The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - July 7, 2010
Guidelines for submitting Letters to the Editor
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
The Newscaster does not publish anonymous letters or commentaries. We receive letters from
time to time that do not meet our requirements (mostly unsigned and no address) and that's why they
From Yankeetown Town Hall
don't get published. All letters must be typed, signed by the author, with a local phone number and
current address. Letters can be mailed, faxed or emailed and not accepted at the Newscaster Classifieds
drop box. Emailed letters may be delayed while verification takes place. Comments can be left on our
A Guest Commentary by Yankeetown Mayor Dawn Clary
comment line at 352-897-0381. You must leave your name and phone number for verification.The limit
Will it Rain Oil? - Now that hurricane season has begun there have been discus-
is 400 words, no exceptions. For more information see page 2.
sions around town about the affect of hurricanes on the oil spill. NOAA has responded to Letter to the Editor:
questions on this subject. They have said that the oil spill will have essentially no affect on Re: Inglis Taxpayers Are Sinking In Quicksand
A recent agenda item submitted in April suggested a Commissioners Work Shop
the hurricane but the hurricane would affect the oil slick. Though the oil slick is large, it is
still a fraction of the immense size of an average storm. The oil slick should also have little to develop an employee cost saving incentive plan and to let team members share in a per-
effect on the storm surge or near shore wave heights. However, a storm could move the oil centage of amount they save. In other words reduce the budget. Not so, instead Our Com-
in different directions or widen the area. See NOAA’s web site for further information and missioners delegated their authority and responsibility to our Town Clerk (Non Resident) to
their response to many other questions on this subject such as “will it rain oil?”. Do you take an employee survey.
I called our Town Clerk (Non Resident) and she said “NO ONE” was interested, in-
know the answer???.
Oil Spill Claims - An informational meeting on how to file a claim for oil spill dam- cluding herself. Is it possible that our employees are afraid? Wow, I was really disappointed
ages will be held July 7th, this evening, at 6:00 PM at the Inglis Town Hall. The meeting with this negative response. (Quicksand)
We as taxpayers have always been faced with challenge at home and work. Our
will be run by the New Mayor of Cedar Key, Mr. Pat O’Neil, and Emergency Management
Coordinator Mark Johnson. Information will be given on the documentation needed to file a American Way is based on hard work, cooperation, ingenuity, strong family values and
claim with BP for any damages that you may sustain from the oil spill. Information will be pride. Everyone has something that they can contribute to make their job better, Just Not IN
given on the types of documentation required such as tax returns, boat trip tickets or docu- Inglis.
OUR Town Clerk recited results of her survey and gave me 3 letters from Depart-
mented statements that someone has cancelled a reservation for a service because of the oil
spill. Low interest bridge loans are also available through other sources. Basically you will ment Heads. The letters in general (Para-phase) stated that they work hard and within budget
and are not interested in an incentive program.
need to prove your income or condition before the oil spill and after.
Continuethat everyone, has a story However, not so for Commissioner Gary Mosher, (Budget and Finance), (Para-
- It seems including myself,
Budget Meetings
a andone We ph se) when he said to me that I was taking up meeting time and they know how to do their
about going to budget meeting being the only there. had our first budget ra
workshop and we did more thanpersonstill not many. budget job without He told me (Para-phrase) that I was chasing my tail. So when is asking
have one but The proposed help.
is available at the hall. Though thetedious,do have an interest in the employees to help save money a waste of time? Commissioner Mosher tries to intimidate
meetings are if you
you but don’t be afraid because we all know that we can do better if we have proper direc-
fiscal planningyouwillget may n and Leadership from someone else? Right?
this is the best over view on the town’s finances. You tio good
want to attend some of the work shops and meetings on this. The next meeting is planned
for July 19th at 7:00 GoodNightDawnClary,
PM. and Good Luck, Marie Mayor of Yan-
Everything came together at the end of the meeting when our Town Clerk said (par-
phrase) that we have tried Incentive plans before but, it pits departments against each other.
My interpretation is that our employees know where the savings are but why rock the boat
Call The Newscaster Hotline with your opinion, leave your name or should I utter-Stay away from Quicksand.
Commissioners demand silence and no conversation from taxpayers. Legal? We
with a recorded message: 352-897-0381 Dunnellon
the taxpayers are not allowed to speak until we fill out a Public Comment Form and may
speak at the end of the meeting. But, our Town Clerk (Non Resident) is given more than
ample time to voice her own views throughout the meeting. Remember, our Town Clerk is
an Un-elected employee who does not live in Inglis. NowWilliam A.know who runsInglis
you really
Water District - Continued from page 1
Water district officials advise that during the traditional rainy summer months of
June, July, August and September, yards need only about ¾ inch of water every 3 to 5 days.
Water officials say the simplest way to determine whether a yard needs water is to look for
certain visual clues: 1. Grass blades are folded in half on at least one-third of your.yard. 2.
Grass blades are blue-gray. 3. Grass blades do not spring back; footprints remain visible on
the lawn for several minutes after walking on it. For more information on watering and
restrictions, visit the water district’s Webpage at
rigating, which includes videos on this and other topics related to yard irrigation.
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