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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday April 4, 2012
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Jobs Still Being
Outsourced Overseas
With Doug Johnston
What should be
enough to impeach most of
our government elected of-
ficials, including presidents 
dating back through Jimmy
Carter, is the unconsciona-
ble outsourcing of Ameri-
can jobs.
In  December  of  last  year  ABC 
News did a story on three projects: A 150
million dollar road project in Alaska, a
400 million dollar bridge in New York and
a 7.2 billion dollar bridge project in Cali-
fornia.  In  all  three  cases,  Chinese  firms 
were brought in to plan and complete the
government projects. In Alaska, an uproar
from Alaskan unions caused the state to
reverse course and awarded the work to
Alaskans after the public was informed
through a massive media blitz. Not so in
New York or California. Not only did Cal-
Art Jones is a person with a passion and that involves a battle against Lyngbya, a filamentous algae which is helping cause the destruction of
ifornia lose 7.2 billion dollars that would
the aquatic ecosystem in Kings Bay and Crystal River. The hair-like strands can reach 10 to 14 feet from the bottom and looks like raw sewage
have multiplied many times over with
floating on the surface. No chemical or algaecide can penetrate it’s dense mats or kill it off. Unloading the pontoon barge is Kenny Whitford,
the money from the project being infused
Kent Sherman in water holding barge, Rick Brown, Clifford Wiggins, Doug Sonerholm, Jo Sonerholm and Art Jones who started this mission.
back into that states struggling economy,
Newscaster/Sally Price Photo (continued on page 8, Battle With Algae).
but they missed out on putting 3,000 Cali-
Unemployment Woman  charged  with  firing  8  rounds 
fornians to work.
It  isn t  Democrats  or  Republi-
outside Oar House in Crystal River
cans: It is both, and our current president,
Down in
like his predecessor has done nothing but
give lip service and hollow rhetoric to ad-
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
were applied and numerous gunshots.
dress the problem.
Tri-County Area
While the deputy drove toward the
Leanne Marie Almyda, 47, 5268
I recently had two incidents
N. Lace Pt., Dunnellon, was arrested by the  Oar House Restaurant, the vehicle in ques-
where speaking to companies who I pay
Citrus  County  Sheriff s  Office, April  1,  af-  tion started to drive off and made a u-turn
to provide a service to me was handled
Rate Drops Under 11%
in the next median break, just north of the
ter an incident outside the Oar
by call centers overseas. I fought back in
Oar House. He stopped at the Oar House and
House restaurant and bar in
the only way I have at my disposal: I fired 
saw three males running, yelling and point-
The jobless rate in February for
Crystal River.  
ing at the vehicle, which was then heading
Workforce Connection’s Citrus, Levy and
According to the ar-
Last year I had a flat tire at a con-
south on Hwy. 19. The deputy asked if any-
Marion counties region was 10.7, dropping
resting deputy who was at the
venience store about ten miles from home.
one had been hit, and the men replied that no
0.6 percent since January and 1.8 percentage
Ford dealership nearby, several
I called my Roadside Assistance Insurance 
one had been hit.
patrons were hanging out in the  Almyda
points lower than the same time last year.
company for assistance. The company is
The deputy cut throught he median
This is the first time since Decem-
Oar House parking lot, around
2:00 a.m. after the bar had closed. He report-  and followed the vehicle, a gray Honda,
ber 2008 unemployment has been below
Continued on page 8 - Squawk Box
ed that he heard employees speaking loudly  which turned right on State Park St., then
11 percent in all three counties when the
to the patrons, telling them they needed to  left into the rear parking lot of the Days Inn 
regional rate as well as Ocala Metropolitan
So. Levy
clear the parking lot and leave. Five to eight  motel and parked at the end of the parking
Statistical Area (MSA) was 10 percent. Flor-
vehicles left, and the deputy heard a male  lot. Almyda stepped away from the vehicle
ida’s not seasonally adjusted unemployment
Little League
and female voice, each yelling profanities to  and got onto the ground as ordered by the
rate in February fell to 9.1 percent, down 0.4
the other. He then saw bright lights from a  deputy.
percent over the month. The national unem-
Opening Day
While she was being placed into
ployment rate fell slightly to 8.7 percent.
vehicle coming from the front of the busi-
ness, then heard a vehicle start up and accel-  handcuffs, Almyda said she’d thrown the
In fact, all three counties hit some-
See page 10
erate very quickly towards U.S. Hwy. 19. It  gun toward the front of her vehicle, by the
thing of an economic trifecta posting in-
traveled about fifty to one hundred feet, then  empty boat trailer. She also told the officer 
creases in the number of employed, decreas-
he heard a screeching sound as the brakes
Continued on page 3 - Unemployment Rate
Continued on page 4- Shots Fired