The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - June 29, 2016
Searching For The Truth
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Natural Disasters May
Letter to the editor:
Have of Mt. St. Helens in 1980Side 230 square miles
a Positive devastated
Re: Reading
The volcanic eruption
Reading=knowledge=power=money=stuff. It's just that simple. Read to the kids
of area and killed most of the animals and
or have them read to you for 20 minutes a day... shut off the TV, put down the electronics,
vegetation. Much of the land was sterilized
get in some bonding time while you have the chance. Isn't your future (and all of ours)
by hot pyroclastic flows. It was believed
worth it? The Food Ranch Summer Reading program is in full swing on Fridays and Satur-
that this area would take decades, if not cen-
days from 10-2. A big thank-you to the volunteers in the first 2 weeks that have given their
turies, to recover. But within a year plants
time to help make this program work (Kim Chandler, Brenda Binegar, Betsy Webb, Kim
began to grow, and animals returned. One
Millen, Kathy Allman, Susan Steinhorst, Margaret Harmon, Emily Akers, Pat Tully, Cindy
such animal was the elk. After the eruption,
Cino, Terry Pollock, and Lisa and Victoria Pressley). There are 6 programs your `student'
elk were seen eating the new plant growth.
can get credit for in their summer reading and it will help prevent that `summer slide'. We
These elk started having twins; their birth-
are working in conjunction with the A.F. Knotts Library to keep your student progressing.
rate was the highest ever recorded. God
Stop by the Food Ranch Friday or Saturday and help us help all of us by bringing your kids.
designed it that way. The devastated area
The Newscaster
If you would like to volunteer or have questions about the program, please call Ruth at 352-
needed repopulation.
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Thank-you Ruth A Ruppert, Inglis 489-4588 Fax: (727) 362-4788way, after the Flood of Noah's day, the entire world had been
In the same
Phone: (352)
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbieonly those land creatures on the Ark survived. The entire Earth would have
destroyed; Russell, Editor:
Websites: · · · 8:17, we read of God
been very similar to the area around Mt. St. Helens. In Genesis
telling Noah and the animals to leave the Ark. It was God's will that these animals
would spread out around the world and refill the Earth. Yet, Noah waited 7 months
after landing before releasing the animals this is just one of the indications that the
flood of Noah was not a little local event the plants needed that long to grow so that
the animals could survive.
What we observe from natural disasters such as Mt. St. Helens is how rapidly
such a recovery process occurs. Today, Mt. St. Helens is not a monument to disaster,
but it is a monument to God's design of Earth's rapid recovery.
Bringout kind of creature that is with you the birds, the ani-
every living
mals, and all the creatures that move along the ground, so they can multiply on the
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
rsentd Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement
P e e by
Contact Bob at
Vehicle Crash - Continued from page 1
other vehicle theKia into was a black 2007 Chevrolet Surburban,
The crashed
byHwy. Messer,whoLakeHwy., whenthe left turn lane at the traffic light on N.
Amanda stopped in
and W. Gulf to
the blue Kia SUV driven by Kirschner
This is a photo of Jacob Clarke, Ruth A Ruppert and Pat"Readinginto the panel of her vehicle as it traveled between her Surburban
Tully at the Ranch" on Friday, crashed right rear quarter
any injuries. estimated $1,500 in damages.
The Surburban sustained an
June 24th... notice the `bling' on Jacob (it's a dollar sign... reading=knowledge=power=$= and the Jetta. Ms. Messer also carried three children as passengers, and none complained of
Letter from Sheriff McCallum:
The blue Kia SUV soon ended up in a ditch located at 903 E. Gulf to Lake Hwy.,
out of the Kia and headed into the woods. Deputies
RE uncontested re-election
where both Kirschner and Miller jumped
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Citizens of Levy County for the tremen- set were able to take the two into custody.
up a perimeter around the area and
dous show of confidence that they have extended to me as their Sheriff. I am honored to
According to the report, Kirschner told deputies that he didn't know what had hap-
end in thebeen asleep when Miller jumped into the vehicle, but
e Walmart, because he'd
have served as your Sheriff, the last three and a half years, and look forward to serving the p
"frantic" toldto
she was and him "just drive," and he was fearful that he would be shot by
next term.
I want to specifically thank my God, my family, my supporters and the more than deputies he
if stopped.
and the LevyCounty
volunteers at
150 dedicated men and women who serve as employees
was with resisting an officer without violence, reckless driving,
Kirschner charged
Sheriff's Office. The sworn and non-sworn membersLCSO who do the hard failing to remain at the scene of a crash with property damage, and fleeing or eluding a law
of are the ones
work to provide protection and service to the Citizens. it per
They provide 24 hours day, enforcement officer ($7,500 total bond). He was also issued citations for leaving the scene
7 days a week and 365 days a year. I am grateful for their dedication and service which is of a traffic crash, fleeing and eluding, reckless driving, and driving while license suspended
reflected in my re-election as sheriff without opposition.
or revoked unknowingly. The report stated that Kirschner's driver's license had been sus-
With the closing of the qualification period at noon today (Friday, June 25), another pended on March 5, 2013 for failure to pay court financial obligations.
chapter has been written in the history of Levy County. According to those who are sup-
Miller was charged with retail petit theft (value more than $100, but less than
posed to know, this is the first uncontested re-election of a Levy County Sheriff in modern $300) and resisting an officer without violence. Her total bond was set at $2,000. Miller told
history. I am both honored and humbled to be re-elected I pledge deputies that she'd switched price tags of items she'd purchased with items of lesser value
in that manner. In closing,
to continue to work to provide the best law enforcement, detention, communications, civil before paying for the items at the self checkout area. When she was confronted by the store's
and court services mappingservicespossibleto the citizenslossprevention officer, said, knew she was in trouble for switching the tags, so she
and 911 of of Levy County. she she
As your Sheriff, my door will continue to be open to provide assistance and service to our ditched the cart and fled the store. She said she ran towards the McDonalds and jumped into
citizens in any way possible. THANK YOU! Sheriff Bobby McCallum
the SUV with her friend (Kirschner).
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