The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - May 14, 2014
"Searching for the Truth"
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Animals From Noah's Ark Went Where?
Letter to the Editor:
How did animals spread
Re: Yankeetown Property Owners
across the world after they left No-
ah's Ark? How did the kangaroos
If you are a property owner in the Town of Yankeetown I advise that you start pay-
get from the Middle East to Austra-
ing attention. The council meeting on May 5th three topics came up as agenda items and or
lia? The silly answer would be that
they hopped. But really, how did
they get to Australia? Isn't there a
These items include Chapter 21 revisions of the Land Use code, Zoning officials
lot of water between Asia and Aus-
lack of desire to enforce zoning codes and violations and street paving
After the Flood, the ani-
Land Use changes for Mixed Use designated property which there is one. It ap-
mals left Noah's Ark, spreading out
pears either the P&Z or the Chairman of the P& Z have taken it upon themselves to possible
and filling the Earth. Flying crea-
look at minimizing the current Land Use for this one parcel or removing it from the Land
tures could fly, but what about those
Use category it currently is listed as . They have been tinkering for months with Chapter 21
that walked? Many could have floated on vast floating log debris left over from the
which is the Land Use Chapter for the town. There was no request by anyone in the town
Flood. Others could have been taken by people. One study has suggested that Austra-
to make changes , why is the P& Z considering this. This is disturbing and in my opinion
lian dingoes descended from a single female domesticated dog from Southeast Asia.
this is nothing more than tightening the screws so no development or development improve-
A third possible explanation is that animals could have crossed on land bridges. One
ments in the Town will ever occur.
land bridge from Asia to the Americas is over the Bering Straits. For such land bridges
The zoning official prefers to not do code enforcement, the Vice Mayor states "I am
to exist, we would need the sea levels to be much lower. After the Flood, during the
not a stickler on code enforcement". The Vice Mayor's solution get someone else to do the
Ice Age, enormous amounts of water from the oceans would have been locked up in
Code Enforcement. What, you hired a zoning official and this was part of the job descrip-
the great ice sheets. This would then lower the sea levels around the world, creating
tion, Vice Mayor you took the office to uphold the ordinances of the town. No corrective
land bridges. It is currently believed ocean levels were 200 300 feet lower during
counseling, warnings for an employee to do the job and solution the Vice Mayor brings is
the Ice Age exposing much more land above sea level.1
lets hire another person. To be continued.
England would have been connected to Europe. Evidence bears this out be-
Jack Schofield, Yankeetown
cause we find the remains of many Ice Age animals, such as the reindeer and hip-
popotamus, in southern England. A land bridge from Asia to Australia would have
Letter to the Editor:
developed, allowing animals to migrate to Australia. When we view the world from
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, FL 34446
the biblical perspective, there was a catastrophic worldwide flood that caused the one
Att: Inglis Citizens
Phone: Ice Age. This would have locked up great quantities of water on land, causing
and only (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 447-5788
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Email, Tomsea level to drop and creating land bridges for animals and people to fill the Earth
the Russell, Pulisher:
Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 362-4788
I'm in a "Confused Inglis State of Mind". Let me be very specific as to howmail, Debbie as God commanded.
E re-
just Russell, Editor:
mail, Tom Russell, Publisher:
corded meeting minutes are managed or manipulated by The Town of Inglis. During Jan-
ail, Debbie I questioned why the current Ad valorem and ebsites: taxes were out of balance · · · thehealthcaste
Russell, Editor:
Then God spoke to Noah, saying, "Go out of the ark... Bring out with you
m · · ·Clerk corrected ientriesat Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
Advert sing
with the prior months? Many emails and months later the Town
every living thing of all flesh that is with you: birds and cattle and
from the accountant and posted same in April. Why did the Town Clerk not know about
every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, so that they may
the discrepancies? In the Minutes for the April meeting Sally McCranie says the February
abound on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth."
Financial statements are correct but she missed one important fact,
they had to be corrected
- Genesis 8:15-17 (NKJV)
for three consecutive months. Please note: "The February Financials" were not approved by
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
the Commission.
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
In December we paid the Sheriff a total of $46,000 for December and January. So
we overpaid by $23,000 in December and the excuse is, "It was the holidays". Now get this,
The Town Clerk having already paid January in December now pays February in January.
Another $23,000 not ·byTown awhopping
caught the · Clerk. That's $46,000 Cash Advance
to the
above, revealed everyonewas using the same pass-
The emails mentioned also that
word to log into the accounting system, both employees and accountants. So who did what
and when has always been an issue for all these many years. Sherri Ely corrected same in
March, but you have to question where the control mechanisms are?
of need new Deputy Town Clerk because they want
The Town Inglis claims they a
T O O Is that R
R Y to have Nbackup plan D ESally McCranie.R D E the realreason to go over budget or is
T H I a G M A for
Kesterson wanted to add more
therea performance issue?thelast
At meeting Commissioner
hours to an office budget. Our Mayor, Glenda Kirkland certainly knows budget of
our is out
control. You would think?
amtryingtoaStateof Mind".
I have "Balanced Inglis
William A. Monteverde, Inglis
TheYankeetown/Inglis Fiction Writers Critique Group meets Tuesday evenings at
6:30 PM at the Yankeetown/Inglis Woman's Club. We would like to invite anyone writing
fiction to join our group. If interested, please contact Lynn Sholes at Lynnsholes@gmail.
com or call 352-447-2279.
5:24 PM
Hey Deb...
Sorry I'm so late but have been very busy.
Add to our usual happy hour and that stuff.
Steak Dinner Sunday May 18th.
1 pm. to 3pm. $10.00 per person.
Advance Tickets Only!