PAGE 2 - August 20, 2014
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Citrus County Voting - Early &
Pet Patrol
Aug. 26 Primary Election photo and
When voting, BRING WITH YOU: Please remember to bring a valid
signature ID when coming in to vote, be it Early Voting or on Election Day. The voting
prodecure is the same, no matter when you vote. On Primary Election Day, August 26, all
polls will be open from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm.
MAIL-IN VOTING: For voting in the August 26 Primary Election, mailed Absen-
tee Ballots must be received by your Supervisor of Elections office by 7:00 pm, August 26.
EARLY VOTING, CITRUS COUNTY: Early voting dates and times are the same
at all four Early Voting locations in Citrus County: August 15 - 23, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm.
LOCATIONS - BEVERLY HILLS, Central Ridge Library, 425 W. Roosevelt Blvd.; phone
352-746-6622. CRYSTAL RIVER, Supervisor of Elections Office, West Citrus Govern-
ment Center, 1540 N. Meadowcrest Blvd.; phone 352-564-7120. HOMOSASSA, Homo-
sassa Public Library, 4100 S, Grandmarch Ave.; phone 352-628-5626. INVERNESS, In-
Kipper is a sweetheart, a great little dog who
verness City Hall, 212 W. Main St.; 352-726-2611.
"Louie, the 4 y.o, black on white, Cock-a-
loves everyone and is always happy. He is
Citrus County DEMOCRAT CANDIDATES, Primary Election (vote for one can-
Poo, the special needs dog, has been adopted
a 3 year-old, black with white, long-haired
didate in each race): Governor & Lieutenant Governor - Charlie Crist, or Nan H. Rich.
by Barbara and Walter Bradway, Inverness.
Chihuahua/Pekinese mix. He likes to play
Attorney General - George Sheldon, or Perry E. Thurston. County Commissioner, District
Now that his ear infection is completely
and go for walks or rides. He is extremely
4 (Universal Primary Contest) - Scott E. Carnahan or Winn Webb. Circuit Judge, 5th Ju-
cleared up, he was, finally, able to receive
dicial Circuit, Group 3 - Denise A. Dymond Lyn, or Mary Hatcher, or Sandy K. Kautz, or
overweight but has been started on a reduced
his cataract surgery on BOTH eyes, on July
Bo Samargya. School Board Member, District 1 - Thomas "Tommy" Corkery, or Thomas
portion food intake to become a healthy 8 to
23, 2014, at the Southern Eye Clinic For An-
Kennedy, or H. Dean Morrison. School Board Member, District 3 - Doug Dodd, or Quinton
10 pounds. No kids; adults only. A Humane
imals. The monetary donations and medical
R. Herrin, Jr., or Sheila Whitelaw. School Board Member, District 4 - Sandy Balfour, or
Society of Central FL Pet Rescue, Inc. does
assistances were made possible by: many
Beverly "Bev" Howard. School Board Member, District 5 - Donna Fletcher or Linda B.
home visits prior to adoptions, therefore, we
kind individuals. Adopt A Rescued Pet; and
only adopt to the Citrus County and adjoin-
from his foster group A Humane Society of
Citrus County REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES, Primary Election (vote for one
ing county areas. If you are within these
Central FL Pet Rescue, Inc, which have all
candidate in each race): Governor & Lieutenant Governor - Yinka Abosede Adeshina, or
areas, see this dog and other little dogs at
The Newscaster
provided for about 3/4 of the surgery costs. Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder, or Rick Scott. County Commissioner, District 2 - Renee Chris-
our Saturday Adoption at Pet Supermarket 5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
However, if you would like to contribute to topher-McPheeters, or John J. "JJ" Kenney, or Ronald Kitchen, Jr., or Phillip F. Mulrain.
in Inverness on Gulf to Lake Hwy. from Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 362-4788
the remaining surgery expense, please, for-
Email, ward your check to, AHSCFPRI, 4085 N. County Commissioner, District 4 - Scott E. Carnahan, or Winn Webb. Circuit Judge, 5th
10:00 am until 12:00 noon. If you must giveTom Russell, Publisher:
up your little dog, phone 352-527-9050 il, Debbie Russell, Editor: Group 3 - Denise A. Dymond Lyn, or Mary Hatcher, or Sandy K. Kautz, or
Judicial Circuit,
Chisholm Pt, Beverly Hills, FL, 34465 Lou- Bo Samargya. School Board Member, District 1 - Thomas "Tommy" Corkery, or Thomas
leave yoursname and number; we will return
Web ites: · · ·
ie thanks everyone for caring about him.
Kennedy, or H. Dean Morrison. School Board Member, District 3 - Doug Dodd, or Quinton
your call.
R. Herrin, Jr., or Sheila Whitelaw. School Board Member, District 4 - Sandy Balfour, or
Beverly "Bev" Howard. School Board Member, District 5 - Donna Fletcher, or Linda B.
Citrus County NON-PARTISAN CADIDATES, Primary Election (vote for one
candidate in each race): County Commissioner, District 4 (Universal Primary Contest) -
Q Scott E. Carnahan-R, Winn Webb-R. Circuit Judge, 5th Judicial Circuit, Group 3 - De-
Mary Hatcher, or Sandy K. Kautz, or Bo Samargya. School Board
nise A. Dymond
Member, District 1 - Thomas "Tommy" Corkery, or Thomas Kennedy, or H. Dean Mor-
rison. School Board Member, District 3 - Doug Dodd, or Quinton R. Herrin, Jr., or Sheila
Whitelaw. School Board Member, District 4 - Sandy Balfour, or Beverly "Bev" Howard.
School Board Member, District 5 - Donna Fletcher, or Linda B. Powers.
Please contact the Citrus County Supervisor of Elections (Susan Gill) Office for
any questions about voting; location - 120 N. Apopka Ave., Inverness, FL 34450 * phone -
352-341-6740 or 800-655-6645.
Jobless Rate
- Continued from page 1
growth" as well as "normal seasonality." Rust said that when looking at the business cycle
changes compared to the same time last year the unemployment rate dropped in 64 of
Florida's counties, remained the same in two counties and rose in one. Over the month, how-
ever, unemployment rose in 66 counties, and dropped in one. "The over-the-month gain in
your local unemployment rate is seasonal, it's a normal event for the summer, with schools
out, slower tourism and agriculture peaks in winter," Rust said, adding that "new entrants to
the job market contribute to the unemployed." Here's how the numbers break down for each
county in the CareerSource Citrus Levy region: - Citrus County's labor force increased by
318 over month to 54,410, the number of employed rose by 72 to 50,031and the number of
those without jobs rose by 390 to 4,379. The unemployment rate in July 2013 was 8.9 per-
cent when there were 4,977 unemployed. - Levy County's labor force increased by 175 to
16,100, the number of unemployed increased by 82 to 1,216, while the number of employed
rose by 93 to 14,884. Over the year, the number of jobless has fallen by 245 compared to
when the unemployment rate was 8.9 percent.
THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by
Newscaster Publishing. Comment Line:352-388-1668. e-mail: news@ Bulk Rate Postage is paid at Inglis, FL Permit
No. 14. Subscription Rates are $40.00 per year in Florida, $43.00 out
of state. The Newscaster is also available in news racks for 25 and
50 cents.All rights reserved. Information, opinions and/or ideas ex-
pressed in this publication in guest editorials or commentaries do not
reflect the views of the publisher and or editors. Unsolic-
itedcommentary and letters to the editor must be typed and signed by
the author. Include a phone/address for verification. Information can be
mailed, faxed or e-mailed. Newscaster Publishing accepts no respon-
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