US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday April 6, 2016
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Please visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
LCDPS Community
Training Program
Learn hands-only CPR, First
Aid Basics, Proper Fire Extin-
guisher Techniques and more!
Levy County Public
Safety Complex, 1251 NE
Bronson, Florida
32621. 6:00pm April 13,
Call 352-486-5209 or
email sseverance@levydps.
com for more information.
Register For Fire Training
Class Now
The registration deadline for
Homicide Victim Identified - (Dunnellon) Detectives have identified the man who was found deceased in his home on Friday. Deputies re-
fire/rescue training with the Citrus
sponded to 6662 Candier Ct., yesterday morning and discovered Don Terryl Plumeri, 71, dead due to extensive upper body trauma. Next of
County Sheriff s Office is April 14.
kin has been notified. ID/evidence technicians have been meticulously processing the scene and major crimes detectives are conducting their
Tuition is $140. Enrollment is twenty
investigation. Plumeri, who rented the home, had lived in the rural area for many years. Do you have any information regarding what hap-
students for "Private Fire Protection
pened to Mr. Plumeri? If so, detectives are asking for your help. Please call 911 or, to remain anonymous and be eligible to receive up to a
Systems I."
$3,000 cash reward, call Crime Stoppers of Citrus County at 1-888-ANY-TIPS. CCSO Photo.
Reckless Driver Dunnellon homicide may be linked
Classes will run 8:30 am - 7:30
pm, April 18 -21 at the Fire Training
Center located at 1300 S. Lecanto Hwy,
Stopped by
to numerous daytime burglaries
in Lecanto. The program is a study of
private fire protection and detection
systems, such as sprinkler and stand-
LCSO on US-19
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
pipe systems, chemical extinguishing
systems, and detection systems and de-
Nabbing these suspects is a top pri-
Detectives with the Citrus County
ority for area sheriff s departments, and they
Sheriff s Office are working around the
From The Levy County Sheriff Dept.
Each system is discussed as
are working closely together to solve these
clock to process evidence, conduct inter-
About 11:30 pm, March 31, the
to its need, construction, or preventive
crimes. Citrus County has experienced 12 of
views and develop a suspect or suspects in
Levy County Sheriff s Office 911 Center
maintenance and individual uses. The
these break-ins, in both residential and rural
the death of 71 year-old Don Terryl Plumeri,
received several calls reporting a reckless
class is Part of Fire Inspector I and Fire
areas, while Levy county has reported 8. See
who was found murdered in his 6662 Can-
driver in a green Ford Mustang on State
Officer 1 series.
maps provided by the sheriff s departments
dier Ct., Dunnellon home, April 1, when
Road 121. Deputy Ryan Sullivan located the
For more infomation or to reg-
in those counties.
deputies went to his home to make a well
car as it turned onto U.S. Hwy. 19 in Leba-
ister for the class, please contact Linda
Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy
being check on him. According to the sher-
non Station - traveling south in the north-
Fritz by phone at 352-527-7621 or by
and Levy County Sheriff Bobby McCallum
iff s office, Plumeri had extensive trauma to
bound lanes of U.S. Hwy. 19.
email at
are urging residents to keep doors locked
his upper body. Detectives said that Plumeri
In an attempt to protect other mo-
all day, set alarm systems if you have them,
rented the home and had lived in the rural
torists from the reckless driver, Deputy Jus-
Easier than eBay
be alert to suspicious vehicles and note tag
area for many years.
tin T. Mashburn assisted Dep. Sullivan by
numbers, if possible, and to call 9-1-1 to re-
According to the CCSO, the crime
blocking the northbound traffic, just north of
Classified Ads
port any suspicious activity.
has similarities to a rash of recent burglar-
"It is not known, at this time, if the
ies in Citrus and surrounding counties in that
Meanwhile, Dep. Sullivan drove
See page 9
burglaries are related to the homicide," said
there was forced entry into the home, the
parallel to the Mustang, with his emergen-
Sheriff Dawsy, "but in an abundance of cau-
home was in a rural area, and the residence
You can now place classified ads at the
cy lights and siren on, attempting to gain
tion, I m urging all of our residents to take
was ransacked. In this daytime burglary
Food Ranch Service Desk - 25 words/$12.
the driver s attention and get him stopped,
this advisory seriously, and report all suspi-
trend, homes, many in rural areas, are be-
New deadline: Monday 12 noon at the Inglis
while the vehicle was still traveling south
cious activity, immediately, to 911," he said.
ing forced into. Items such as guns, jewelry,
Food Ranch service Desk. Cash or Check.
in the northbound lane. However the driver,
cash, and other valuables, are being stolen.
No refunds for early cancellations
Continued on page 8 - Homicide
Continued on page 4 - Reckless Driver
The burglaries began in mid January and are