The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - April 20, 2011
Guidelines for submitting Letters to the Editor
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
The Newscaster does not publish anonymous letters or commentaries. We receive letters from
time to time that do not meet our requirements (mostly unsigned and no address) and that's why they
don't get published. All letters must be typed, signed by the author, with a local phone number and
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
current address. Letters can be mailed, faxed or emailed and not accepted at the Newscaster Classi-
fieds drop box. Emailed letters may be delayed while verification takes place. Emailed letters must be
A Guest Commentary by Yankeetown Mayor Dawn Clary
received from the author's valid email address. Comments can be left on our comment line at 352-388-
Come Plant a Tree - On May 1st we are going to plant trees on the median starting
1668. You must leave your name and phone number for verification.The limit is 400 words, no excep-
tions. For more information see page 2.
at town hall. We have ordered about a dozen trees and starting at 12:30 on Sunday afternoon
we are going to plant them. We are hoping that people will volunteer to come and celebrate Letter to The Editor:
our little Arbor Day and get involved with the activity. Our Fire Chief has graciously of- Re: "Swearing Out Ceremony"
fered to cook hot dogs for us and we will have drinks and refreshments available. To be
honest the event is still evolving. I hope to get some interesting stuff to make it worth your
At the April 1st new Inglis office holder swearing in ceremony Commissioner Merritt
while to attend. If you have any ideas give me a ring. We have had one individual who has seemed to feel she had a birthright to commission chairman and police liaison. The people
said they would donate trees, Thanx to Lynn Lefiles for her offer. At any rate if you would and other commissioners thought otherwise. Yet Merritt did not have the class to step aside
like to contribute to the health of the town’s little forest, show up at the hall on Sunday, May gracefully. What was advertised as a Swearing In Ceremony turned into a swearing out
1st and bring your shovel.
ceremony. She launched a vulgar, abusive verbal attack against a citizen after the meeting
New Pipes – At themeetingcouncil voted to pursue a as he held open the car door for his wife.
regular this month, the
grant to replace the 2 inch galvanized pipes in the water distribution system for the area of
It is outrageous for a commissioner to stand outside Town Hall and berate citizens
town approximately from 60th Street to 67th. The new lines would be larger and of a better like a playground bully. Throwing public F-bombs at citizens is not becoming of a lady or
material hopefully.ismanyourto the surface, an Inglis Commissioner. We expect and demand higher moral standards of our Leaders.
Another problem that of lines are very close
perhaps •willa tothem deeperavoid Our•firm,or lack or it, has a way of shining through a persons mask. Some of Mer-
this be chance get • and outages. engineering Character, the
Mittauer, specialistwho haswithin the past, ritt’s own supporters left in disgust at her display of such despicable behavior. Others are
and grant Fred Fox, the town worked think that
we have a very good chance of getting this grant. Also belatedly, Thanks for your patience disgruntled over her town meeting admissions that she has no interest in doing her job as a
to all the people on the east side of town who were out of water week before last. A giant Commissioner or bothering to read the Charter of Inglis that she swore an oath to uphold.
tree root, and I do mean giant, broke the main.
Most people have had enough of her tirades and tantrums. Commissioner Merritt, merits
Last Call – I have not been successful in finding a person to work on the County being recalled.
Veteran’s Parade as a representative for Yankeetown. Is there not a veteran out there who is
Andy Eiland, Inglis
interested in working on this? I think that even if we didn’t attend the meetings, if someone
Letter to the Editor:
would just volunteer to be the contact, FOR FREE Display Ad effort on the phone
AD PROOF perhaps we could coordinate the
t you are interested in working on this, give me a ring. Re: Misstatements at Inglis Town Meeting
or email, that would be helpful. Ifo run on 4-20-11
Several incorrect statements were made regarding the King Road Mine project
Good Night and Good Luck
5” wide x 3” deep
during the last Inglis Town Council meeting. Most of these misstatements have been voiced
Drug Charges
before, and ultimately refuted by the facts, so I won’t go into detail on each one. However
$57.60 Value
from page 4
there is one particular statement that I feel I must address. If any private or city well is
felon, three countsby possession of4-18-11, 12:00convicted felon, possession of co- damaged through mining operations, Tarmac will repair or replace this well at our expense.
of Monday, ammunition by a p.m. (noon)
caine, possession of drug paraphernalia and maintaining a drug dwelling. Wanda Boyd Not only is that the right thing to do, it is also a condition of our Southwest Florida Water
was arrested for 5 counts of sale of a controlled substance within 1000 feet of a recreational Management District (SWFWMD) permit. Our extensive studies and testing have indicated
facility, 5 counts of possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell, possession such an event is extremely unlikely to happen. However, we want to assure the community
of cocaine with the intent to sell, 6 counts of possession of a controlled substance without a that if there is damage we will pay for it, period.
Jeff Harris,Project Manager,Tarmac King Road Mine
prescription and drug paraphernalia.
Important Toll Free Numbers
Citrus Cty Govt. Citrus Springs &
Diane Claytor, assistant Manager with 21 years of friendly service at Food Ranch this October,
displays some of the many flowers for your Easter pleasure. There are Easter baskets, Easter
Dunnellon 489-2120 Levy Cty Govt. 800-733-5389
cards, candies, cookies and a variety of choices for the sweet tooth or make up a basket of
Levy Cty Sheriff 800-538-9767
fresh fruits and vegetables for a senior friend or family. SHOP LOCAL.
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