US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday June 1, 2011
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Sally Price - Correspondent
Permit No. 14
Visit our website for the latest news:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
A Date With
With Doug Johnston
This  all  started
with an innocent comment I
made to my dear wife, Ka-
thie. It somehow came out
wrong and was blown out of
proportion. I will never hear
the end of it.
My wife is a fan of
Johnny Depp. She can tell you the movies
he has played in and even the TV series he
starred in when he was very young. With
this in mind it was a given that when the
new Pirates of The Caribbean movie was
announced to start in the theatres on this
month my dear wife asked me to accompa-
ny her to the first showing. As it turned out
we couldn’t go that week but I assured her
that we would go the following Sunday.
I happened to notice after we
made our plans that Penelope Cruz was
the leading lady in the movie. I told Ka-
thie that and she asked, “who is Penelope
Cruz”? I was surprised she didn’t know
U S Coast Guard Auxiliarist Bob Beck wears many hats and changes them often Most of those positions pertain to his love of the water and
who Penelope was and I immediately an-
keeping people safe who venture out on it. His business cards list some of those hats he wears. ( USCG Auxiliarist, USCG Academy Admissions
swered, “only the most beautiful actress
Partner, Commercial Fishing Vessel and Un-inspected Passenger Vessel Examiner, Asst. Pollution Investigator, Asst. Harbor Safety Specialist)
in the world. Second in looks only to you,
His traveling informational display is exceptional and professional in every way. He has the info and likes educating the public no matter where
my dear”, I quickly added. I knew that the
he sets up. Beck's educational mission is now dedicated to the Honor and Memory of former Crystal River High School and University of South
damage was done.
Florida football player Will Bleakley who's boating death (including two other football players) Feb 2009 will forever remind us to Boat Re-
It is okay for my wife to be ga-ga
sponsibly and Boat Safely. Showing that everything done wrong on this fishing trip that cost 3 lives will compensate in some small way for the
over a male movie star, but I’m not sup-
lives lost in educating boaters in the right way to boat. Newscaster photo by Sally Price
Fiery crash injures deputy
posed to notice when an actress is drop-
15  Year  Old
dead gorgeous. I heard Kathie on the
phone with one of her co-workers and then
with my daughter mocking my admiration
Charged  with
From Florida Higway Patrol
pass the Ford. The left front of the patrol
for the actress. “Your Father is taking me
A Levy County Sheriff’s Office
car struck the right side of the Ford. Due to
Deputy, Corporal Brian Christopher Marra,
Continued on page 8- Squawk Box
the collision, the patrol car redirected to a
36, of Dunnellon, sustained serious injuries
Man's Death at
southwesterly path of travel, while starting
in a two-vehicle fiery crash on an emergency
to rotate in a clockwise direction. The patrol
call around 10:10 p.m., May 26, on alternate
car traveled off the south side of road, strik-
Wood Products
Mud Bogg
U.S. Hwy. 27 in Bronson.
ing a concrete utility pole with its front. As
According to the Florida High-
a result of the collision, the patrol car caught
way Patrol, the investigating agency, and
Home - Industry - Marine
Continued on page 3 - Fiery Crash
From the Levy Co. Sheriff Dept.
the Levy County Sheriff’s Office, Corpo-
Saturday May 28,
ral Marra was responding to an emergency
Your plans or ours
2011 Levy deputies were
call in the Bronson area in a marked patrol
working a detail at the
car, a 2010 Ford Crown Victoria. As Marra
Horse Hole Mud Bogg at
entered the City of Bronson, traveling west
50 years experience
13210 SE Hwy 19 Inglis.
in the inside lane, a 1992 Ford 4-door car
Citizens notified the depu-
driven by Jeremy J. Mayes, 20, of Bronson,
Wood Products Division
ties and advised that a stab-
was ahead of the patrol car, also traveling
bing occurred in the mud pit.
west in the inside lane. As the patrol car ap-
Within minutes deputies ar-
proached the Ford from the rear, the Ford at-
Enviro Group of Florida, Inc.
rived on the scene and they
tempted to change lanes to the outside lane,
while the patrol car also attempted to move
Continued on page 3 - Mansalughter
into the outside travel lane, in an attempt to