THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - April 23, 2014
Parkview Lanes News
Ash 232; Gordon Fay 213,579; Ernie Gon-
TOURNEY: The 7-9-8 Mixed Doubles No-
salves 213; Rich Soletto 594; Peggy Mur-
Tap starts at 1pm, Sunday, April 27, with a
dock 198,510; Nancy Duncan 182,462.
luncheon. The three games of bowling be-
gin at q: 30, followed by the optional Krazy
WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Handicap: Peter
Eights. There are individual payoffs in ad-
Heeschen 296; Nick Di Costanzo 288; Joe
dition to the team prizes. The cost is $20
Brooks 754; Jeff Koch 751. Tim Lawrence
per team, and reservations are required by
279,705; Mark Smith 258; Charlie Stein
Friday, April 25.
WOMEN'S TRIO: Handicap: Barbara
Raul Rosales 276; Mark Smith 273,764;
Rennekamp 275; Doti Wyspianski 254,691;
Arta Norris 733; Lori Ciquera 263,712;
Virginia Vineyard 670. Scratch: Peggy
Myla Wexler 257; Michelle Shirley 717.
Murdock 212; 542; Barbara Rennekamp
Scratch: Mark Smith 266,743; Chris Carr
212; Nancy Vaughan 174; Virginia Vine-
259,658; K C Cridland 223,615; Lori Ci-
yard 490.
quera 220,583.
Harvey 234; Ken McNally 226; Alan Mur-
Bob Lucier 275; Dave Huffman 273,730;
ray 633; John Bahrs 632; Janet Murray
Clarence Pelkie 705; Patti Widerman
245,679; Grace Navarratte 224; Nancy
Saturday morning at 7 am a double rainbow appeared over the tennis court at South
265,716; Delight Temple 716; Kathy Gil-
Deering 608. Scratch: Jerry Ness 225,608;
Levy Recreation Park and it was as if a sign of promise for fair weather for the annual Easter
bert 259; Sally Shepard 714. Scratch: Phil
Carl Peterson 189; Alan Murray 516; Janet
Egg Hunt hosted by the Inglis Recreation Committee (IRC). The rains disappeared and the
Spencer 344,684; Jeff Koch 238,663; Joyce
Murray 224,616; Barb McNally 169,444.
eggs were hidden for the anxious crowd of kids that always turn out for the event. A few
Swarm 177,468; Patti Widerman 162; Lor-
HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap: Edgar
changes this year by Sally Price, Inglis Commssioner who oversees the IRC, included an egg
raine Pelkie 449.
Relyveld 299,752; Gary Brown 275; Mike
hunt for the adults as well as the kids. This way those above age 12 competed too. Beth and
Serrano 275; Lyle Ternes 931; Vicki Brown
daughter Tina, who work at Buddy and Fred's Hardware, were life savers and came at 7 am in
Ness 246; Shorty Williams 241; Ken Mel-
266,732; Karen Tarleton 258; Andrea Kish
the drizzle and hid the adult eggs and stayed till the end. Winning adult was Robert Johnson.
drum 708; Jack Connell 707; Carol Roberts
750. Scratch: Rich Williams 256,662;
Instead of lots of big prizes for winners for most eggs found and games, large
215,599. Scratch: Jerry Ness 236,652; Ken
Gary Brown 243; Eddie Corbitt 628; Vicki
chocolate bunnies were the reward for most eggs in each age group. The rest of the money
Meldrum 214,630; Carol Roberts 143,383.
Brown 163; Judy Hindbaugh 163,441; Di-
was spent on a chocolate bunny for each participant as well as four other prizes, instead of
ane Mauck 162,453.
candy, for each group. Each hunter went home happy and full of cookies and juice as well.
290,665; Bobby Craft 222; Trevor Roberts
PARKVIEW OWLS: Handicap: Mi-
Thanks to the AMVETS for providing the tables and chairs and transporting. There is no
579; Sandy LePree 220,477; Dorine Fugere
chael Andriuolo 262,665; Bob Desmeules
way to thank all those that helped but when this community is in need, volunteers show up.
259,695; Mila Ragsdale 254,673; Carol
Newscaster/Photo by Sally Price.
LATE STARTERS: Handicap: Ernie Gon-
Holt 237,646. Scratch: Michael Andriuolo
salves 261; Bob Biggs 243; Ray Colin 673;
247,620; Wes Foley 236; K E Conrad 236;
Frank Andrukanis 668; Peggy Murdock
George Munzing 628.
231; Nancy Duncan 228; Bunny Jackson
Ike's Old Florida Kitchen in Yankeetown has closed.
228; Betty Chapman 656; Virginia Vineyard
pianski, 91 pins over her average, and Bob
611; Mile Ragsdale 611. Scratch: Mark
Ike's Tours & Charters will continue to offer great eco-tours from
Desmeules, 95 pins over his average.
the same location as always. Tours depart every two hours from 6203 Riv-
erside Drive (Ike's dock).
Please call Capt. Rick for reservations at 352-400-0133.
We thank you for your continued patronage and look forward to
serving you in the future.
Sincerely, Capt. Rick LeFiles, Osprey Guide Services, Inc.
Hours are Wednesday thru Sunday. Tours run promptly at 10:00 AM,
he Newscaster
1200PM, 2:00PM and 4:00PM. Capacity: as few as two or as
many as 37. Reservations highly recommended.
Hometown News for the Nature Coast
Activities at the Inglis 9VFWwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Advertising at Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Cou
50 3 S. Or
The Inglis VFW Post 8698 isne: (352) 520 Hwy.840 East,:1(727) east -4788 U.S.
Pho located at 489-458 Fax mile 362of the
Hwy 19 traffic light. Contact us by phone at 352-447-3495. What's hap'nin' at The V':
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Enjoy Happy Hour on weekdays, 12:00-3:00 pm and 6:00-8:00 pm, and Drink Specials
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
every weekend! On THURSDAYS, our Dart Tournment starts at 7:00 pm. Saturday, May
3rd, is Kentucky Derby Day at the Post with a Best Derby Hat" Contest! Sunday, May 4th
There are few places as peaceful as along a river and Dot Cason's home on the Withlacoochee
is our Cinco De Mayo Celebration with food and drink specials!
River in Yankeetown, called Heaven USA, is a perfect place to hold an Easter Sunrise celebra-
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
tion. The home is appropriately named for a sunrise service and a place of serene tranquility.
The sand gnats and the weather even cooperated with the gathering. Pastor Dennis Hamill of
the Community Church in Yankeetown leads this early service each year at the crack of dawn.
William Rober ts
Burgers BBQ & More Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC 352-447-3816
491 Hwy 40 E. - 1 mile East of U.S. 19 - Inglis
We Want Your Stinkin' Business
Gutters, Blinds & Ceiling Fans Cleaned
3 Topping 14" Pizza - $8.99
Wood & Concrete Seal
Ft. Long Chili/Cheese Dog - $2.49
Pressure Cleaning
We have Ribs on Sat. & Sun.
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Window Cleaning
State License #SA0111728
Open Tues-Sunday 11am-7pm