The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - July 31, 2013
From Dawn's Front Porch
“Searching for the Truth”
By Newscaster Contributor Dawn Clary
The Sex Life of a Mosquito – With all the rain, we are again experiencing a plaque
of mosquitoes. There are a lot of jokes about the fact that only the females bite. Blood is
needed for their reproductive cycle. The female mosquito needs blood to produce viable
Recently, a team of scientists
eggs. Without blood she may die without every having laid a viable egg. The male mosquito
wanted to test carbon-14 in coal
feeds on nectar and plant juices. The life cycle goes through four stages of development,
egg, larva, pupa and adult. The time it takes to go through the four stages varies with the
and diamonds. Carbon-14 has
temperature and gets shorter as it gets hotter, it can be around 14 days at 70 degrees but
a half-life of 5,730 years. This
only 10 days at 80 degrees. The larva lives in water and that is the key to controlling the
means that in 5,730 years, half
blood suckers. Walk your property and remove ANY standing water that you can. Think
the radioactive carbon-14 de-
outside the box and look in places that don’t seem obvious. I had a wheel barrow which
cays away leaving behind non-
I had leaned up against the fence so I thought it was free of water, however when kind of
radioactive material.
upside down, there was a small trough along the back of the handle which collected water
that are said to be millions of years old could not have any carbon-14
that was only about half an inch deep. One day I happened to notice it and there must have
been 5 million mosquito larvae happily growing in it. If you can’t remove it, treat the wa-
present. Coal is supposedly hundreds of millions of years old.
ter. One of the most harmless ways to treat is with something like “Mosquito Dunks” which
Ten coal samples were tested; supposedly, they were 34 to
contain bacteria that kills the larva but is harmless to birds and other animals. They are
311 million years old. All ten coal samples contained carbon-14.
easy to use, you just through them into the water. They are locally available. Years ago, the
Then they tested diamonds. Diamonds are supposedly a billion years
mosquito control guy said that people would call him up an complain for half an hour, but
old. All of the diamonds tested contained carbon-14. Not a molecule
they wouldn’t spend 15 minutes walking their property to find standing water and remove
of carbon-14 should have been left in either coal or diamonds, yet ev-
breeding spots for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes generally only fly within a mile of their source
so don’t be responsible for your own misery
ery sample of coal and diamonds had carbon-14 present! The Earth
Adopt a Tree – It was suggested that we put $500 in the YT budget for planting
is thousands of years old, not millions. The Earth really is the recent
trees in Yankeetown. The major problem with the town planting trees is that they need to be
creation of God.
watered, a lot, after they are first planted. This is a real load on the staff, to get to the tree
I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember
every day and make sure that it is watered, especially if they have to haul the water. It was
thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy
suggested in the budget workshop that perhaps people would agree to water a tree if it was
doings. - Psalm 77:11-12
planted near them. If you would like to adopt a tree, please contact town hall. Good Night
and Good Luck.
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Presented by Bob Allen-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
Letter to the Editor:
Sally Price, Realtor
Re: Chamber News
(352) 302-8556 cell
The Withlacoochee Area Gulf Chamber members are business owners and individuals in-
volved in promoting  our Gulf Coast area and local businesses. The Chamber has just
Mobile home or great weekend get-a-way. 2/1 10x50
finished their membership drive and after many years of decline in membership we are
mobile on paved dead end street with 10x50 screened
pleased to announce the success of the membership drive and thank the past and new mem-
porch on canal 1 lot from Withlacoochee River (10x20
bers for their renewed commitment to the Chamber. Prior to the membership drive, the
dock). Remodeled with new tile floors and new bath.
Chamber had only 19 members to date the membership has more than doubled and we
One end of porch has glass windows and doors can
anticipate the number to at least double again.
be added for spare room. 18x20 carport, car park and
With a solid group of new board members Chamber has just completed our new
web site. The new site lists members and all the assets our area has to offer including fish-
workshop. Nature lovers will appreciate wildlife.
ing, paddling, boating, biking, hiking, camping, birding and relaxing to promote eco tour-
Near bike path, equestrian trails, greenways and salt/
ism in Inglis and Yankeetown. The Chamber received a grant with the help of the Friends
fresh water boat ramps. Ready to sell..bring offer.
of The Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve for the replacement of the old Chamber sign on US19.
The new sign is in the development stage and will be up shortly.
The Chamber has many additional goals including, a new area maps sponsored
by business members, seeking Restore Act funding for future staffing, an informational
kiosk, event planning and the new emphasis on promoting the area through scheduled an-
nual events.
CALL  (352-447-6002 -*5/*0-%>5&M
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An important part of the Chamber is to provide members with support and new
ideas. We will be sponsoring an educational series which will include a seminar on the pro-
motion of business by utilizing the strength of social media marketing.
The Chamber Board is a committed group of local volunteer business people and
individuals interested in strengthening and improving our communities. If you would like
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