The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - May 14, 2008
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
The School Board of Levy County will hold a Public Hearing at its office, 480 Marshburn
Drive, Bronson, Florida, on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. to adopt/amend the
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
following School Board Policies:
Yankeetown sent a contingency to the Department of Community Affairs on Friday
Photocopying of Public Records
for a meeting concerning our recent Comprehensive Plan amendment submittal. The group
School Volunteers
hoped to get information on how to work out problems that the DCA had cited with the
Records Retention and Disposal
submittal so that we can correct our plan. Our Assistant Town Attorney Ralf Brookes, Zoning
Official Chris Fineout, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Larry Cohan and Financial
Student Assignment
Liaison Councilman Norm Shannahan went to Tallahassee to meet with the DCA. The group
Terminal Sick Pay
discussed additional information and remedial action suggestions. Apparently the DCA was
Telephone Calls, Electronic Communications and Facsimiles
happy with the meeting as Assistant General Counsel Leslie E. Bryson of the DCA sent us this
statement after the meeting "Just wanted to let you all know that we were extremely impressed
Persons having questions concerning the proposed adoptions/amendments should con-
by Yankeetown today. You all have really shown an understanding of planning principles,
tact Jeff Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Administration and Support Services, Bronson,
and we sincerely appreciate your hard work and willingness to work with us". We now have
Florida, at (352) 486-5231. Copies of the proposed changes may be obtained, at cost, from
a plan of action to proceed. A remedial amendment will be completed which will add the
the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 480 Marshburn Drive, Bronson, Florida.
needed information and correct the deficiencies. A public hearing is scheduled for the reme-
dial amendment on May 20th at the Lion's Club.
Published 5-14-08
I would like to clarify some comments made by the town's accountant in an article
printed in the Newscaster last week concerning the requirements for Yankeetown's Volunteer
Yankeetown Public Notice
Fire Department. The number of training hours required to be a volunteer have gone up over
the years. When I first moved to Yankeetown, almost 20 years ago, my then future husband
A public hearing is scheduled for the remedial amendment to
was a recent recruit for the department and had completed a 40 hour training course which
the Yankeetown Comprehensive Plan
was all that was required for volunteer firefighters at the time. Several years ago, by 2005, the
basic training requirement went up to 160 hours. The 160 hour training requirement is not
on Tuesday May 20th at the I-Y Lion's Club, 22 59th St.
new. The town has not had a financial burden to date because of this requirement. Per
Yankeetown at 7 p.m.
Yankeetown's Fire Chief, Paul Shearer, a class is started Monday night which will be at no cost
to the town. Chief Shearer also pointed out that our fire department now has a State Certified
This space provided as a public service by Newscaster Publishing
Instructor as a member. Larger communities may have other costs but Yankeetown does not
Letter to the Editor:
predict a financial burden due to the 160 hour requirement at this time. The Fire Department
Re: I love Inglis and consider this little town my home.
is always looking for new members so if you would like to really do some community service
I have felt my children are safe here until recently. Now my son gets stalked and
for your town and are interested in joining the Fire Department please contact Fire Chief
harassed every time he leaves my yard, Goes to School or attends church. I cannot under-
stand how parents can teach their children to be mean and nasty and to threaten other
On a final note, I have to say that I was so saddened by the outcome of the Kentucky
children with bodily harm. It is bad when kids fight and one kid threatens another.
Derby. The second place finisher broke its front ankles and was euthanized while still on the
But when an adult threatens a defenseless child now that is just plain stupid. Kids
track. I would like to pay tribute to a great animal. To the memory of Eight Belles. Good Night
get into little spats all the time growing up that is a part of life, one week they are friends and
and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
Sheriff Dept. Investigates
one week they are not. It's a part of life we just learn to live with. Adults don't threaten children
because their kids are so mean and nasty no one wants to play with them. I beg you to stop
and look at how you are raising them. You call us the abnormal family...stop and look at your
Break In at Water Plant
family , beat around your own bush. All Iam doing is trying to raise my children with some
respect and dignity and to be good to other people, and so far I have done just that. I'm not
Friday morning about 7 AM RJ Fickel, Yankee-
saying me or my kids are perfect we have our faults right along with everyone else. But
town maintenance worker, checked in at the Yankeetown
enough is enough we can't take it any more.
water plant as usual. RJ said about 10 AM he moved his
We can't even get help from law enforcement because you people are so good at
personal vehicle under the shade of a tree in the SW sec-
working the system you know just how far to push it to stay out of trouble. So to everyone out
tion of the property. At this point he said he noticed the
there I am not the only one who is being harassed by these people. I don't even have to name
side panel open on Paul Shearer's town truck and then
names so it's about time we start standing up for ourselves. Parents beware sometimes in a
spotted the chain link fence cut. RJ said he made a call
small town your children are not safe so keep a close eye on them. You never know what kind
immediately and reported the break-in to town hall and
of person lives next door. And one last note Tim Bible is a great guy, will all of you please quit
the Levy County Sheriff's Office. Sgt. Tony (Bubba)
picking on him.
Thanks, Tanya Berecz, Inglis
Colburn responded, followed by LCSO spokesperson Scott
Tummonds and LCSO Crime Scene/Forensics Chad Gor-
Father's Day Gifts At The Library
Children ages 7 to 10 are invited to attend this free event to create a one of a kind gift for
Hand tools from both town trucks including a
dad. Children will be able to create a picture frame and will be given a canvas bag to take it
chain saw were reported missing. Two wheel barrows on
home in. For more details contact your local library or Jenny Rodgers, Youth Services Coor-
the property had been used to haul the items taken through
dinator, 352-486-5552. A.F. Knotts Public Library,May 28 2008,5:00pm.
the cut fence and to a truck that had been backed down to
South Levy Little League Fund Raiser
the fence and out of sight of Hwy 40. Also reported taken
South Levy Little League is holding a Cookie Dough Fundraiser. All orders along
from the back of the property were several rolls of insu-
with payment, must be turned in no later than Friday, May 16, 2008, to Wendy DeGennaro at
lated copper. Crime scene investigator Gordon searched
the Little League field. Please help the Little League raise money for new playground
and LCSO Crime Scene/Forensics
the scene and made plaster casts of the truck tire tracks.
equipment. If you don't know any of the players, just drop by the field and there is usually
Chad Gordon, go over the crime scene
The fence was secured and the incident will continue un-
someone there to take your order. Or call 447-5525 and leave a message
at the Yankeetown water plant.
der investigation.
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