THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - August 21,2013
Inglis Commission Replaces
Inglis Attorney Fees Highest Ever
Merritt with Goode August 8th and
Inglis town attorney Bradly Bettin submitted fourteen pages of invoices for the
month of August (July business) totaling $6400 which includes a $500 monthly retainer.
Inglis commissioner Drinda Merrit resigned from the commission
The policy of limiting calls to the town attorney to save costs, adopted by the previous com-
on August 13th was replaced by former commissioner Robert Goode.
mission, it seems, is no longer followed.
Merritt served on the Inglis Planning Commission as chair for two years, and
A sampling of just one invoice #166 follows: - Telephone call County Attorney
then was appointed to the commission in July of 2009 to replace commissioner Edward
regarding various matters…$92.50”; Review and analyze Receive’ and review Resolution
Michaels who resigned. She served to the end of his term in 2010, and later replaced com-
regarding fire assessment, review Statutes and email Sally McCranie…$240.50; Review
missioner Gary Mosher when he resigned. Merritt was the third highest vote getter and was
and analyze Receive memo from Inglis Police Department regarding personnel files, re-
elected in 2012 to a two year term that ends in 2014.
view Chapter 119 and Inglis Codes, draft memo regarding Inglis Police Department per-
The commissioners first chance to act on the replacement was Tuesday August 13th.
sonnel files…. $185.00; Review and analyze Forward memo to Chief of Police regarding
Robert Goode served on the Inglis commission from 2008 to 2010. He was elected in 2008
Inglis Police Department personnel files…. $18.50; Attend balance of July 9, 2013 meet-
and did not run for re-election in 2010. In the 2008 election he stated "My platform is open
ing…$555.00; Communicate (with client) Telephone call Mr. Botts regarding noncon-
government with citizen input, tight budgets, encouraging the right kind of business and
forming use and email Sally McCranie regarding same… $37.00; Communicate (with
planned growth which we can't stop but can control. My goal is to restore pride in the town,
client) Telephone call Mr. Botts regarding Palm Point and Bachschmidt zoning issues…
make citizens aware of what is going on in their town government, try to keep the town
$111.00; Review assessment documents… $55.50; Per request, email town clerk and town
within the budget to avoid more tax hikes, work with free government sources to create
officer access to records… $185.00; Attend special meeting 7-24-13, $277.50; Phone call
safe clean jobs for all ages, and utilize our wonderful community center that is seldom used
Mayor regarding SAFE4ID families and possible use of S. Levy Park and license for S.
for education and recreation for everyone."
Levy Little League & emails to/from D. Slattery… $129.50. Total for one invoice #166:
The meeting audio is available on The Newscaster website via a link on our
10.2 hours at $1887.00. All attorney invoices are posted on and
can be accessed on the home page (pdf format).
Squawk Box
Parkview Lanes Weekly News
Continued from page 1
gains in June for a net of 2,300 new jobs, including the highest growth rate in the state in
302,798; Denise Griffin 285,803. Scratch,
financial activities and a tie with the Gainesville metro area with the highest rate in educa-
ING: Tuesday, August 27, 1pm.
Youth: Matt Allen 226,593; Andrew Allen
tion and health services employment. In contrast, the job-growth rate in June 2012 was 0.4
190; Steven Saltmarsh 190; Gregory Stein
percent (+400 jobs) and the Ocala metropolitan statistical area posted negative job growth
469. Scratch, Adult: Brian Carney 300,792;
of 0.8 percent in 2011 with a loss of 700 jobs over the year.
day, August 28, 1pm.
Denise Griffin 259,725.
While the Ocala MSA s unemployment rate increased to 8.4 percent in June, there
were 2,830 fewer people out of work than in June 2012 when the unemployment rate was
League and Tournament scores for the week
SCRATCH: 10.5 percent and there were 13,856 unemployed. July employment numbers will be re-
ending August 18:
Scratch: Bryan Craig 279; Cody Mullis leased on Aug.
277; Brian Carney 784; Trevor Roberts 728; the unemployment rate drop in the
The Ocala MSA also posted third sharpest
Cody Mullis 717; Dorine Fugere 227,616; nation in October 2012, from 11.9 to 9.1 percent) and the second largest drop in February
cap: Eddie Corbitt 319,819; K E Conrad
Lori Ciquera 222; Kim Mullis 591.
(from 10.8 to 8.4 percent).
• • local, business-ledorganization • con-
dedicated to
304; David Rogers 807; Christina Tidwell
Workforce Connection is the
310,812; Jacque Iverson 263,747. Scratch:
HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap:nectingqualifiedlocalemployersLevyand counties. On
Andre workers with in Citrus, Marion
Eddie Corbitt 270,672; K E Conrad
Boetius 285,790; Shorty Williams 270; average, 36,000 job seekers and 1,500 businesses receive services at no charge each year.
268,663; Jacque Iverson 193,537; Christina
Jerry Ness 713; Dawn Dearlove 257; Clara
Tidwell 180; Sandy LePree 486.
Myers 247; Edith Regan 695; Patricia Hon-
Shell Super Stop
aker 685. Scratch: Jerry Ness 219,635; Rich
Williams 216,591; Dawn Dearlove 199,477;
NEY: Handicap: George Simonson 821;
Edith Regan 169,488.
U.S. 19 at C.R. 40 • Inglis, Florida
Helen Simonson 792; June Williams 750.
YOUNG & RESTLESS: Handicap, Youth:
Stein and OrionDisplay 106 pins over
Castaneda, Ad
Gregory Stein 279,763; Steven Saltmarsh
their averages, Denise Griffin, 122 pins
Quarter Page
279; Andrew Allen 271; Orion Castane-
over her average, and Andre Boetius, 130
da 751. Handicap, Adult: Brian Carney
pins over his average. ecials
changed for
5-22-13 issue
CONGRATULATIONS: Brian Carney rolled 23 strikes in a row to record 290 and 300 games on
the final night of the Young & Restless (youth/adult) league. His first game was 202, giv-
ing him a 792 series. The perfect game was Brian’s third at Parkview Lanes, and he also has
recorded two 800+ series.
Monday-BBQ Pork sandwich w/fries
Tuesday-Fried Fish w/Grits & hush puppies & 1 side