THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - August 14,2013
Inglis Commissioner Resigns
Citrus Code Enforcement Sweep
Inglis commissioner Drinda Merritt resigned her position on the Inglis commis-
ConductedonAugustck7throughout the entire sSieonnt:early Thursday morning2013a8:30 AM to town clerk Sally McCranie.
in brief email
Thursday, August 08,
County Code Compliance Officers c ducted spot che s
To: samccranie Subject: Resignation
county to complete a full sweep of illegal activity in county right-of-ways yesterday, with
Dear Sally,
a total of 384 signs being removed. This is in response to many complaints of illegal signs,
It has become abundantly clear that to remain not the Town of Inglis
banners, ribbons, streamers, flags (other than US, POW, and flags of states) and businesses
Commission is an exercise in total futility. The makeup of the current com-
that are conducting business illegally on County right-of-ways. To find out specific re-
mission with its own agenda (and one not in the best interest of the citizens of Merritt
quirements for selling items on County right-of-ways, please contact the Code Compliance
Inglis) I do here by tender my resignation.
Drinda B. Merritt
Division at (352) 527-5350.
The commission must now decide how to replace the commissioner, since earlier
Parkview Lanes Weekly News
this year a charter amendment directed the town to select a replacement from the field of
unsuccessful candidates in the past election. Town attorney Bradley Bettin advised the
Foley 582; Jacque Iverson 197,487; Sandy commision to proceed with caution. In a memo drafted Monday Bettin said, " In light
LePree 179,514.
The new 12-week True Scratch (no cap)
of Commissioner Merritt’s resignation, the Commission will have to interpret and decide
TUESDAY SUMMER NOTAP TOUR- whether it will attempt to apply Amendment 1 adopted at the 2013 General Election. I say
league meeting will be Tuesday, August
NEY: Handicap: Ken Meldrum 768; Patri- “attempt” because the language of the Amendment leaves a lot to be desired. It reads Inglis
20, at 7pm. If unable to attend the meet-
cia Honaker 773; Shorty Williams 766.
ing, bowlers may register by calling Dorine
Charter Amendment filling vacant commission seat(s) with highest previous vote receiv-
Fugere (352-697-2675) or Parkview Lanes
ing unsuccessful candidate(s). Shall Charter be amended replacing vacated Seat with last
YOUNG & RESTLESS: Handicap, Youth: election’s unsuccessful candidate receiving most votes? The difficulty lies in 1. Identifying
(352-489-6933). A unique aspect of the
Gregory Stein 292,755; Michael Andriuolo the “Last Election” the Commission is supposed to use to determine who was the most suc-
league will be lane conditioning, with six
269; Justin Jones 730. Handicap, Adult: cessful “unsuccessful candidate”; and 2. Determining how, exactly, that person becomes
different (challenging) patterns used.
Jake Coolidge 292,755; Denise Griffin 284; a Commissioner after that’s done. Unfortunately, there is no “safe” course open to the
Bryan Craig 752. Scratch, Youth: Gregory Commission: The Commission risks litigation if it declines to “apply” Amendment 1. The
League and Tournament scores for the week
Stein 231,568; Michael Andriuolo 224,560. Commission risks litigation if it attempts to “apply” Amendment 1. The Town could get
ending August 11:
Scratch, Adult: Brian Carney 267,728; De- sued by those who believe the Amendment is unconstitutional. The Town could get sued by
nise Griffin 257; Bryan Craig 650.
those who disagree with whatever interpretation the Commission adopts.
SULTS: The team of Mark Ash and Alan
The Town could get sued by those who disagree with any decision the Commis-
SCRATCH: sion makes in the future which is dependent upon the vote of whomever is seated. On bal-
Ricewon the August GCUSBC Doubles
Scratch: Trevor Roberts 277,725; Ryan ance, I believe the case that Amendment 1 is invalid is stronger than the argument for its
Sweeper with a total of 1615 pins. Roberta
Aguilar 266; Sean Fugere 717; Dorine validity."
Burns and Lawrence Walsh were second
Fugere 267,713; Stephanie Flory 242,601.
(1577), followed by Stephanie Flory and
on Inglis as chair for two years, and
Merritt served the Planning Commission
Eric Benton (1523).
was to in2009 to commissioner Edward
then appointed the commission July of replace
HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap: Joe Michaels who resigned. She served to the end of his term in 2010, and later replaced com-
Markham 269,740; Carl Peterson 265; missioner Gary Mosher when he resigned. Merritt was the third highest vote getter and was
Shorty Williams 735; electedtwoyear •thatends infirst meeting
June Williams • in 2012 to a term 2014. The commissioners • to
cap: Kenneth Folk 297,759; Dennis Iverson
304,792; Pat Honaker 265; Pat replacementwasis
Combs act on the Tuesday August 13th. The meeting audio available on The
284; Eddie Corbitt 749; Beverly Tidwell
727. Scratch: Carl Peterson 236,627; Larry Newscaster website via a link on our homepage:
275,714; Jacque Iverson 267; Sandy LePree
Clark 197; Murphy Combs 197,553; June
724.Scratch: Dennis Iverson 235,582; Ed-
Williams 189; Edith Regan 175,453; Pat
die Corbitt 216,596; K E Conrad 582; Wes
Shell Super Stop
Combs 469.
U.S. 19 at C.R. 40 • Inglis, Florida
Stein, 226 pins over his average, June Wil-
liams,132 pins over her average, and Jake
Coolidge, 104 pins over his average.
Impact Statement
Display Ad
Quarter Page
INVIcTaAceidIs N
Spe T l O
h ng
The Army Corp of Engineers an-
nounced that the Final Environmental
5-22-13 issue
Blessing Our Community By Giving!
Impact Statement (EIS) for the Tarmac
King Road Limestone Mine is now avail-
able. The mine is proposed for a location a
few miles north of Inglis and Yankeetown
and has been a subject of great interest for
environmentalists in the area. You can get
a copy of the report by contacting Mr. Ed
Sarfert by phone at 850-439-9533, the an-
nouncement also said to direct any ques-
tions to him. The report is also available
on the Newscaster website and at the Yan-
keetown Town Hall on CD. Go to the home
page of The Newscaster and look for this
story with the link at the bottom of the story.
(PDF format)
The Pensacola Permit Section of
We will be giving away free Wal-Mart gift
the Jacksonville District of the Corp issued
cards, gas cards, a brand new bicycle and
a notice requesting comments. Any com-
many other prizes for FREE!!!
ments on the report must be submitted in
writing to their address in Pensacola within
CrossPoint Apostolic Church
30 days of the notice in the Federal Register
which is expected to be August 16th. Jack-
220 Hwy 40 West
sonville District Corps of Engineers, Pen-
(just past Town Hall on left)
sacola Regulatory Office, 41 North Jeffer-
son Street, Suite 301, Pensacola FL. 32502.
For Info call Jess 352-287-0296
Monday-BBQ Pork sandwich w/fries
Tuesday-Fried Fish w/Grits & hush puppies & 1 side