PAGE 3 - May 17, 2017
The Newscaster-Nature Coast News
Area Police Beat
but less than $5,000). His bond was set at $7,000. Smith is accused of taking $646 in mer-
chandise from the Inverness Walmart and also of using a magnet key to remove the security
Jessica Nicole Busby, 32, 7847 W. Waldron Ct., Dunnellon, was arrested by the spider wrap from several Apple Television cable boxes. After Mr. Smith walked past all
Citrus County Sheriff's Office, May 8, on a Citrus County warrant for (felony) failure to ap- checkout areas, the store's loss prevention officer attempted to detain him, but he dropped
pear (on an original charge of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription). the bag containing the stolen items and ran through the parking lot. The deputy, already at
Her bond was set at none.
the store on another case, located Mr. Smith in the parking lot and took him into custody.
Garrett Thomas Combs, 19, Inverness, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's
Cleveland Braden White, 31, 7321 W. 7 Rivers Dr., Crystal River, was arrested
Office, May 8, charged with trafficking or endeavoring to traffic in stolen property, and by the Citrus County Sheriff's Office, May 10, charged with possession of a controlled
grand theft of $300 or more, but less than $5,000. His bond was set at $12,000. He was also substance (less than 0.1 gram methamphetamine) and possession of drug paraphernalia (a
arrested on a separate charge of violation of his Citrus County probation for grand theft, silver spoon). His bond was set at $3,000. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop on S.
burglary of an unoccupied structure, and dealing in stolen property (no bond).
Greengate Pt., Homosassa, for driving 41 mph in a 30 mph speed zone. The report stated
Nicholas Scott Genco, 38, Beverly Hills, was arrested by the Citrus County Sher- that Mr. White refused to allow a search of the vehicle, but it was searched after a K9 (ca-
iff's Office, May 8, charged with aggravated battery on a pregnant victim. His bond was set nine) made a positive alert on the vehicle. During the search, the items were found. White
at none.
was also issued a written warning for the speeding violation.
Alfred LaShawn Gordon, 25, Crystal River, who was already incarcerated at the
Heather Nicole Wilson, 29, 7120 N. Folger Ter., Dunnellon, was arrested by the
Citrus County Detention Facility on other charges, was additionally arrested by the Citrus Citrus County Sheriff's Office, May 10, on a fugitive from justice warrant from Waller
County Sheriff's Office, May 8, on a Citrus County warrant for penalties for violating a County, Texas for failure to appear (in court) on a charge of possession of a controlled sub-
protective injunction, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill. stance (no bond).
His bond was set at none.
Joseph Lawrence Kordecki, 41, Crystal River, was arrested by the Citrus County
Jonathan Rodgers Livesay, 29, Crystal River, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's Office, May 11, charged with felony domestic battery by strangulation (no bond).
The Newscaster
Sheriff's Office, May 8, charged with grand theft of $300 or more, but less than $5,000.
Mr. Kordecki was also arrested on a Citrus County warrant for failure to appear, on an origi-
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Jason Michael Nowacki, 39, Homosassa, was arrested by the Citrus County Sher- nal charge of driving while license suspended, second conviction (bond $2,000).
Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 362-4788
iff's Office, May 8, charged with (misdemeanor) violation of an injunction for protection
Larry Andy Meeks, 58, Inglis, was arrested by the Levy County Sheriff's Office,
against domestic violence. His bond was set at none.
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbie Russell, Editor: debbienewsc
May 11, charged with driving while license suspended or revoked, knowingly. His surety/
Alma Ann Cordero, 26, Homosassa, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's cash bond was set at $1,000.
Websites: · · · thehea
Office, May 9, charged with trafficking or endeavoring to traffic in stolen property ($5,000
Amber Gail Merced, 20, Inverness, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's
Office, May 11, charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of cannabis
Blaine Dre Mathuse, 20, 1257 S. Palm Ave., Homosassa, was arrested by the Citrus (less than 20 grams) and possession of drug paraphernalia. Her bond was set at $6,000.
County Sheriff's Office, May 9, on a Citrus County warrant for trafficking or endeavoring
to traffic in stolen property, and giving false verification of ownership or false identification
to a pawnbroker ($7,000 bond).
Tre Michael Nelson, 25, 5780 S. Bamma Dr., Homosassa, was arrested by the
Citrus County Sheriff's Office, May 9, charged with (felony) possession of a firearm by a
convicted felon ($10,000 bond). The report stated that the arrest took place at 6:25 pm on
S. Mason Creek Rd., Homosassa, during a traffic stop due to the vehicle having a cracked
windshield. A K9 made a positive alert on the vehicle, which was searched. Deputies found
a Jimenez 0.380 semi-automatic pistol under the center console near Mr. Nelson. Mr. Nel-
son told deputies that the firearm did not belong to him, and he had no idea how it got there.
Blake Cassidy Powell, 25, 7175 N. Pearl Pt., Hernando, was arrested by the Cit-
rus County Sheriff's Office, May 9, charged with theft of a truck ($2,000 bond). Powell is
accused of stealing a 1996 Nissam pickup truck, valued at $3,000, from the Cumberland
Farms gas station on N. Citrus Springs Blvd. in Dunnellon. The owner of the vehicle was
a witness to the incident. A short time later, the vehicle was located in a wooded area near
the intersection of Michelle Dr. and Eric Place in the Citrus Springs area of Dunnellon, ap-
proximately 2.5 miles from the location of the theft. The video surveillance, which had not
been viewed at the time of the incident, was to be submitted to the CCSO when it became
available. Mr. Powell was additionally arrested on a Citrus County warrant for failure to
appear, on an original charge of possession of drug paraphernalia (bond $2,000).
John Wayne Bell, 25, Dunnellon, was arrested by the Williston Police Department,
May 19, charged with possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture, sell or
This raoke
Ka Saturday
deliver; possession of a Schedule I controlled substance with intent to manufacture, sell or
deliver; possession of 4 grams to under 30 kilograms of an unspecified drug, and possession
Nov. 12th - 8pm
Sa rday
of drug paraphernalia. His surety cash bonds totaled $176,000.
he Newscaster
William Edward Coggins, 45, Inglis, was arrested by the Levy County Sheriff's
Hometown News for the Nature Coast
Office, May 10, charged with driving while license suspended, habitual offender. His sure-
8 pm.
rtising at Reasonwase Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
ty/cash bond abl set at $1,000.
5093 Swomen lwere,arrestedsassa,Citrusida 34446
Two . Orwe l Pt. Homo by the Flor County Sheriff's Office, May 10, charged
with vandalism of 52) 489-4588 Faxwomen) were-4788 Cheyann Pressley, 22, 6432
Phone: (3 a gray 2017 Kia. The : (727 362 Chasity
Email, Tom RLn., and PublisheCatherine Pressley,e32, Dr. 44, both of Crys-
W. Flanders ussell, Courtney r: thenewscast r1 8620 W. Mayo
Emtall, Debbie Russestated ithat:theebbienewscvandalismmailvisiting her boyfriend, who
ai River. The report ll, Ed tor d victim of the aster@g was .com
lives in the Mayo Dr. apartment complex, when the two women, in separate vehicles, began
Wild Bill
chasing him in the parking lot. While the two women were chasing her boyfriend, she said,
they struck her vehicle, damaging it.
Cody Clayton Smith, 32, Ocala, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's Of-
fice, May 10, charged with use of an anti-shoplifting device and grand theft ($300 or more,
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