PAGE 3 - June 18, 2008
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
Squawk Box
Gator Invades Neighborhood   - Continued from page 1
from page 1
3789lbs. of Jeep. When I ride the scooter, it is again 200lbs. of me and 209lbs. of scooter.
Harrisons, a squirrel had been running up and down a tree all afternoon, teasing Molski's two
I know what you're thinking, `but a scooter is dangerous, people will run you over and why
dogs, Doc and Ginger, and they had been barking at the squirrel's antics. They surmised that
aren't you already dead?" "yeah, that's it, I want some STEEL around me" or maybe `that's
the barking of the dogs had summoned the alligator from across the road, on the north side of
just crazy... me riding a scooter?" Well here are some more statistics that I didn't make up:
the highway. The Lyons had watched the alligator as it crossed Highway 40 into the drainage
In the United States mortality statistics started in 1999. In the year 2000, there were 4320
ditch in the right-of-way in front of Molski's property.
scooter related injuries and three deaths with 39% of these injuries according to children
Irregardless of the alligator's motive and intended destination, he was quickly cap-
under 15.
tured before anyone could ever find out, not far from where Molski's dogs were tied-out under
- In 2003, over 10,000 injuries were attributed to children under 15 and 69% of those were
a tree, and hauled away by Bass and Williams.
not wearing helmets or protective gear of any kind.
The Molski's recently had the property surveyed, in preparation for the installation
- In a recent 6-year period, approximately 50 people have died as a result of scooter
of a fence, so that the dogs can enjoy the property and also to discourage people from parking
accidents. Thirty six percent were from operator error, and in this 6-year study, 66% of all
vehicles on the property. As the property still sports the sign and parking lot, people often
injuries were suffered by children under 15. (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission)
temporarily abandon their vehicles there, erroneously assuming the property is still a vacant,
My scooter has a top speed of 30mph. Statistically, 80% of car crashes under the speed of
commercial property.
35mph are survivable. I don't need a motorcycle license (even though I have one), and I don't
The two trappers
need insurance because I have my own health insurance that covers me. I wear a helmet, drive
cover a six-county area, of
very defensively and carry the moderate things I pick up while out and about under the seat
which, they say, Alachua
or strapped to the back. I have a fantastic air conditioner, wonderful 100% open-air sunroof
County keeps them busiest. In
and absolutely no blind spots! Remember, I'm not talking about motorcycles; these statistics
the local area, the majority of
and economies are all about scooters. There are a few drawbacks to a scooter economy and
their calls come from the
next time I'll tell you about them.
Peaceful Acres and Robinson
Chiefland Man Held On $10k Bond
Ranch areas of Lk. Rousseau.
They average about one alli-
Chiefland_On June 16, 2008 Lloyd Aaron Roosa was arrested by Deputy Willie Barnes for
gator per day and have
aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest without violence.
trapped about 15 to 20, thus
At 3:08 A.M. the victim reported that her boyfriend, Lloyd Roosa went out the night before
far, in June.
to the bars in Fannings Springs. Upon returning home the victim stated the suspect went in
Williams trapped an-
the bedroom and retrieved a 22 caliber rifle and shot several times at her. The victim left the
other 7-foot-long alligator, a
residence but did not call law enforcement. The victim stated that she returned home in an
year ago, in the Moonlite Ba-
attempt to calm her boyfriend down. When the victim returned the suspect fired several more
sin of Lk. Rousseau that is lo-
times at her and she was able to retreat from the residence and call 9-1-1. From inside the
cated at the end of Molski's
Sandy Molski and T.J. Harrison watch as the trappers "wrap
residence the suspect fired multiple times shooting the front door and rounds exited the front
street, 136th Court, previously
up" the gator. Photo by Tom Russell
door and struck a parked vehicle in the front yard.
known as Easy Street. The al-
The victim stated that her boyfriend served in the military as an Army Ranger. The Levy
ligator had become a nui-
County Sheriff's Office S.W.A.T. was activated and cleared the residence and several sheds
sance, said Harrison, who contacted Williams after the alligator had started hanging out on
and barns on the property. Deputy Willie Barnes, a member of the Levy County Sheriff's
the banks the majority of the time, even when residents were nearby.
Office S.W.A.T. Team remained on the property and observed the suspect returned to the
e-mail your news to:
residence around 1:40 P.M. and he was arrested without incident. The rifle that was used in
the incident was recovered and the suspect is held at the Levy County jail on a $ 10,000 bond.
Crystal River
Hickory Island
car crash
Lighthouse Lounge
injures five
Five teenagers were injured in a one-car
28 Hwy. 19 South - Inglis - 447-2520
crash, around 4:12 a.m., June 12, at Fort Island
Trail in Crystal River. According to the Florida
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Highway Patrol, the driver, 19 year-old Travis
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Anthony McRee of Hernando, lost control of
the car he was driving, a 1993 Mercury, as he
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was negotiating a curve. The vehicle traveled
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onto the south shoulder of the road, side-
swiped a tree, struck a mailbox and approxi-
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mately three additional trees before overturn-
ing and coming to rest.
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Two of the passengers were ejected from
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the vehicle, 16-year-old Amber Branson and
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16-year-old Tiffany Beckman, both of Homo-
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sassa, who were both listed in critical condi-
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tion at the time of the accident. Branson was
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transported to Tampa General Hospital and
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Beckman was transported to Orlando Regional
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Medical Center. McRee (the driver) and two
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other passengers, Dustin Patrick Vitale Malloy,
18, and Jarred Joseph Zane, 18, both of
Beverly Hills, were all listed as in serious con-
dition at the time of the accident. Zane was
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transported to the Orlando Regional Medical
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Center, while McRee and Malloy were trans-
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ported to Tampa General Hospital.
The report stated that the accident
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was alcohol-related and none of the occu-
pants was wearing a seatbelt.