US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Yankeetown, FL
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday April 30, 2008
Permit No. 4
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Newscaster Publishing
Sally Price Correspondent
Squawk Box
With Mike Moore
Addicted to Coffee
Like most people I like cof-
fee. Unlike most people I am an
addict and an incurable coffee
snob. I'm not sure how it's come
to this; whether from my mother
who is a real caffeine addict in
her own right feeding me sips when I was
little, or later in life befriending an ex-patriot
from Argentina named Carlos who had a ten
cup a day habit. Somehow I got hooked
from an early age.
It's not your normal addiction. It's not,
'have to get that caffeine in before being able
to face the world'. No. It's beyond reason.
God's name is actually pronounced
"Cuisenart"; and that's where the 'nectar of
the gods' flows from at my house. Pay no at-
tention that the corner of the kitchen looks a
little too much like a shrine. Never you mind
those 5 or 6 bags of various kinds of fresh
ground java jockeying for position next to the
Like I said, I'm kind of a nut about Coffea
Arabica. I've hand picked coffee in traditional
A properly fitted safety helmet for Maggie Kirk 2, at the annual Sheriff's Youth Expo at the Citrus County Fairgrounds April 26, 2008. The fitter,
wicker baskets on plantations or fincas in both
Shirley Larkin with the Pilot Club of Citrus County, going to great lengths to ensure little Maggie has the right size and the adjustments are just
Costa Rica and El Salvador and almost caused
so. The donated helmets are given free to children and just one aspect of child safety promoted by the Sheriff's office and event co-sponsor
a traffic accident while helping myself to some
Suncoast Business Masters. Photo by Mike Moore. More on page 4.
coffee cherries that were growing as volun-
PSC Hears Public, Gives
Few Man charged
teers alongside the road in Hawaii. I've been
on the trying side of a coffee 'trier' or 'coffee
Answers on Levy Nuclear
Plant with child's
thief' when a 100Kg (about 250lbs) batch of
number one prime Costa Rican batch was al-
most finished roasting; someone had a per-
Progress Energy Florida, in conjunction
Progress Energy must also file a PPSA
fect cuppa somewhere due to my pulling out
injuries, one
with the Florida Public Service Commission,
application with the Florida Department of
a sample with the trier and declaring the batch
held a Public Hearing in Crystal River, April
Environmental Protection (FDEP), which will
roasted perfect and ready. Yes, I even have
23, regarding the potential construction of two
include an Environmental Review by the FDEP.
my very own Coffea arabica plant in my green-
year-old dies
nuclear facilities in Inglis. The hearing was
This application has to be approved by the
house that loves life here in Florida. It's grow-
held at the Plantation Inn's Sable Conference
Governor and Cabinet, and the final certifica-
ing like crazy; probably in part to the sooth-
Center for the purpose of public input to the
tion will be issued by the FDEP Secretary. This
ing poetry I read to it out loud every chance I
A 35-year-old man Beverly Hills man
Public Service Commission before it votes on
could take up to a year, but would require less
was arrested, April 24, on a
Continued on page 3 - Squawk Box
the permit application.
time if no issues are disputed.
charge of aggravated child
In Dec., 2006, the company announced
Other factors are also involved, such as
abuse with great bodily
that it had acquired land for the proposed fa-
procurement of materials, engineering and
harm. According to the Cit-
cility, over 3000 acres in Inglis, 8 miles north
design, and site preparation (4 to 5 years du-
rus County Sheriff's Office,
of Progress Energy's Crystal River facilities.
ration). Construction of the plant is expected
Gianni Spagnolo, called a
The next step in the proposed plant be-
to take about 5 years and will be monitored
detective with the sheriff's
coming a reality is the Florida permitting pro-
by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
office around 8:20 p.m. and
cess (certification), which could take up to 21
to ensure compliance with safety standards.
arranged to come in for an
months, starting with a petition that was filed
The NRC will conduct final testing before
Gianni Spagnolo interview at the sheriff's of-
by Progress Energy with the Florida Public
commercial operation begins. Both units, Levy
fice complex in Inverness.
Service Commission (PSC) on March 11 for a
Nuclear Units 1 and 2, are expected to be in
He was arrested on the charges after the in-
Determination of Need for the construction
service by 2016 and 2017.
of the facilities. A recommendation by PSC
The most recent available estimate as to
The child, a one-year-old boy, died
staff members is expected to be filed on July
the cost of constructing the plant is $17 bil-
of his injuries on April 25. The sheriff's of-
Former Inglis Commissioner Betty Berger(left)
2, and the PSC Commissioners are expected
lion, which includes $3 billion for transmis-
fices will notify the State Attorney's Office of
was among those that gave comments on the
to vote on the matter at their July 15 Agenda
Continued on page 12 - Nuclear Plant
Continued on page 4 - Man Charged
Proposed Levy Nuclear plant before the PSC.