The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 12 - June 13, 2007
Alligator hunting permits go on sale
Psychic Faire
Sat.June 16
new buying process
Sun.June 17
Magical Senses
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser-
vation Commission (FWC) started selling more
Psychic Mediumship
than 4,500 alligator harvest permits on a first-
Phone Readings - Palmistry
come, first-served basis on June 12.
Tarot & Tea Leaf Readings
Daily Tarot Readings
The sale of alligator permits begins at 10 a.m.
Aura Photos & Past Life Drawings
(EDT) June 12 and will continue through 11:59
Foot & Body Massage
Phone Readings
p.m. (EDT) June 18. During this period, each
July 21
Come Join
person will be limited to one permit, which al-
All spiritual readers are
The Fun!
lows the take of two alligators. If there are any
Ordained Ministers
remaining permits available after this period, permit sales will reopen at 10 a.m. (EDT) June 19,
560 N. Citrus Ave. - Crystal River
and continue until all are sold.
Usual Hours: Tues. - Fri.
Applicants have the option of applying at any county tax collector's office, license agent
11am - 6:00pm
(retail outlet that sells hunting and fishing licenses), at or by calling toll-
Sat. 10-5
free 1-888-HUNT FLORIDA (486-8356) from anywhere in the United States or Canada.
Application instructions are online at MyFWC.To obtain a permit, applicants must submit
payment for an alligator trapping license and two alligator-hide validation tags, or provide
proof of a valid alligator trapping license (must be valid through Nov. 1) plus pay the fee for
the two hide-validation tags. No other hunting licenses are required.
The cost for a resident alligator trapping license and hide-validation tags is $271.50,
and non-residents pay $1,021.50. The cost for each additional alligator hunting permit (allow-
ing the take of two alligators) is $61.50 regardless of residency. All fees are nonrefundable. Any
hunter who takes an alligator must complete and send in an Alligator Harvest Report Form. The
information gathered from these forms enables FWC biologists to monitor alligator popula-
tion trends and impacts of the annual harvest.
An alligator trapping agent license is also available for $51.50, which allows the
license holder to assist a trapper in taking alligators, but only in the presence of the permitted
trapper. All persons seeking a harvest permit must be at least 18 years of age by Aug. 15.
The alligator hunting season will run 11 consecutive weeks from Aug. 15 through
Nov. 1. To educate participants on the rules and regulations of the hunts, the FWC offers a
no-cost, three-hour training and orientation program, which is held at locations throughout
the state. Permit recipients are not required to attend, but first-time participants are strongly
encouraged to do so. Courses will be offered in July and August, and permit holders will
receive, by mail, permit packages listing exact dates and locations. For more information on
Last week Inglis mayor Carolyn Risher and the staff of the Inglis Town Hall were visited by Marek Inglis
these exciting alligator hunts, visit and click on the FWC link.
Seely. Marek Inglis was born in Tampa on 4 May 2007 to Heather and Andy Seely, formerly of Palm Street
3 Fishermen Rescued Near Cedar Key
in Inglis. We're almost certain that he is the only child purposely named after the town.In the photo-
graph, Sandy Labmert, Sally McCranie, Darlene Slattery, and Marek Inglis Seely.Photo by Andy Seely.
Sturgeon collision injures Bell woman
It was the "Guardian" to the rescue once again Wednesday as the crew saved three
fishermen off the coast of Cedar Key. The men who were rescued were Kevin Ohmer, 40, and
A jumping sturgeon injured a woman Sunday while she was riding in a boat on the
Jason Burgos, 29, of Ohio, and Keith Adams, 68, of Kentucky. According to the Guardian's
Suwannee River near Rock Bluff.
captain, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FWC) Lt. Kenneth Mazzeo, he
Tara Spears, 32, of Bell, was a passenger in an 18-foot, 1983 Checkmate vessel,
and officers Frank Dimartino and Travis Hooker were on patrol in the 45-foot "Guardian,"
according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) officials. The boat
heading offshore in rough conditions when they received a faint mayday call over the VHF
was just north of Rock Bluff by the County Road 340 bridge, traveling at a moderate rate of
radio. "The information was vague and difficult to understand," Mazzeo said. "I called U.S.
speed. The jumping sturgeon collided with her, knocking her unconscious.
Coast Guard to confirm.
Spears was transported to North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville by
The St. Petersburg Coast Guard Station was able to replay the tape recording and get
Gilchrist County emergency medical services with non-life-threatening injuries.
a partial position." The FWC vessel was approximately 18 nautical miles from that location
and proceeded that way. "When we were about 10 nautical miles away, we heard that a `Good
Samaritan' vessel had assisted three men. "Apparently the men were fishing from their 21-
foot center-console boat when the vessel took on water over the transom and began to sink.
They were able to get only one radio transmission out," Mazzeo said.
The FWC crew arrived on scene and transferred the men to the "Guardian" for
transport and medical attention. "The `Good Samaritan' boat was the charter boat "Odys-
sey" and could only make 17 knots," Mazzeo said. "We were able to make 35 knots and were
Shannon Adams, Realtor7
preparing for a helicopter rescue for one of the victims who was in shock." Mazzeo was able
Bus:352-794-0888 Fax: 352-795-0282
to determine that Adams was suffering complications from diabetes. The man was given
Cell:352-220-9209 Res:352-447-1009
glucose and a candy bar. "When the helicopter arrived, the gentleman was feeling better and
Toll Free: 888-664-1951
declined the airlift. We transported the men to Cedar Key where emergency medical service
personnel were waiting," he said. "The men were fishing while drifting and were not at
anchor. The vessel's engine wasn't running and the boat took on too much water over the low
transom. The vessel is currently adrift and a notice to mariners was issued," Mazzeo said.
Todd Sumlin
Eat in
Plant Manager
or Take
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Swimming Pool & Cottages
Phone (352)447-2209
P.O. Box 519
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11 a.m. - 7p.m.
Fax (352)447-0218
Inglis, FL. 34449
649 Hwy 40 W. Inglis, FL.
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