The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - April 9, 2014
Inglis Loses a Dear Friend
"Searching for the Truth"
Betty Berger passes away at her home
Man's Word vs God's Word
Sarah (Betty) Berger, a tiny woman with alert, sparkling eyes
The belief in an old Earth is like rat poison. It is
By Deborah Russell
and the ability to fill a room with her presence, died at her Inglis
99.9% harmless, attractive and filling. Yet the 0.1% poi-
Newscaster Editor
home on Saturday, April 5, at the age of 96. Betty was born Janu-
son ultimately kills. The old Earth position will always
ary 29, 1919. She was preceded in death by her husband of 57
be attractive because it agrees with what is commonly
years Orval (Red) Berger. The couple moved to Inglis in 1957 when Red retired from the
taught in schools, museums, and media. If millions of
Coast Guard.
years are reality, then the fossils in the rock layers tes-
During her life, Betty excelled at many challenges and cherished her adventures.
tify to a Creator who made death, disease, and blood-
She was intelligent, unique, true to her core values and an excellent role model.
shed from the very beginning of creation long before
Betty started work at the old,
mankind sinned. Every time someone accepts billions
long gone Florida Power, Inglis Steam
of years of Earth history, they are making God the author
Plant and retired from the Florida Power,
and cause of death, disease, extinction, and bloodshed.
Crystal River Power Plant in 1966, but re-
If a person remains logical and follows this belief to its
tirement did not slow Betty down. She was
natural conclusion, it will ultimately destroy the belief in
the published author of two books, "Back
the Word of God, the reality of biblical history.
Roads" and "Heaven to Earth," a newspa-
An old Earth is the absolute non-negotiable core
per columnist, area historian, former Inglis
of evolutionism. Evolutionists will give up everything except ancient ages because it
Town Commissioner (twice) and talented
was the promotion of enormous time periods that started evolutionary thought. Millions
artist of local scenes. She penned many ar-
of years are the foundation upon which their entire belief system rests. Evolutionary
ticles for The Newscaster over the years,
thought is out to destroy the belief in God's Word, similar to how Satan cast doubt on
and was not shy about criticizing the town
God's trustworthiness in the Garden of Eden, "Did God really say...?" (Genesis 3:1b)
In the name of trying to make the Bible more credible to the world, old-Earth
commission with a letter to the editor. Bet-
creation believers ultimately destroy its credibility. Many old-Earth creationists are our
ty's belief was "you only lose if you quit."
brothers in Christ, and we must treat them with respect even though they are seriously
She was a well-informed environmental
wrong on this issue. But they are doing far more damage than good by holding onto an
activist who loved the earth and blessed
ancient Earth fallacy. Ultimately, those who have accepted the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus
it during traditional Native American cer-
Christ for their sins will be in heaven. But, I would not like to be in their place as they
emonies. She was loving to her family and Betty Berger with her award winning painting "Hurricane"
stand before their Maker and try to explain why they discarded the Lord's clear, straight-
friends, found humor in life and enjoyed
forward statements in Scripture, accepted the fallible ever-changing opinions of man, and
traveling. She was a friend of the late Dessie Smith Prescott and a fellow-pioneer of Flori-
then, taught others to do the same. If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe
da's wilder past. She was also an inductee into the Florida Women's Hall of Fame.
in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446 his wife, Carla, and three grandchil-
She is survived by a son, Darrel Berger, and
to be drowned in the depths of the sea. - Matthew 18:6 (NIV)
dren, Ruben Berger, Lance Berger and Layla Berger LaLiberte. She will be sorely missed
Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 362-4788
by many.
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
mail, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
ail, Debbie Russell, Editor: the world with her. Her en-
Close friend Patricia Kittleman said, "I have traveled
ergy and seeking far exceeded all 20 years younger and more. A privilege it has been to
m · · · insurance requirements for all Solid Waste Haulers conducting business in Levy County. The
share this life with the one and only Betty Berger."
goal is to encourage a cleaner environment in conjunction with sufficient funding for recycling,
From Inglis Town Hall
and better utilization of the recently upgraded Levy County Waste Disposal Facility.
I was also able to spend a few minutes with `Waste Pro', who is our current Inglis' Waste
Collection hauler, about possible options for improving service and/or our costs, when we even-
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our
tually negotiate or decide on a future contract.
Mayor Glenda Kirkland
Town's local businesses that chose to participate in Satur-
day's (04-05-14) Blood Drive for Life South, by allowing
Commissioner Stephen Smalldridge to place posters in
their windows, also, Commissioner
thank you Smalldridge
for orchestrating·special ·inas
this event. A thanks is order
well, for Bobbalus Deli (inside of the Shell Station), NAPA
Auto Parts, and Burgers & More. These local businesses
graciouslydonated certificatesthatservedgreatly
gift as an
encouragement toward a local raffle for our Town's people
that chose to donate blood. Another special thanks is owed to
onlm courtesy we life savingfrom theThe profes-
Food Ranch for hosting this
a is and encountered project. Life South
R Y Staff, particularlyM A D Shramek,O second toDnone, and
E T is O R E R
wegreatlyto doing inthe future.
look forward this again
Perhaps the largest amount of gratitude belongs to all of you,
the citizens of our Town that took time out of your schedules
toblood.Duetoselflessgenerosity South
donate your Life
surpassedthe necessarygoal ensure that they
to qualify and
areable returntohasthethepotentially save 63 lives, WELL DONE....sincere thanks!!
donations which abilitytonear There were
to our Town in future.
anothernote,I County meeting in Bronson last week regarding the
On attended a Levy
Solid Waste Haulers that are doing business in Levy County. After many years, Levy County is
Levy County Clerk of Court Danny Shipp swears in the newly elected Inglis Commisson at the
now in the final stages of passing an ordinance that will create a "Solid Waste Collection Service
April 1, 2014 special meeting. Takng the Oath of Office are Commissioners Stephen Small-
Regulatory System". Among other things, this lengthy ordinance will mandate new licensing and
dridge, Andrew White, Ann Morin and Steve Kesterson. Photo by Sally Price.