The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - May 27, 2009
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Yankeetown Mayor’s Report
A Guest Commentary by Dawn Clary
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - On April 27th, the Department of Community of Affairs
Letter of Thanks:
(DCA) published its intent to find our recently submitted Comp Plan amendment in compli-
To: Community from IPD Sgt. Swiggett
ance. Anyone then had a chance to file a challenge within 21 days or forever hold their peace.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and concern after the incident that
Izaak Walton Investors LLC has filed a challenge and petitioned the court for an administra-
occurred on the morning of May 21st. (Sgt. Swiggett was stabbed, numerous time, in the neck
tive hearing asserting that the DCA is wrong and the plan is not in compliance. Yankeetown,
with a "throwing star" weapon, while apprehending the suspect of a May 19 armed bank
along with the DCA, will now go before an Administrative Law Judge to hear the matter.
robbery in Atmore, Alabama.)
Many of IWI's assertions are similar to the same ones that were resolved with the DCA,
The letters and calls from the community, in times like this, help officers realize that
inadequate data regarding projected growth and infrastructure needed to support that growth,
they do not go unappreciated. I would like to especially thank Mr. Chuck for never allowing
and inadequate data showing projected revenues. These issues were resolved through reme-
me to go a day without a sincere "thank you" from him. Also Heather, for taking time out of her
dial changes agreed upon by the DCA in a stipulation agreement. Those changes were voted
day to come by the house and drop off some freshly baked cookies. My daughter thanks you
on and approved in the last election. IWI also claims internal inconsistencies and lack of
too, Heather. I would like to thank everyone who called or sent cards for me. The fact that I
compliance with other authoritative documents such as the Florida Administrative Code.
was in your thoughts means a lot.
Garbage - The council had its first meeting to rework the garbage ordinance. Specifically,
I think everyone should give those who responded, to help me and apprehend the
the exemptions from service are being revised for consistency. It has been recommended that
suspect, a "job well done." So, good job Levy Sheriff's Department, Citrus Sheriff's Depart-
the exemption from service for individuals who are absent for 3 months or more, be retained
ment, Coast Guard, Department of Corrections, Levy County Medic Unit 3, F.W.C., and of
and also add exemptions for individuals who have a commercial dumpster onsite or adjacent
course, my fellow officers at Inglis Police Department.
to their residence. Next meeting is Tuesday June 9th at 1:00 at the Lion's Club.
I am doing great and look forward to returning back to work this week. I'll see you all
Chambers Island - For those of you that were following or interested in the plan to pursue
around town.
Sgt. Tim Swiggett, Inglis Police Dept.
a grant through the Florida Conservation Trust to purchase Chambers Island, we have been
Dealing With “Postal Stress”
informed that there will be little money this year in the grant cycle. Lauren Day of the Alachua
Conservation Trust, who was writing the grant, was hopeful that things would be better next
Part II - A Guest Commentary by Sally Price
year but for this year the project will not go forward.
(Continued from the May 20 edition)
What We're Worth - Property Appraiser Osborn Barker sent out the estimated taxable
Instead of returning mail addressed to a street address, when the customer had a
values for the various taxing authorities in Levy County. Yankeetown is estimated at 78
post office box, we just used common sense and placed the mail in the customer's post office
million. This is a decrease from last years value by approximately 14% which is a sign of the
box. I always said I was in the delivery service not the return service. Sometimes I knew where
times. Interestingly, Inglis is also valued at 78 million. Cedar Key was the highest of the
to put a letter addressed "To Mom, Inglis FL 34449," for example, due to the name and address
municipalities at 175 million.
of the sender.
Special Thanx to the volunteers that helped Chris Fineout do such a good job on the
The postal service is now a big business, and as a town grows, the less you can do
Community Rating System (CRS) that the town was given a plague and a letter of commenda-
to meet the hours, which are usually cut, starting with the clerk positions, in order to save
tion from FEMA. The CRS is a program to help reduce loses both life and property, due to
money and meet the budget.
flooding. Chris felt he couldn't take ALL the credit for the honorable mention and wished to
As with many businesses there was a lot of waste at the top, which made saving $100
acknowledge the help of Marinus DeRijke, Richard Edmonston, Shirley Kubistek, Dick Henson
at the bottom look ridiculous. On audit teams, I saw many violations, and in certain offices was
and Pat Schwab. Get Well - Wishing a speedy recovery to Officer Swiggett and our apprecia-
told to mind my own business, as there were some "favorites" who could do no wrong. But
tion for his service in apprehending the bank robber who had fled to our area. Good Night and
you were always afraid you would be gone if you made an error. Pressures were always there,
Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
no matter what job you had, but a manager's temperament and way of handling incidents
Citrus Commission picks Brad Thorpe for administrator
determined whether or not the office flowed smoothly. Usually, an office with turmoil was
At their regular meeting on May 12, Citrus County Commissioners unanimously
always in turmoil.
voted to offer Citrus County Community Services Director Brad Thorpe the county
Not everyone in the Postal Service makes a great hourly wage, with benefits, as most
administrator’s job. Thorpe tentatively accepted the offer and will serve as Interim Adminis-
people think. Temporary or contracted people are used, in many instances, where a low bidder
trator until a contract is negotiated. Thorpe has served as the Community Services Director
gets the job. Rural carriers are salaried, with benefits protected by the union. Highway con-
for the county since January 2002. He previously served as a county commissioner for two
tractor carriers, who have to perform the same duties, like the Bronson carrier is who is under
consecutive terms, from to 1992 until 2000.
investigation, often get the job never realizing just how little they will clear after paying their
expenses and a substitute. They pay for their own vehicle maintenance and gas, and carry
additional insurance, yet they have no benefits, are responsible for the route 6 days a week
and often have to pay their substitute more than they make, themselves, to run the route in
their absence. In general, their income is low until they have been with the postal service for
a number of years and have applied for the few increases they can receive by renewing their
The new "Deliver by 5:00 p.m. Rule" has caused even more tension, carriers have
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told me. During my entire career, I only had contract carriers, as opposed to rural carriers, and
Crystal Terrace
Shopping Center • N.E. of Big Lots & Post Office
all of them gave their hearts to a job which paid very little. Contract carriers do an amazing job
445 N.E. 1st Terrace • Crystal River, Florida
for being a low bidder hire, off the street.
There are different ways of handling stress, and in the case of the Bronson carrier
being investigated, there needs to be a deeper look. I returned undelivered, bundled mail to
11 am - 2 pm & 5 - 9 pm
the Bronson Post Office, that I found in a garbage can at the Inglis car wash 7 or 8 years ago,
and attempted to notify postal inspectors about it, but could never get through to them. What
11 am - 2 pm & 5 - 10 pm
Yes ,
went wrong?
B eer We H a v
I am not defending any actions or blaming any person, but the Postal Service is a
Noon - 10 pm
nch r v e d
& W
stressfull job where public opinion is highly regarded, but job performance standards are set
in e!
Noon - 9 pm
by people who've never had to meet the goals themselves, yet reap the bonuses when under-
Dine-In or Take-Out - Call 352-795-5251
lings meet these (often unrealistic) goals. Sally Price is a retired as post master of the
Yankeetown office.
Shannon Adams,Realtor
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