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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Wednesday May 18, 2011
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Newscaster Publishing
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
We Need A Gunslinger
to Tame This Town
With Doug Johnston
Reading the News-
caster last week I was an-
gered and frustrated after
reading the article about a
drug bust in Morriston con-
ducted by the Levy County
Sheriffs Department and
Department of Drug En-
The deputies and agents con-
ducted a procedure called “knock and talk”
to engage the members of the household
then obtained and executed a search war-
rant. The woman who answered the door
claimed she couldn’t speak English and
when an interpreter was brought in she still
claimed she didn’t understand. A subse-
quent search of the residence turned up co-
caine, marijuana, firearms and over 5,000
rounds of ammunition and over $100,000
in cold, hard cash. The authorities still
don’t know who the principals are, but
they suspect they are illegal aliens.
Our good friends at the American
Civil Liberties Union would strenuously
The crystal clear headwaters of the Homosassa River are a natural attraction for boaters on all sorts of watercraft in this warm weather. Next
object to the way the agents and officers
door to the Ellie Schiller Homasassa Springs Wildlife State Park, this spot is also a gathering place for those lazy manatees who don’t venture
raided the house. They would argue that
out of the river as the Gulf temperatures rise. Meandering among the kayaks, canoes, pontoons, jet skis and larger boats, the stray manatees
the people who were apprehended gave no
still seem to look for a “close encounter of the human kind” which excites those humans who live for such an event. During National Safe Boat-
reason for the intrusion. Never mind that
ing Week take advantage of all the events sponsored by your U S Coast Guard Axillary and other boating groups. Newscaster/Sally Price Photo.
Man charged
they uncovered enough firearms and ammo
Couple Arrested on Charges Related
to overthrow the city of Williston and
with DUI
enough drugs to keep a small city in “la-la
to Strong Armed Robbery
land” for a year or two: Never mind that
the occupants of the home couldn’t speak
English (or any other earthly language, ap-
From Citrus County Sheriff's Dept.
pickup truck that was driven by Crhistine
Continued on page 5 - Squawk Box
after crash
A couple was arrested by the Citrus
M. McMahon, 29, 1405 Carl St., Inverness.
County Sheriff’s Office on charges related
McMahon drove the vehicle away, heading
to a strongarm robbery, May 15.
toward Wildwood.
According to the arrest reports, a
Jackson and McMahon were lo-
Wood Products
From FHP Report
20-year-old Inverness woman was in the
cated at McMahon’s Carl St. residence, just
A single-vehicle crash in citrus
parking lot of the Inverness Huddle House,
before 4:20 p.m. Both were taken into cus-
county on C.R. 48 (Istachatta Rd.) at 10:22
Home - Industry - Marine
located at 321 U.S. Hwy. 41 South, talk-
tody and handcuffed. Prior to leaving Mc-
p.m., May 12, resulted in the death of the
ing on her cellular telephone, when Rob-
Mahon’s residence for the Citrus County
passenger and the arrest of the driver. Ac-
ert Coleman Vincent Jackson, Jr., 20, 3180
Your plans or ours
Detention Facility. McMahon was asked by
cording to the Florida Highway Patrol,
N. Page Ave., Hernando, allegedly shoved
the arresting deputy if she’d like to take her
the driver, Steven. M. Dickson, 62, of In-
her to the ground, causing her to scratch
purse with her to the jail, and she replied
verness, was traveling east on County Road
50 years experience
her elbow, then snatched her purse and ran
that she would. The purse was searched, and
48 and swerved to avoid an animal that trav-
off with it. The victim and her 19 year-old
seven pills were found inside it, six of which
eled onto the roadway and lost control of the
friend chased Jackson to his vehicle. The
were controlled substances McMahon did
Wood Products Division
vehicle, a 2004 Chevrolet SSR. The vehicle
reports stated that Jackson allegedly pulled
not have a prescription for.
traveled onto the south shoulder of the road
out a small pocket knife, opened it, pointed
Jackson was charged with robbery
and overturned. Mr. Dickson and his pas-
Enviro Group of Florida, Inc.
it at the victim and threatened, “If you come
by sudden snatching, aggravated assault
senger, Deborah A. Dickson, 62, of Floral
any closer, I will stab you.” Jackson, alleg-
with a deadly weapon, and grand theft ($300
City, were both ejected from the vehicle. Mr.
edly, then got into the passenger side of a
Continued on page 3 - Strong Armed Robbery
Continuted on page 2 - Fatal Crash