THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - July 3,2013
Squawk Box
Parkview Lanes Weekly News
Continued from page 1
en Simonson 835; Patricia Honaker 786.
mosassa. The Fireworks display may be viewed along U.S. Hwy. 19 near Charlie’s Res-
YOUNG & RESTLESS: Handicap, Youth:
12-week session of the Thursday night-
taurant, heading south on the west side of Hwy. 19, and from Kings Bay Park (268 NW
Michael Andriuolo 254; Sean Anderson
Holder Hotshots league will begin July
3rd St.). Boaters will be able to view the display from Kings Bay and the Crystal River
249,701; Samantha Marchant 701; Nikki
18, with the league meeting at 7pm. The
waterways, but must be a minimum distance of 1000 feet away from the fireworks barge.
Craig 678. Handicap, Adult: Gene Allen
4-person mixed teams will begin bowling
INGLIS JULY 4, Celebrate Independence Day on Thursday, July 4, at William Crow Am-
279,816; Janet Pohl 254; Marian Steenstra
at 7pm on July 25. Call the Center at 489-
Vets Post 447 located at 405 E. Hwy. 40 in Inglis. Enjoy a Barbecued Pig Dinner with side
699; Scratch, Youth: Matt Allen 229,596;
6933 to register, either as an individual or
dishes for only $7 per person! Call AmVets for additional information at 352-447-4473.
Michael Andriuolo 208,512.
with a team.
OCALA, JULY 4 - The Ocala Jaycees’ 44th-annual “God and Country Day,” one of the
Adult: Brian Carney 246,665; Charlie Stein
larger 4th of July celebrations in the area, is back on - as of Wednesday, June 26, one day
after being canceled on Tuesday, mostly due to difficulty obtaining an insurer for the fire-
re will organize a Scratch league (with cap)
works - which was remedied by numerous phone calls leading to a miracle and to a lesser
on Tuesday nights for the 2013-2014 sea-
degree, a shortfall of funding which was obtained by several last-minute generous dona-
Scratch: Sam Bass 277,790; Trevor Rob-
son if there is enough interest. The exact
tions! Activities will begin about 1:00 p.m. on July 4 and end with a fireworks display at
erts 269; Ryan Aguilar 690; Dorine Fugere
format of the league (team members, team
sunset. The celebration will be held near Golden Ocala at the intersection of U.S. 27 and
235,672; Stephanie Flory 193; Kim Mullis
average cap, season length, etc.) will be de-
County Road 225A.
Sea Cadets On Lookout for New Members
termined later. Bowlers interested in join-
ing should contact Dorine (352-697-2675)
or the Center 489-69330 before August 1.
Our unit toured Sector St Petersburg and got to board a Coast Guard cutter and
Rose Damico 246,717; Mona Rosado 245;
other small craft. We conducted a “mini” recruit training where cadets camped out at the
station and learned what it would be like to go to a real version of this training. Cadets are  League and Tournament scores for the  Mae Johns 678. Scratch: Mona Rosado
172; Mae Johns 168,477; Rose Damico 474.
week ending June 30:
also working toward their HAM Radio licenses.
On other weekends at our home station, US Coast Guard personnel provide train-
ing on law enforcement and sometimes take the group out on their search and rescue ves-  MONDAY SUMMER SPECIAL: Handi-  HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap: Rich
cap: Wes Foley 278,769; Eddie Corbitt  Williams 289; Jim Jermann 271,747; Andre
The Sea Cadet Corps is a youth organization for Americans 13-17 years old who  275,738; Maggie Homrighouse 273,725;  Boetius 737; Dawn Dearlove 287,786; Thia
are interested in the maritime services. Cadets in the program are allowed to wear Navy  Sandy  Gambone  272;  Lynn  Casdia  Williams 248,681. Scratch: Rich Williams
uniforms and gain rank as they train and learn new skills. They earn ribbons for outstand-  738. Scratch: Wes Foley 247,676; Dwayne  258,637; Bob Buege 226,587; Dawn Dear-
ing performance in trainings, marksmanship, good grades and community service among  Harrell 235,609; Jacque Iverson 182; Sher-  love 221,588; Janet Murray 171,467.
ry Hiller 174; Michelle Shirley 463; Saad
Hometown News for BOWLERS OF THE WEEK: Samantha
Bouve 461.
the Nature Coast
Once a sea cadet goes through two weeks of recruit training and completes their Advertising at Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
Marchant, 56 pins over her average,Dawn
Basic Military Requirements course work they are eligible for a variety of advanced train-
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446 her average, and
TOUR-  Dearlove, 126 pins over
ings. Topics can be as low key as culinary arts or as intense as Special Warfare Combatant  TUESDAY SUMMER NOTAP 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Phone: (352)859; Hel-  Sam Bass, 187 pins over his average.
craft Crewman (SWCC). Cadets may also choose to spend a week volunteering at a base  NEY: Handicap:Tom Russell, Publisher:
June Williams
side by side with active military in order to earn advance training credit.
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Seaman Christopher Stamper attempted to qualify for an extremely irigorous Ur-
Webs tes: • • path
In the June 26th issue of The Newscaster on page 8, the photo of the bike • thehealth
ban Counter Insurgency training called UCOIN which required a 10 mile ruck march with  meeting, Dawn Clary's name was inadvertently left out of the picture's description and list
a 40 pound pack among other things. Unfortunately, given a few attempts, Christopher did  of persons attending the bike path meeting.
not meet the standards, but perhaps learned one of life’s most valuable lessons. He tells his
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fellow cadets in a recent newsletter, “The UCOIN physical training is the hardest single
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thing I have ever done, and even though I didn’t pass, I try to keep a good attitude and tell
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myself that there is always next year. I hope someone will learn from my experience to
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never give up and to never quit, because you only fail when you give in.”
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Additionally, a program for younger youth is offered called the League Cadet
Corps, serving 11-13 year olds. This program allows similar experiences with slightly less
intensity when appropriate.
Our highest ranking League Cadet, Israel Diaz, has been enrolled for three years
and says in his winning essay contest, “Sea Cadets to me means preparing for a successful
future. It means being able to reach the goals that I have set for myself. When I grow up I
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want to become a Navy pilot.” This summer he will “ship over” to the Sea Cadets and with
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this program as well as his self motivation we know he will obtain his career aspirations.
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Commanding Officer Lieutenant Todd Dunn served in the Navy and is now giv-
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ing back by leading this great group of cadets and staff. LT Dunn tells the cadets. Manatee
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Division drills on the second full weekend of each month. Think you might be interested in
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checking out the program? You are invited to observe a training weekend on July 13th and
Each Dinner Meal includes 2 Side Items
14th or August 10th and 11th at US Coast Guard Station Yankeetown. For more informa-
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tion, call the Commanding Officer LT Todd Dunn at 352-212-5473.
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LTJG Dunn inspecting the tent for recruit training while Seth Mantlo, Israel Diaz and Kent
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Cobel set up. Chief Petty Officer Arianna Pusey watches in the back ground.
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