are a joke, sometimes taking over six months to get you
25, to benefit the S. Levy Volunteer Fire Dept. The sign up (by Friday night, Aug. 24) and
appointment with a specialist - meanwhile, your cancer is getting worse.
check in (by 4pm, Sat., Aug. 25) will be at Bubba's Fin & Feather (located in Inglis, off Hwy.
Now, 73 years old with war injuries, two heart attacks, four strokes, many surgeries
East on Lake
Rousseau at 19130
S.E. 201st Street). You can put in your boat from anywhere
and Parkinson's disease, I'm having trouble breathing. I can sleep only about 3 or 4 hours,
the lake.
lying down. Several months ago, I asked the V.A. for an oxygen prescription, but they have
There will be two divisions: Largest Bass & Catfish and Heaviest 15 Bream. A fish
not given me one. Thanks to good friends, I now have a few bottles of oxygen and will soon
($5 per plate, with hush puppies, baked beans and coleslaw) will follow the tournament
getting an oxygen machine, but no thanks to the V.A.
6pm, Sat. Come join us for dinner, even if you don't fish! If you are interested in participating,
Taylor J. Harrison, Dunnellon
please contact Jimmy Hill, Sandy Prescott, Ronnie Merchant or Connie Merchant at (352)
447-2755. The tournament rules are available at Bubba's Fin & Feather on beautiful Lk.
53 Years Ago
From the Levy County Clerk of Court Archives and History Dept Continued from
e-mail your news to:
Minute Book "R" - 1950-1955, pp. 414-415, Special Meeting, September 30, 1954
Resolution Extending the Legal Hours of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in that Por-
tion of Levy County Lying and Being Within the 14th Voting Precinct (Inglis Area) cont'd
That no alcoholic beverages, including beer, may be sold, consumed or served or
permitted to be served or consumed in any place holding a license under the state beverage
A/C & Heating,Inc.
department of Florida between the hours of three o'clock A.M. Sunday morning (Saturday
night) and one P.M. Sunday afternoon.
"Your Electric Bill Reduction Specialists"
That from one P.M. Sunday afternoon until three o'clock A.M. of the following
morning, alcoholic beverages, including beer, may be sold or consumed in any place holding
· Commercial
Mobile Homes
license under the state beverage department of Florida.
100% Financing
That all State and County laws, regulations and Resolutions in conflict with this
· Residential
Visa & MasterCard
Resolution are hereby set aside and rendered null and void in so far as they apply to the
· Commercial
territorial limits herein defined.
30 Years Experience
That this Resolution and the terms, conditions and hours of sale herein set forth are
expressly limited to the 14th voting precinct (Inglis Area).
Ask Us About
That a certified copy of this Resolution be immediately forwarded to the proper
Ultra Violet Air Filtering
authorities of the State Beverage Department of this State by the Clerk of this Board.
Removes nearly 100%
That this Resolution shall become effective immediately. From the Archives and
History Center, Levy County Clerk's Office,Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court
of germs & dust
Reduce Sickness & Allergies
Nature Coast Sportsman's Fishing Tourney October 6
There is a fun time fishing tournament scheduled for Saturday October 6 from the Yankee-
Family Owned & Operated
town Marina and hosted by the Nature Coast Sportsman's Club of Yankeetown, Florida. All
the money from drawings of sponsor products and food sales will be donated to Hospice
Citrus County for use in their bereavement camps for children who have experienced a loss
Licensed & Insured
someone in their
family. Official entry forms may be picked up from tournament official Bob
License #CACO 57707
Webb at 447-0491
River Retreat Spa
Qwik Pack & Ship
or Own
Mailing &
Business Service Center
Men's & Women's' Hair Hair Color & Foils Nails
Own RV Site
Facials Massage Accupuncture
Inside Drop-Off Packaging & Notary Services
Permanent Makeup
ShippingLocation U.S. Postal Services - Stamps
Mary Kay, Biolage, Crew & Redken Products
Mailbox Rentals - Money Orders
Nature Coast Landings RV Resort
Shipping - Boxes - Supplies
10173 N. Suncoast Blvd (US-19)
Copies - Fax - Business Cards
Visit our Website:
Crystal River, FL 34428
& Tanning
Packages Available
(352) 628-1363
6015 Hwy 40 West, Yankeetown, FL.
Sweet Bay Shopping Center
FAX (352) 628-1364