PAGE 4 July 1, 2009
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
Real Estate Today
A Guest Commentary by Vicki Diamond
ing with Progress Energy/Tarmac and their
Have you ever had a song that
plans to infiltrate our small and beautiful
keeps running through you head? It will
country side. Why aren t the citizens and
happen if you go to Disney World and
business owners getting together and asking
ride the “small world” boat trip. You will
for concessions. We need a high school, we
hear “it s a small world after all” for days
need parks and walking/biking trails along
if not weeks. Well the one that has been
with paved roads in Cason Inglis Acres. We
in my mind the last several years is called
need to ask for these concessions before
Big Yellow Taxi and was recorded by Joni
Progress Energy or Tarmac get approval,
Mitchell probably in the 70 s. I understood
after that it will be too late.
it originally was about a person returning
Another line from the same song
to a hotel room years later, that had had a
is: “why you wana give it all away“. Do
beautiful view that was not there when they
you want to give it all away? This is already
returned. The chorus that keeps running
impacting us, read last weeks Newscaster
rampant in my mind is “they paved paradise
letter to the editor from Richard Levins, he
and put in a parking lot”. This is because of
cannot refinance his property because of the
my Clermont experience.
proximity to the “proposed” Progress site.
I had lived and worked in Real
How many heavy duty trucks will it take to
This Levy indoor marijuana grow house is believed to have been in operation for at least five
Estate in Clermont from 1980 until Darryl
build not only one but two power plants.
months. Drug Agents confiscated 62 mature marijuana plants valued at $ 62,000 and seized
and I married in 2002. Clermont experi-
Who is paying for the repaving
a 2007 Chevrolet van and 2006 Nissan pick up truck. The drug operation and seizure will be
enced a devastating freeze that killed all the
of Hwy 19 and who is paying for the new
more than 100,000 dollars. More details in the column below. Levy Sheriff Dept. Photo
Citrus Commission meeting
citrus crops in the mid 80 s. We had acre-
bridge going over the cross barge canal.
age, acreage & more acreage for sale. The
Who wants to tolerate all these inconve-
builders came in droves. Prior to the freeze
niences and expenses and not get something
continued until Citrus County early Tuesday eve-
July 7
you could drive through main streets, back
in return. Can we get together and save para-
streets & down Highway 27 and breathe in
dise before it is paved.
A powerful thunderstorm that slammed eastern
the sweet aroma of orange blossoms. The
I ll see you around “The Campus”
ning forced the continuance of the Citrus County Commission’s regular meeting.
builders moved in and paved paradise.
Diamond Investments Inc. Darryl, Vicki,
The meeting was about half way through when the storm knocked out power to
The Citrus Tower is in Clermont/Minneola
and Shirley are your “The Diamond Team”
the courthouse in Inverness. Commission Chairman John Thurmston continued the meeting
where you used to elevator up to the top and
We are seasoned professionals that are avail-
until July 7.
see citrus groves for miles around, go today
able for all of your real estate needs 7 days a
A number of public hearings were postponed relating to three proposed projects.
and all you will see is roof tops. They paved
week. If you are a buyer, or know a buyer we
Those hearings will be reconvened beginning at 5 p.m. at the special meeting on Tuesday,
paradise and put in a parking lot.
want the opportunity to serve them. Please
July 7 that will begin at 4 p.m. Other unfinished business from the June 23 meeting will be
My whole point is, what is happen-
call us at 352-447-4442.
Grow House - Continued from page 1
concluded in the hour before the public hearings begin.
That other business includes proposed repair of Pete’s Pier boat ramp in Crystal
River, items from commissioners, county attorney items, and a proposed agreement be-
NW 90 Ave. Chiefland, Fl. Through the investigation a search war-
tween the county and the Floral City Heritage Council, for use of the Floral City Commu-
rant was obtained and executed on June 23, 2009 around 11:00 PM.
nity Building, as well as an agreement for the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office to use 200 feet
Hernandez was immediately arrested and the second subject Jesus
of the building in the future for a substation.
Lopez jumped out of a window and was able to escape capture.
The public hearings will consider land use and Comprehensive Plan changes that
Lopez was last seen on foot with no shirt or shoes wearing khaki
would allow River Lodge Resort, LLC, to expand and improve 170 acres adjacent to the
shorts. Lopez jumped two fences and ran bare footed through a
company’s current RV park near Inglis.
field with prickly pear cactus plants. Two canine teams and the
The hearings will also concern a proposal for a new land use designation, called
Marion County Sheriff s Office helicopter attempted to locate Lo-
Port District, application of that use on property owned by Citrus Mining and Timber on
pez to no avail.
land on the north side of the barge canal west of U.S. 19. The changes would allow for
The Levy County Sheriff s Office is offering reward for
master planned waterfront development that could include residential, commercial and in-
information and arrest of Lopez. Lopez was born in Cuba and was
dustrial uses on the property.
arrested in Ft. Lauderdale in 2000 for being in the United States illegally. Hernandez is
The hearings will also include a proposal from Seven Rivers Presbyterian Church
also from Cuba and he has been arrested in Ft. Lauderdale in 2004 for illegal entry into the
to re-designate 22 acres from General Commercial and Professional Services/Offices to
United States.
Public/Semi-Public Institutional.
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