The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - June 4, 2008
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Letter to the Editor:
Re: "An Open Letter To Chief Bible"
I am so sorry that in your community there are curmudgeons, complainers, nitpickers
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
and just plain old miserably unhappy codgers who do their best to make your life hell.
You and your officers are doing a fine job and have made some great arrests that
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
have made your communtty a safer-place to live. The police force we have, serving and
It was so reminiscent of days gone by, a town meeting at town hall. Due to a
protecting Inglis, is one that can hold their heads up high and deserve the respect of the
scheduling mix up, the Lion's Club got double booked. Somehow another meeting had been
citizens of Inglis.
placed on the schedule for the wrong time. Don't know how it happened as no one remembers
I find it hard to understand why you are being attacked by the few citizens who don't
doing it so I guess aliens landed and did it. Seriously though, these types of mix ups happen
seem to have anything better to do with their time than to spend 24 hours a day tracking your
and the fix was to move our meeting somewhere else as the other party had a very important
every move in order to find something new to complain about. It would be funny, if it weren't
large event and we had a very short agenda for our special meeting on the 27th. Paul moved
so sad and embarrassing.
the fire trucks out of the fire bays, and staff and volunteers set up tables and chairs. They set
Maybe they had dreams of being officers, themselves, and it didn't work out for
up fans and placed agendas neatly on the chairs. It was apropos that the meeting be held in
them. Jealousy is an ugly thing. But more than likely, they are just so bored and miserable with
the fire bay as one of the two items on the agenda was a discussion of a possible merger of
their own lives that they can't bear to let anyone be happy and successful.
area fire departments.
Maybe if some of the Denver, Colorado police officers relocated here, with their
Though it has been mulled over for years, there has never been any formal consid-
reputation of shooting first and asking questions later, these people would keep themselves
eration given to merging the fire departments. Now there is beginning to be a serious look at
busy doing something else other than dogging the police force and it's chief at every turn.
the concept of consolidating the fire departments to some extent. The Town of Inglis led the
I apologize for the curmudgeons, complainers, nitpickers and plain old miserable
way by initiating the discussion with a query to Yankeetown as to what our interest might be.
unhappy codgers. If there was an FDLE for them, I would be sending complaints almost daily.
That was the only question to be discussed, were we interested in even looking at the
Keep doing what you're doing, Chief Bible. You are doing a good job and making
question, if so we could move on to analyzing the issue and develop some sort of proposal or
Inglis proud. But if you'd like me to check on those Denver police officers for you, I'll be glad
reject the idea. It would not be an easy thing to design. Who would be in charge, how would
to. Sincerely, Gail O'Shea, Inglis
county funds then be allocated, how would the equipment be placed, and many other issues
Letter to the Editor:
would have to be hammered out before any kind of step could be taken.
Re: The special meeting about the Inglis P.D.
The merging of the fire departments has been a contentious idea in the past. Some
I'll bet the drug dealers and other low-life's are celebrating. For the first time in thirty
saw the benefits of a merger as a more efficient use of funds than splitting governmental
years we had an aggressive chief and officers. I do not blame chief Bible for resigning and
resources to provide stand alone fire departments within a few miles of each other. It was
wanting the buy out after being dragged through the mud and by a questionable source. He
thought that there could be a cost savings by reducing the amount of equipment needed if a
is in debt. Well so am I and hundreds of other people in this town. How dare someone pull his
more regional approach was taken, and resources were pooled. Those opposed, cited better
financial records!!! The town council admitted it was the wrong way to do things after the
response times and a basic philosophical feeling that they wished for their town to remain
damage was done. The will of the people, what a joke!!! More people responded in support of
autonomous in this area of service. However, times change. One of the major advantages
Tim Bible than against.
now, is the pooling of volunteer firefighters which could be very helpful in maintaining ample
I would love to have commented but would have choked with anger. Another man I
respected in this town said it better than I ever could. At the previous meeting on this subject
The YT Council charged Fire Chief Paul Shearer to work with the Inglis Fire Depart-
I sat beside an ex-council member who was irritating Tim. After I spoke in favor of him she got
ment and any other agencies such as the County Fire Advisory Board to look at options and
up and changed chairs, childish?? Easy to slander and talk about someone who's not there.
analyze the question. He is then to report back to the Council as to recommendations.
As far as taking a job overseas which we had to listen to a long dissertation given by council
Council member Ed Candela graciously agreed to help Paul in this task. Who knows where
chair which came close to bringing people to tears, I would like to say that twice I was signed
this will go, but you never know unless you objectively evaluate the question.
up to go to Saudi Arabia, then to Viet Nam. Both contracts were canceled yet my employer
Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
didn't hold this against me. Serving our country should be an honor not punished. I was
Navy and damn proud of it!!! I do have one question for our chair-person. Where in ROB-
ERTS-RULES-OF ORDER does the word aggravate appear?????? PS. The devil is alive
and well in Inglis!! Where have I heard that before. John Stone, Inglis
Letter of Thanks:
South Levy Little League would like to Thank everyone that ordered Cookie Dough
from our Players. The orders will be in June 20th. The players will give you a call once they
have their orders. Thank You again for all your support. Sincerely, Wendy DeGennaro,
Information Officer- South Levy Little League.
4th Annual God and Country Celebration
Peace Lutheran Church will host the 4th annual God and Country Celebration on
Sunday, June 29, 2008.
The 10:00 AM Worship Service will be followed by rides, climbing rock, horseshoes,
water slides, dunk tank, games and other activities for children and adults. Lunch of hot
dogs, hamburgers, chips and soda will be served.
The community is invited to share this day honoring God and our Country, with
worship, fun, relaxation and fellowship. There is no charge. Bring your family.
Peace Lutheran Church, "The Church On The Hill," is located 6 miles north of Dun-
nellon, on the North-East corner of Hwy 41 and Hwy 40.
Shown here: Anna Zarkowski, Buck Moser, Matt Fleming and Chelsea Busbee with assorted
Please call the church office, 352-489-5881 for additional information or directions.
flotation devices. Matt Fleming, who retired from the FWC, returns to the Yankeetown School
each year to teach the "How to Boat Smart Florida Boating Safety Course." Classes of Genie
email your news to:
and Tony Sturtevant spent several days going through the course with Fleming and then were
tested for their Certificate of Completion. The students learned what to take when boating,
witnessed flares being shot off, and what equipment is mandatory on a boat.
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