The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - April 5, 2017
Searching For The Truth
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
A Lesson from the Bamboo Tree
Letter to the Editor:
Re: Yankeetown School Reading Program
The bamboo plant takes five years to
On Friday, April 7th, the Yankeetown School (pre K ­ 8) here in Inglis will be
mature, showing very little "above ground"
having their 9 weeks awards ceremony in the auditorium. This small school (total enroll-
activity during the first 2-4 years. Mean-
ment is around 250 students) is located in the southernmost section of Levy County.  In
the fall of 2015, Yankeetown School (YTS) began a reading program to compliment their
while, an extensive root system is develop-
Accellerated Reading Program (AR). It went into effect in February of 2016. This was the
ing underground. From all appearances, the
brainchild of the then Principal Mrs. Mills and then Reading Coach Ms. Wade. They called
plant is accomplishing little.
it the 'Red Hot Minutes Reading Program' (RHMRP).
After years of seeming insignificant, the
The idea was for the students to read for at least 20 minutes per school night (5
bamboo plant reaps the benefit of its hidden
nights) for nine weeks (so, 5 x 20 = 100 minutes per week... x 9 = 900). Every students
goal was 900 minutes (pre K ­ 8th grade). This was out of school reading (weekends and
activity ­ becoming the fastest growing plant
holidays too) and it didn't matter if you were being read to or doing the reading; and, it
on Earth. Nourished by years of unseen ac-
didn't matter what you were reading. It was hoped that the students who were part of
tivity, at about year five, the bamboo plant
the AR program (K ­ 8) would be reading their AR books, but it was not required.
sends stalks rocketing skyward at an unbelievable three feet per day.1
As you may imagine, this was an intense record keeping feat for the teachers, and
the students had to get their parents/guardians or older siblings to sign off on their RHMRP
sheets. Some of the students had been reading up a storm, but the parents weren't signing
When serving God, we are seldom allowed to see the true im-
off on the sheets. I think this has finally been remedied. The fifth grade has been holding
pact. This is by design. If we were serving Him to see the impact of
onto the first place trophy since the beginning of this school year (the trophy is based on the
our actions, we would be puffed up ­ focusing on our accomplish-
percentage of students in the class that meet that 900 minute goal).
ments instead of the One whom we are serving. There would be no
Many of these 5th graders were 4th graders last year and they have had that first
faith involved. Like the bamboo plant, most of our growth and ac-
place trophy in their classroom since the beginning of the program. The first grade (yes,
they are 6 and maybe 3' tall) has been trying for the first place trophy since the beginning
complishments go unseen. Only the Lord fully understands the im-
of the school year (they have claimed second place twice ­ last time missed it by only 2%
pact of our obedience ­ often generations later. We can be confident
points). They have succeeded this time. The first place trophy is 5' tall. We are having Find-
that the results of serving God faithfully are grand indeed, even if we
M- Friends to help give out the awards (Find-M- Friends is local bloodhound non profit that
seldom witness skyrocketing growth as a result of our obedience.
helps the Sheriffs Dept find lost kids and older adults). Thank you for your time.
Ruth Ruppert, Inglis
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it
grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:6 (NIV)
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement
Contact Bob at
April Activities at Yankeetown School
Wed., April 5 - Pre-K Screenings; Fri., April 7 - Awards Assembly; Wed., April
12 - Judging of Science Fair Projects; Thurs., April 13 - Drama Production; Fri., April 21 -
Family Dance; Fri., April 28 - 4th Grade to St. Augustine.
Yankeetown School is holding its YTS Royal Family Ball on April 28, 6:00-8:00
pm, in the YTS Castle/Gym. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The entry fee is $3
for adults and $2 for children. A King and Queen will be crowned at 7:45 pm. Snacks and
drinks will be available for purchase.
Fatal Crash  - Continued from page 1
shoulder of U.S. Hwy. 41, while the truck rotated and came to rest in the center of U.S. Hwy.
41. Ms. Rogers suffered fatal injuries and expired at the scene of the crash. Her passenger,
Deborah Lee Lilly, 64, of Shady Spring, WV, was transported to Ocala Regional Medical
Center in serious condition. Mr. Goodman also suffered serious injuries and was transported
to Shands UF Health in Gainesville. According to the press release, Mr. Goodman and Ms.
Lilly were each wearing a seatbelt, but Ms. Rogers was not.
Attack   with those who were impacted by this horrible crime," says Sheriff Mike
- Continued from page 1
The Yankeetown-Inglis Woman's Club would like to express their appreciation for the support
and prayers are
of the Annual Education Salad Luncheon held on March 15th! The luncheon was a great suc-
Prendergast. "This is a perfect example of why Alert Citrus is such an important tool for our
cess, because we had your overwhelming support! There were 60 different salads prepared
agency. We captured this extremely dangerous man quickly because we were able to warn
by club members to tantalize and enjoy; 62 door prizes were donated by businesses and
nearby residents immediately." To sign up for Alert Citrus, the county s emergency notifi-
individuals and added to the event's success; and we had an absolute full house (to over-
cation system, please visit, go to the middle of the page and click on
flowing)! Thank you, to each of you, again! We couldn't do this without the support from the
"Sign up for Alert Citrus," to have emergency notifications sent to your cell phone.
members of our communities!
Taylor Made
River Coast Realty, Inc.
League of Women
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