PAGE 2 - July 9, 2014
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Special Citrus County Meeting Thursday, July 10
Pet Patrol
The Board of County Commissioners will be meeting Thursday, July 10 to hold a
public hearing for Street Vacation SV-14-01 in the Citrus County Auditorium, 3610 South
Florida Avenue, Inverness, Florida 34450, at 1:00 pm to determine the advisability of va-
cating, abandoning, discontinuing and closing the existing street, alleyway, road, highway
or other place used for travel, or any portion thereof described in the attached Exhibit "A",
renouncing and disclaiming any right of Citrus County and the public in and to any land
described on the attached Exhibit "A".
The agenda and back-up materials are available online at
The agenda is also available at the Lecanto Government Building and in the Commission-
ers suite on the second floor of the courthouse in Inverness. The meeting will be televised
live on cable TV on Channel 622 on Bright House and Channel 9 on Comcast.
State offering Storm Preparedness
Workshops for Citizens
Toby is a 6 year-old white neutered male,
Florida Department of Emergency Management, in partnership with Volunteer
West Highland Terrier mix that weighs
Florida and the Be Ready Alliance Coordinating for Emergencies, presents the BRACE
about 20 pounds. Some might say he's a
for the Storm Workshops throughout the state. The free internet based workshop series is
little large for a lap dog, but he's just right
for a devoted, non-shedding companion.  "Rambo is a 8.5 lb, `young'13 yo, neutered  designed to provide information to homeowners on disaster mitigation techniques that can
He enjoys being brushed, having car rides,  male Yorkie. Rambo is such a good little  reduce damage to their homes from hurricanes and other disasters that threaten Floridians.
taking walks and playing with his squeekie  boy who loves to be held and to sleep with  In addition, homeowners will learn how they can save money on the windstorm portion of
toys. Toby has a wonderful disposition; he's  you. He does not act nor look like an old-  their homeowner's insurance premium.
sweet, mellow and friendly. He likes to be  er dog, but is a devoted companion. He is
To register for an online workshop, view the statewide calendar for this series, or
trained to potty on puppie pads. His owner  to get information on the Be Ready Florida initiative, visit
with you and is ready to bond with whom-
Citrus County "Cracking Down" on
ever will give him their attention and love.  went into a nursing home. Do you have the
He's good with other dogs and cats (but no  kindness in your heart to give him love for
children). A Humane Society of Central FL  the rest of his life? See Rambo and other
Move Over Law
Pet Rescue, Inc. only adopts to the Citrus  small dogs at the Pet Supermarket on Satur-
The Newscaster
County and adjoining county areas. If you 5093 10-Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
noon, Inverness. A Humane Society
The side of the road can be a dangerous place for emergency vehicles. That's why
of Central FL Pet Rescue, Inc. does home  Florida law enforcement officers are serious about the "Move Over" law. The Citrus County
are within these areas, see this dog and other  Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
little dogs at our Saturday Adoption Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:therefore, we only  Sheriff s Office is cracking down on drivers who don t move over and give safe clearance
Events  visits prior to adoptions,
adopt to the Citrus County and adjoining  to first responders. June was "Move Over" month, but the CCSO wanted to make a state-
at the Pet Supermarket located at EmailtoDebbie Russell, Editor:
Gulf ,
Lake WebsiteInverness, 10:00 am - 12:00  county areas. If you must give up your little  ment that would campaign going throughout the year. Today,
Hwy. in s: · · · and keep the move over
dog phone 352.527.9050 and leave your  members of several different divisions within the agency got together for a powerful photo
noon. Please call 352-527-9050.
that would capture the importance of moving over for emergency vehicles.
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The "Move Over" law crack down comes after 30-year-old Florida Highway Patrol
Trooper Chelsea Richard was struck and killed last month when she was helping with a two-
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car collision on the side of I-75 south. A pickup truck struck Richard, tow truck driver John
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Duggan and George Robert Phillips. All three were killed.
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"Many of our deputies were friends with Chelsea and it really hit home for a lot of
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us when she was killed. It's just senseless. All you have to do is move over and slow down,"
said Commander Buddy Grant.
The "Move Over" law went into law in July 2012, but some drivers are still failing
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to obey. The law is designed so motorists give emergency vehicles with flashing lights on the
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side of the road a wide berth in an effort to make it safer for not only emergency response
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vehicles, but tow truck drivers on the side of the road cleaning up after a crash.
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On a two-lane roadway, you are required to slow to a speed that is 20 miles per hour
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less than the posted speed limit. If the speed limit is 20 miles per hour or less, you must slow
down to five miles per hour. If you are driving on an interstate or roadway with multiple
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lanes of travel in the same direction, and you approach an emergency or law enforcement
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vehicle parked along the roadway, you must vacate the lane closest to that vehicle as soon as
it is safe to do so. If you are not able to safely move over, you must slow down to a speed of
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20 MPH below the posted speed limit unless directed otherwise by law enforcement.
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Town Hall Meeting scheduled in Homosassa
A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled at the Homosassa Library, located at
4100 S. Grandmarch Avenue in Homosassa, on Thursday, July 31st from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
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Commissioner J.J. Kenney and Cardno-TBE, the project engineers, will be presenting infor-
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mation on the Yulee Drive Sidewalk project, which is proposed to run from Central Street
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to U.S. 19. The proposed sidewalk is approximately 2.8 miles in length and is funded by the
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Florida Department of Transportation and administered by Citrus County under the Local
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Agency Program. This public meeting is to present the project area and take public comment
& announcements - TWO
and input regarding the sidewalk project. All citizens are welcome to attend. For questions,
7-9-14 issue
please contact Walt Eastmond at 352-527-5446.
THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by
Newscaster Publishing. Comment Line:352-388-1668. e-mail: news@ Bulk Rate Postage is paid at Inglis, FL Permit
No. 14. Subscription Rates are $40.00 per year in Florida, $43.00 out
AmVets Post 447, Inglis, holds fundraiser for Wounded Warriors fund
of state. The Newscaster is also available in news racks for 25 and
AmVets Post 447, Inglis recently held a fundraiser for the Wounded Warriors fund with a 50/50 drawing.   rights reserved. Information, opinions and/or ideas ex-
50 cents.All
The drawing raised $300.00, which is split between the Post and the winner. Not just the Post, butptheed in this publication in guest editorials or commentaries do not
necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and or editors. Unsolic-
winner also, donated the winnings to the Wounded Warriors fund, which was a nice donation ($300) to a
ited commentary and letters to the editor must be typed and signed by
worthy cause.
the author. Include a phone/address for verification. Information can be
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