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Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday June 8, 2016
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Historian
Please visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Wildlife Park Focuses On
Florida's Black Bears In June
Guest article by  Susan Strawbridge,
Park Services Specialist
Ellie  Schiller  Homosassa
Springs Wildlife State Park will be fo-
cusing on Florida's black bears during
the month of June. Two programs are
planned on the theme of black bears
with displays and hands-on activities
in the Visitor Center and in the Discov-
ery Center. A Wildlife Jeopardy pro-
gram on Black Bears by Barbara Cairns
will be presented on Saturday, June 18,
2016, starting at 12 Noon. The half-hour
Wildlife Jeopardy program will use a
20-question format inviting visitors, old
and young alike, to test their knowledge
about Florida's black bears and their
cousins. Her goal is to have each per-
son learn at least one new thing about
bears. Hand-outs will be provided. The
program will be held in the Discovery
Center. Regular park admission applies
to attend this program. Barbara volun-
teers as a docent in the Discovery Cen-
ter and is a retired school principal in
The Citrus County Emergency Management Team was activated, about midday Monday, June 6, in preparation for Tropical Storm Colin. They're
overseas Dept. of Defense Schools in
shown here at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) located at 3549 Saunders Way in Lecanto, continuing to monitor the storm, as it had for
Labrador, Germany and Panama. She
several days. CCSO Photo, read full story on page 4.
is also a published author with articles
Joint Operation Targets
and stories in books, magazines and
USCG Rescues
newspapers. Her books include Crack-
er Cow: a Narrative of Florida History,
Gatsby's Grand Adventures a series of
Unlicensed Contractors
picture books, and The Not So Secret
Life of Nimh, A Dumbo Rat. Her lat-
est novel is Nettie's Dream. On Fri-
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
day, June 24, 2016, Angeline Scotten,
agreed to do work that was considered
During the past few weeks, the
a Senior Wildlife Assistance Biologist
From the USCG
"structural," meaning major repairs such
Citrus County Sheriff s Office, Tactical Im-
with  Florida Wildlife Conservation
Sixty-one year-old missing boater
as replacing exterior doors and windows
pact Unit (TIU) has teamed with the State
Commission will offer a program titled
William Durden of Homosassa, FL and
and completing electrical, air conditioning
of Florida's Department of Business and
Florida's Black Bears. This educational
Reno, NV was located during a U.S. Coast
or plumbing work, as well, which require
Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the
program will discuss several subjects
Guard search on Thurs., June 2, about 15
proper licensing and permitting.
Citrus County Licensing Division (CCLD)
including biology, behavior, conflicts
nautical miles southeast of Aripeka, FL.
Such unlicensed individuals take
to conduct an undercover operation target-
and attractants, and ultimately how to
Mr. Durden had left his summer
advantage of residents by sometimes per-
ing unlicensed contractors offering services
coexist with bears. The  presentation
residence on the Homosassa River at 10:30
forming substandard work for dubiousely
within Citrus County. The operation used
is about 30 minutes long with time for
am, on Wed. (June 1), aboard a 22-foot boat.
low prices, and sometimes leaving without
an undercover Citrus County residence and
questions. Ellie Schiller Homosassa
At 9:20 pm (Wed., June 1), his wife reported
finishing the job, according to DBPR Secre-
targeted handymen posing as contractors to
Springs Wildlife State Park is home to
that he was overdue in returning home.
tary Ken Lawson.
determine if they had proper licensing to
two Florida Black Bears named Brutus
Crewmembers from the Florida
If you have a question regarding
perform specific home repairs.
and Biddy. They are siblings and were
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
licensing or code compliance, contact the
The DBPR contacted people post-
rescued from the wild as orphan cubs.
(FWC) located Durden's boat in the man-
DBPR by phone at 850-487-1395, or the
ing "Handyman" or "Home Repair" to social
They are now full grown.
groves near St. Martins Keys at 1:10 am,
CCLD at 352-527-5310. By law, contractors
Easier Than eBay
media. Others were targeted after the DBPR
Thurs. morning. At 10:29 am, a Coast Guard
licensed by the DBPR must include their li-
or CCLD received complaints of unlicensed
You can now place classified ads at the
Air Station Clearwater C-130 Hercules air-
cense number in all advertising.
activity having been performed. According
Food Ranch Service Desk - 25 words/$12.
craft crew located Durden and vectored an
To date, the operation has arrested
to the CCLD, tasks that a "handyman" can
New deadline: Monday 12 noon at the Inglis
Air Station Clearwater MH-60 Jayhawk he-
13 people on various charges including: 12
complete without licensing include painting,
Food Ranch service Desk. Cash or Check.
licopter crew to the scene. A rescue swimmer
counts of contracting without a license, 11
trim work, cabinetry and flooring.
No refunds for early cancellations
Continued on page 4 - Rescue
Continued on page 11 - Unlicensed Contractors
Those arrested during the investigation