The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - July 25, 2007
Letter to the Editor:
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Re: Editorial opinion
have been receiving the newscaster for as far back as I can remember back when it
called the Withlacoochee Times in 1990.
Letter to: Yankeetown Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Board, dated June 24, 2007
have had a number of flyers put in the newspaper but I will not tolerate the NO SEE'UM
Position Regarding: The Town of Yankeetown Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2007-01
NEWS in fact I will return this paper to Helen or Jim Sherwood as there is no name on this rag.
Recently, we have been made aware of discussions and proposed rules regarding the
If I
had an outhouse I would know where to put it.
imposition of alternative advanced treatment on-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Sys-
would like all the people think what St. Pete, Clearwater, Hudson looked like before the
Developers moved in, did you know that at one time you could go to any part of the beach and
It is
our understanding that the rules and policies in Chapter 4 are targeted at residential
not see a high rise or private beach.
development or residences on the waterway, and would require the conversion of existing
Why didn't the developers buy in the hammock is it because they didn't want to put
septic systems to the new Aerobic Treatment Systems when a house is built or sold. The cost
paved streets, electric, water, sewer? Ect.
Joyce Richards, Yankeetown
for these new systems is 2 to 3 times that of a presently permitted septic system. This
Letter to the Editor:
amounts to $9,000 to $20,000 per advanced treatment system.
Re: To the Anti-Tree People
It is
not right that the Town is imposing this requirement, with no finding of health
This is regarding comments made at a recent town meeting disputing the importance
pollution problems in the river or canals. It is not right that the Town is finding only a small
maintaining Yankeetown's tree canopy.
number of residents to target, for if there are environmental problems, the sewage from
could quote some lines from Joyce Kilmer's "Only God Can Make a Tree," but I don't
Town residences quickly finds it way through the karst limestone formation to the water
think that would change anyone's personal prejudice one way or the other. I just need to
bodies. If these requirements are valid, then they must be applied to all residences, new and
that I deeply resent the implication that people who are pro-tree are anti-children.
Loving and caring for children and loving and caring for trees are not mutually exclu-
there are health and sewage pollution problems, we should implement a Townwide
sive. Ms. Kilmer's much-quoted poem implies that trees are not ours to destroy on
solution. There have been proposals to have pumping stations and a wastewater treatment
whim. Taking that one step farther, it might even be wise to put forth some effort to "caring"
plant, east of U.S. 19. Why are we not moving forward with water reuse systems as part of
for them, as well. I'm sure there are children in Yankeetown who enjoy climbing them, playing
solution? Small and piecemeal actions will have no impact on the environmental health of the
hide and seek behind them, swinging in swings hung from their branches and playing and
water bodies. Define the problem, and then have encompassing solutions.
riding their bikes in their shade in the heat of a Florida summer, not to mention breathing
The overall health of the River is much more dependent on actions that have been taken
cleaner air because of them.
reduce the ability to flush (Barge Canal) and the Lake Rousseau chemical maintenance projects.
I am
an educator who has devoted her life to children. I was dubbed the "Resident
Targeting several residences along our water bodies will make for "feel good" policies, but
Mom" at Doernbacher Children's Hospital during my two-year-old daughter's extended stay
will have no impact on these environmental systems.
there with a rare form of cancer. Later, I was a struggling single mother of two when a nine-
would request that the Town continue with Levy County Health Regulations regard-
year-old friend of my son's stayed over. His mother died that night. He stayed on for the next
ing septic systems, and that the policies requiring advanced treatment be removed from the
ten years and now, 25 years later, he's given Ed and me two beautiful grandchildren.
proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments. We also request that the Town begin the plan-
Yes, I am pro-trees, but I am most certainly not anti-children. To infer that one follows
ning and construction of a water reuse system for all residents.
the other is ludicrous.
Ron and Radie Armstrong, Yankeetown
If it
comes to logging
Yankeetown to pay for children's shoes, please, just give me the
and addresses of those Yankeetown children and I will personally spearhead a fundraiser
75 Years Ago
for that cause.
Patricia Candela, Yankeetown
Levy Man Arrested for Grand
From the Levy County Clerk of Court Archives and History Dept. Minute Book "N"
1932-1933, Regular Meeting of July 5, 1932, pp. 1-11
The Minutes of the last Regular meeting were read, in open session, and upon
July 19, 2007 Levy County Deputy Roby Robertson observed
motion, they were ordered adopted, as read. Except that portion of the Minutes referring
Chiefland man riding a bicycle transporting two thirty foot aluminum irrigation
Commissioner S. C. Clyatt's attitude on sending a committee to view the property of Vera
pipes. Deputy Robertson completed a report and did not find any reports that
Hudson, upon which he asked damages on account of a public highway having been built
the pipes were reported stolen.
across said property. Said change in Minutes were made to read, as follows: "Commissioner
Investigation revealed that the man had stolen a total of seven irrigation
C. Clyatt voted against sending a committee to view the property, or make any payment for
pipes between June 30 and July 19, 2007. The seven pipes were sold to Tryco
damages, for the reason that the road was built by the Bond Trustees of that District, and the
Recycling for scrape metal. The defendant, identified as 27 year old Todd G.
fact that the land was U. S. Government land at the time the road was built."
Myers of Chiefland, received $132.40 for the irrigation pipes that were valued at $ 700.00.
was then upon motion, that all bills against the County on file be read, and after duly
Through the investigation the victim had no knowledge that the irrigation pipes were stolen.
considering said bills which were read to the Board by its Clerk, it was upon motion that the
Detective Mike Bell arrested the defendant for Grand Theft and Dealing in Stolen Property.
be paid from the respective funds. (Bills can be found in Minute Book "N", 1932-1933,
Special Notice for Inglis Residents
pp1-top p.11.)
Upon motion of Commissioner M. M. Clyatt, the Clerk was authorized and directed
Town of Inglis is
in need of (3)
three volunteers
to serve on the
summons Louis Richardson, Jim Kerney and Sam Clemments, before the Board for a hear-
Inglis Planning Commission. This seven member board serves in
ing. It having been brought to the attention of the Board that these parties made affidavits
advisory capacity to help maintain the primary existing character of
that they had not done certain work on Levy County roads, as shown by the Minutes of the
Board, which was supposed to have been done, and received pay for, under A. P. Markham,
town, guide future growth and development, protect, and improve
Road Foreman. Among others to be summoned before the Board was A. P. Markham, O.
health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Inglis. The Town is
Wroten and Clarence Hodge. The time for the hearing was set for July 8th, 1932. Mr. T. J.
of persons in the professional field, such as Planners, Archi-
Peek, was present at the time, who made the statement that he was instrumental in securing
tects, Business persons, Engineers, General Contractors, Subcontrac-
of the affidavits made, and that he wanted to come before the Board, for the purpose
helping to disclose the true facts. Whereupon, the Board requested the appearance of Mr.
tors, Realtors or any persons interested in the welfare of the Town.
Peek at this hearing.
Please do your part to ensure the future of your town. You can make a
The Board having no further business before its body, adjourned the meeting, to
difference by volunteering to serve on this board. Inquiries may
meet again in Special Session, and as an investigating committee in the acts and doings of its
by contacting
Inglis Town Hall (352
447-2203).Please respond
Road over-seer, A. P. Markham. From the Archives and History Center
Levy County Clerk's OfficeDanny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court.
August 10th, 2007 5:00
Published July 18, 25th,2007
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