PAGE 2 - May 16, 2012
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Citrus County BOCC votes to
Pet Patrol
join Medicaid unanimously during Tuesday’s board
The Board of County Commissioners voted
meeting to join the lawsuit, along with 55 other counties in the state of Florida, against the
Agency for Health Care Administration and the Department of Revenue for disputed medi-
cal billing. County Attorney Richard Wesch gave the BOCC a presentation about whether
the county should join the Florida Association of Counties in this lawsuit and the options
that go along with it. It will cost the county $3,500 to join the lawsuit. Under a new law, the
two state agencies will require all 67 Florida counties to pay about $325.5M for what the
state calls backlog medical bills for low-income and disabled patients.
Currently, the County pays for a portion of Medicaid costs for hospitalization and
nursing home beds for County residents. Unfortunately, due to the ‘new’ Medicaid billing
system many counties, including Citrus, have been billed incorrectly, double billed or had
other errors in establishing proof of residency. County leaders say the county staff did its
due diligence in keeping billing paperwork up to date and following established state pro-
“Jeri, a gorgeous 4 yo n.m. Doberman Pin-
scher is in need of an experienced Dober-
Amy Engelken, Assistant Community Services Director, spoke to the Board and
man owner. His parents left him to find his
explained the specifics of why the counties dispute the bills. She explained many of the
own home and we rescued him from a coun-
bills that date back to 2001, have already been paid or lacked an appropriate address to
ty shelter, to find another owner who will
prove the patient lived in the county.
Hope is one our newest rescues. She is a 4
be good to him and love him forever. If you
For Citrus County, the bill keeps adding up. The County is given a bill at the end
year old beautiful Maltese and weighs 8.5
have had a Doberman previously or current-
of each month citing a new amount. Right now, the bill stands at $1.1M. Amy Engelken
pounds. She is very sweet natured but shy
ly, and would offer Jeri your heart, he will
reassured the board her and her staff were going through the bills as thoroughly as possible,
so it will take someone with patience to give
be devoted and cherish you in return. Some
and have already identified $450,000 in disputed bills.
her time to adjust to a new home. Adopt A
of our Dobie kids have not had good homes
Wesch says the County is doing what it can to check these bills and make sure
Rescued Pet, Inc. does home visits prior
and lives, so may need extra understand-
they are accurate. “We are perfectly willing to pay what we owe under existing law. Our
to adoptions, therefore, we can only adopt
ing and guidance through their re-homing.
problem comes when the state starts withholding the County’s tax revenue share for these
to the Citrus County and adjoining county
Our Doberman Pinscher foster group, of
error-ridden bills.”
areas. If you are within these areas, please,
AHSCFPRInc, is in desperate need of fos-
ACHA (Agency for Healthcare Administration) will meet with County staff some-
phone Adopt A Rescued Pet, leave your
ters and Dobie homes, since we are cur-
time in May and will go over some of the disputed bills. ACHA has until August 1 to issue
name, number, and pet’s name, for a return
rently over-run with 4 Dobies of various
the county a final owed amount. The County then has 30 days to challenge an action.
call from the foster mom, later, at 795.9550.
ages and sex, and 2 great Danes that have
All of our dogs have been sterilized, tested
suddenly become homeless in various parts
negative for heart worm, on heart worm
of our county and state. Visitwww.DobieR-
prevention, on flea prevention, up to date to see more available Do-
on vaccines, wormed, ID chipped and vet
bies, etc. and phone Diane at 352.302.9251.
checked. Check www.adoptarescuedpet.
For small dog adoption, attend A Humane
com for our other pets and the ADOPTION
Society of Central Florida Pet Rescue, Inc’s
CALENDAR with locations, dates and
Saturday Adoption Event at Pet Supermar-
times. Come see the pets!
ket, Inverness, 10-1 PM.
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The Friends of the Community Center presented Pat Coles, Operations Supervisor a check in
the amount of $4,213.62 from the proceeds of the Circle of Friends Gift Shop for the Home
Delivered Meals Program to provide meals to the elderly of Citrus County. Pictured from left
Includes total gas system check, light all pilots & check all gas appliances. Limited time plus 1 yr. signed contract.
CALL TODAY! 352-793-1982
to right: Front Row: Friends of the Community Center, Secretary Pat Price, Board Member,
Mildred Hicks, Operations Supervisor, Pat Coles, Treasurer, Barbara Harmon, Vice President,
Your Hometown Propane Company
Sarah O’Connor and President, Nancy Oliveri. Back Row: Commissioner, Dennis Damato, Com-
Family Owned & Operated
missioner, John J.J. Kenney, Commissioner, Rebecca Bays, Commissioner, Joe Meek, and Com-
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 5pm
mission Chairman, Winn Webb.
FAX 352-793-1918
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Pet Grooming
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