PAGE 2 - May 9, 2012
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Citrus Resurfacing Projects Underway
Pet Patrol
A resurfacing project will be accomplished on some major roadways in the weeks
ahead throughout Citrus County. These roads include CR 491 from W. Noble St. to Grover
Cleveland Blvd., CR 495 from N. Turkey Oak Dr. to U.S. 19; and CR Road 581 (North)
from Grain Ct. to E. Banks Ct.
This project includes the milling up of the old surface and re-paving with new as-
phalt and new striping. The work on all three roads should be completed by Saturday, May
12, depending on inclement weather. Permanent striping will be done in 30 days.
Traffic will be reduced to one lane during construction. Some work may be done
at night to reduce traffic interruption.
This Project is co-funded with FDOT through the Small Community Outreach
Program (SCOP). FDOT is providing 75% funding and the County is providing 25% fund-
ing through the Gas Tax Program.
The contractor, D.A.B. Constructors Inc., of Inglis started the project on Monday
April 30 on CR 491. CR 581 will be next and they will finish with CR 495. For more infor-
mation, please contact the County Engineering Department at 352- 527- 5446.
Sugarmill Woods Road Closures
Motorists need to be aware of a road closure for two weeks in the Sugarmill Woods
Gracie is a beautiful 4 year old female
W Cypress Blvd. will be closed in-way-of Pine Dr. The road closure will start dur-
Malti-Poo. She rides well in the car, gets
“Midge is a beautiful purebred long haired,
ing the morning of Monday, May 7, 2012 and last through Friday, May 18, 2012.
along with other dogs and has a great dis-
dk. chestnut and tan, only 8 yo, 8 # Chihua-
A detour from W. Cypress Blvd onto Golfview Dr., Biscayne St. and Douglas St.
position. Gracie is very sweet but she is shy.
hua. After her owner passed, Midge was
will be clearly identified. Proper detour signs will be posted so motorists are aware of alter-
She needs a home with a lot of love and pa-
then sent to live with a family that was too
nate roads. You can also reference the attached map.
tience as she is rather skidish. She shakes
busy for her liking. Midge is a little darling,
The road closure is required to facilitate the installation of a gravity sewer line
a bit and will need time to get use to her
leash trained, house broken, crate trained,
from the existing lift station wet well currently located in the middle of the roadway of W
new family. Adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc. does
and is a lap dog. Can you find it in your
Cypress Blvd. at the intersection of Pine Dr., the modification of the top portion of the exist-
home visits prior to adoptions, therefore, we
heart to give this deserving little lady a sec-
ing wet well and repaving beyond the extents of the disturbed portion of the roadway.
can only adopt to the Citrus County and ad-
ond chance for the next 10 years or more of
For more information, call the Citrus County Water Resources Department at 352-
joining county areas. If you are within these
her life? A Humane Society of CENTRAL
areas, please, phone Adopt A Rescued Pet,
FLORIDA Pet Rescue, Inc. does home visits
Citrus Transportation Disadvantaged Board to meet May 17
leave your name, number, and pet’s name,
prior to adoptions, therefore, we only adopt
The Citrus County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board (TDCB)
for a return call from the foster mom, lat-
to the Citrus County and adjoining county
will meet on Thursday, May 17 at 10:30 a.m. in the Lecanto Government Building, Room
er, at 795.9550. All of our dogs have been
areas. If you are within these areas, see this
sterilized, tested negative for heart worm,
little dog and several others at our WEEKLY
On the agenda, the Board will discuss: Quarterly Statistics, Medicaid Update, and
on heart worm prevention, on flea preven-
SATURDAY Adoption Events.A Humane
the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) Update, along with other items on
tion, up to date on vaccines, wormed, ID
Society of Central Florida Pet Rescue, Inc.
the agenda.
chipped and vet checked. Checkwww.adop-
will have their weekly Saturday small dog
This Board is a policy making and consulting board. The Florida Commission for for our other pets and the
adoption this Saturday at the Pet Supermar-
the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) requires approval by the TDCB on many reports,
ADOPTION CALENDAR with locations,
ket, Inverness, from 10 - noon. There will
agreements, evaluations, etc. The TDCB assists in establishing standards as required by
dates and times. Come see the pets!
be 8 small dogs available for adoption.
CTD, advises transportation management with regard to operating practices, and recom-
mends changes to policy and practices. For more information, call 352-527-7630.
email news to:
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Pet Grooming
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