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# CB-CA15418
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Yankeetown, FL
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Wednesday May 9, 2007
A Publication of
Permit No. 4
Sally Price - Correspondent
Newscaster Publishing
Have a Safe & Happy Mother's Day
Hometown News for the Nature Coast
 Squawk Box    Homosassa
With Doug Johnston
Common sense aint so
charged with
common anymore
I sometimes think that
good old â·oehorse senseâ·· is
becoming a lost characteristic
among the general population
of Americans.
I know some really bright young
A 56 year-old
people who can do magic on a computer, but
Homosassa woman was ar-
who cannot give you change for a quarter.
rested by the Citrus
The same youngsters who can figure compli-
County Sheriff's Office,
cated mathematical problems and decipher
May 3, on a charge of DUI
all sorts of scientific and technical jargon
manslaughter related to an
very often don't have sense enough to pour
incident that happened on
rainwater out of a boot.
Citrus county Deputy Brett Tackett and K-9 Officer Priest greeting a few of the hundreds of kids and
Dec. 23. According to re-
I don't limit this malady to young
parents who turned out for the Sheriff's Summer Safety Day last Saturday at the Citrus County
ports, Debra P. Hill had de-
Americans. What about the guy who sued
Fairgrounds. Including these officers, there was also a safe house exhibit, child DNA and fingerprint-
Debra Hill
livered holiday food to
McDonalds for millions because he spilled
ing, a silent auction, a boating safely booth, and a host of other activities aimed at keeping kids out
the home of friends.
coffee that he purchased at the drive-through
of harms way--Newscaster Photo by Mike Moore
As she was leaving the residence,
window in his lap and in the process was
Inglis Police arrest man for
Hill reportedly backed her SUV into a tree,
burned? That tells me that the coffee buyer
then placed the vehicle into drive while ac-
didn't have common sense; the lawyer who
celerating and hit the steps of the porch. The
represented him had even less common sense
attempted murder of a fetus
car then became airborne and crashed into
and the prosecutor who let the case reach a
the home of her friends. Judith Ford, 65, a
courtroom had the least common sense of all.
visitor at the residence from Michigan, was
Doesn't everyone know that hot coffee, like
On May 4, the Inglis Police
standing near the door and became pinned
hot cocoa or hot water can burn. Most folks
Department was notified of a domes-
between two walls.
have sense enough to use due care when driv-
tic violence situation at the Inglis
Continued on page 3 - Dui Charge
ing with a cup of hot java. But I guess it is
Realty Apartments on Hwy. 40W.
easier for some people to blame someone else
Candidates Line Up
Police Chief Bible and Sgt. Roberts
for their mistakes.
spoke with the victim who stated that
Common sense would lead people
her husband, 47 year-old Benjamin
to Fill Vacancies
who try to out-run police officers in car chases
Belle, Jr., had continuously battered
to just stop and face the music. But every
her the previous night by striking her
Two area councilwomen resigned, last
day we hear about people who try and flee a
in the head and punching her in the
week, to run for the Florida House of Repre-
Continued on page 3- Squawk Box
stomach area.
sentatives District 43 seat which was left va-
The victim, who is in her
cant by Charlie Dean, R-Inverness, who re-
sixth month of pregnancy, told the
signed to run for the State Senate District 3
officers that her husband had said
seat. The Senate seat was vacated when Sena-
that he did not want her to have the
tor Nancy Argenziano, R-Dunnellon was ap-
baby. According to the police, the Inglis police with Levy Co. sheriff backup make an arrest at
pointed to the Florida Public Service Com-
victim appeared to be very timid and the Inglis Realty apartment.Newscaster Photo by Sally Price
mission by Gov. Crist. District 43 covers all
frightened when the officers attempted to  Belle admitted to knowing his wife was preg-
of Citrus County and parts of Hernando and
check her injuries, and she placed her hands  nant, but denied striking her, saying he had
Levy counties. Crystal River Councilwoman
Adopt A Pet
over her face and head, as though she were  only yelled at her. Belle was placed under
Susan M. Kirk, a Republican, submitted her
about to be struck.
arrest on charges of attempted murder of an
resignation, effective on June 26. Inverness
The police department stated that  unborn child and felony domestic battery.
 See page 2
City Council President Sophia Diaz-Fonseca
both officers observed signs of abuse from  During his arrest, Belle attempted to resist
(Democrat) resigned, effective May 14, the
the victim. During his interview by police,  officers, but he was quickly restrained.
Continued on page 3 - Candidates line up