PAGE 12 - April 2, 2008
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
Former Yankeetown man
Scoping Meeting
- Continued from page 1
deployed to Iraq
inaccurate, once the powerplant starts up."
The EIS will evaluate relevant envi-
Richard Henson, Vice President,
ronmental and socioeconomic issues. The
Reprinted with Permission from the Pine Bluff Commercial
Friends of the Withlacoochee Gulf Pathways:
applicant's preferred alternative is a 100-year
A former Yankeetown resident, now a member of
"For more than eight years, the Town of Yan-
mine. If there is no action - no mine - the
the Sheridan, Arkansas National Guard Unit, boarded a char-
keetown has been developing a preserve for
applicant's preferred alternative will prevail;
tered bus at the Charles N. Gentry Armory, Jan. 5, headed to
education, kayaking, and canoeing. The
alternative ways to meet needs will be pon-
Camp Shelby, Mississippi, for additional training prior to a
people of our town spent a lot of time, energy
dered. There is no a Corps preferred alterna-
second deployment to Iraq.
and money to create a place where the people,
tive at this time. As for the Mitigation Site,
The almost 40 members of Company D, 1st Battal-
and especially the children, can learn and ap-
the applicant proposes to restore the site back
ion, 153rd Infantry,joined more than 3000 members of Ar-
preciate Florida's marshes and wetlands. Now
to its natural state.
kansas' 39th Infantry Brigade for two months of training
we find out that a Greek company is trying to
Major issues to be addressed are
before they head to Iraq, for what is expected to be a 10-
rape the land, four miles away. It would make
groundwater, the Wacasssassa Bay, impacts
month assignment. All the men had been training in basic Aaron Blanton, is hugged by his
more sense to go to Greece and tear down the
to threatened and endangered species, im-
soldiering skills at their respective armories since October sobbing 3-year-old son, Gauge.
Parthenon, and crush it and use it for aggre-
pacts to wetlands, socioeconomic factors,
One of the men making the trip, 35-year-old Sgt.
gate. Once destroyed, neither the Parthenon
transportation, air quality, cultural and his-
Aaron Blanton, grew up in Yankeetown. Sgt. Blanton's mother, Pamela Blanton, lived in Yan-
or the wetlands can be replaced. Yankeetown
torical factors, recreation and public involve-
keetown, until she moved to Pine Bluff, Arkansas, about two years ago, to be closer to her son
is building a new water plant. Who's to say
and his family. Pictured is Blanton holding his sobbing three-year-old son, Gauge, who is
the aquifer won't be damaged? Turn down
Current Studies by Tarmac include a
clinging to Blanton. Blanton was also seen-off by his older children, Brannon, 8, and Emily, 13.
this permit. We have too much at stake."
vegetation survey, a wildlife survey, surface
Sgt. Blanton worked as a police officer with the Pine Bluff Police Department for
Frank Caldwell: "In 1971/72, the
water quality monitoring and the hydric soil
eight years before becoming a police officer at the Pine Bluff Arsenal. "There's always a little
Speaker of the House appointed me to the
technical standard (to determine where the
bit of nervousness involved when units get mobilized," said Blanton to the Pine Bluff, Arkan-
Committee of Water Resources Management.
wetland line is on that property and 12 months
sas newspaper, the "Commercial." Having been deployed by the military seven previous
I later served two terms on the Board of the
of rain data collection).
times to other locations, Blanton said he was "one of the old guys" in the unit. "The average
Northwest Water Management District. I
Tentative Schedule: The scoping
age of this unit is 21 or 22," he said. "After we got back the last time, a lot of people left, and
have many concerns about the proposed mine.
period will end on April 26, 2008. The Draft
the younger guys call me 'Papaw.' Hopefully, I can help some of these young guys with what
(Referring to flow sheet), At least 80 to 90%
EIS should be available by late 2008 or early
I've learned."
of the mine is wetland and subject to inunda-
2009, and the Final EIS should be available by
Among those wishing the 39th well was U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark, who
tion. These roads need to be reopened, with
late Spring, 2009. The Record of Decision
addressed the guardsmen and their families and friends. "The men and women of Arkansas'
numerous culverts, so the natural flow can be
should be determined by early Summer 2009
National Guard have responded with courage and dedication, time and again, as our country
somewhat reestablished."
continues to call on citizen soldiers at unprecedented levels," said the Senator. "The 39th
Joe Murphy, Gulf Restoration Net-
Betty Berger, Inglis Commissioner
Infantry Brigade Combat Team includes Arkansans from 57 communities across the state and
work: "The number one goal in Florida is pro-
addressed the group saying, "Ed, you're quite
represents approximately one-third of Arkansas' total force. All of our men and women in
tecting the Nature Coast. We feel very
a guy! Thank Big Brother for putting your
uniform, those who are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, those who have returned,
strongly that the Nature Coast should not be
agency in charge of Florida's water supply!
and those who are on our way, will remain in our thoughts and prayers," she said.
the sacrifice zone for projects that are unwel-
And Tarmac's request says they will only mine
come in other parts of the state. This is our
1147 acres of wetlands? The entire 10,000
Bubba's Fin & Feather
last, best chance in Florida. We frequently
they've leased are all wetlands and wellfields.
butt heads with the Corps. Many times, our
Inglis and Yankeetown draw their water from
natural resources aren't given the protection
those wellfields, and it's only fed by rainfall.
they deserve."
It's a bad time to pull 22 million gallons a day.
MONDAY Happy Hour All Day!
Ed Candela, Yankeetown Town
There's been a drop of 40% in demand for
TUESDAY Beer Bingo 1pm.
Off Hwy 40
Councilman - (Holding U.S. Geological Sur-
limerock, from the reports I've read. If they
On Lk. Rousseau
vey Map showing the health of the water sup-
get their foot in the door, 70% of Levy county
WEDNESDAY Free Pool All Day
Call 447-2755
ply beneath the ground), "One quick look at
will become a mine - Plum Creek owns that
THURSDAY - Darts 7:00pm.
this map tells you this mine is in the wrong
for info
much land. There's another 900,000 acres that
place. Another reason is that its not compat-
Plum Creek can lease out, if you let them get
ible with state and local comp plans...A Spe-
their foot in the door. Its not zoned mining;
Hours: M-Fri Noon-Close
cial Exception is needed, due to saltwater in-
they can only do this if you give them a Spe-
Sat-Sun 10 am.-Close
Veteran Discounts M-F All Day
cial Exception."
RV & Camper Sites
James Mashburn - (Economic impact
Lee Pollett: "I have grave concern,
statistics from the University of Florida Re-
as to my Native American heritage. This area
source Economics Department), "There is a
is well known for its indigenous peoples. The
viable and vigorous clam operation in Cedar
Federal Act and the Native American Graves
Key, from Wacasassa to Yankeetown.
Protection and Repatriation Acts guarantee,
Perms & Hi-lite
For the cultured clam industry to
that once remains are found, there are acts
survive, water quality has to be high. The
that must happen immediately. It is our feel-
Star ting - $45.00
Wacassassa Bay Estuary is a natural and na-
ing those bones should be laid to rest. I would
Roll-Off Container Service
tional landmark...The Florida Clam industry
beseech the Corps, when there are
contributes to the economy of Florida (fig-
archaeologic digs, have a representative of
Look for the
10-20-30 yd.
ures cited)."
AIM (American Indian Movement) there. It's
return of
Doug Dame, Yankeetown Town
not that we don't trust the mine - we don't. It's
Councilman: "There are two issues. The po-
not that we don't think they will lie to us -
Lamar soon
Construction Debris
table water supplies - today, there is a wide,
they HAVE. It's not just a matter of water - it's
public recognition, that water is a resource
Yard Waste
a matter of RAPE."
under pressure. There are limits to growth and
Edward Michaels, Board Member of
New Phone #
sustainability, and water is it. Also, a permit
Withlacoochee Area Residents and Inglis
should be only for ten years, instead of one
Town Commissioner: "Cumulative effects of
planned or pending projects that may not fall
Art Jones, Crystal River King's Bay
under purvue of the Corps: Progress Energy
Clipper Cuts $8
Group: "I'm amazed at the number of good
Nuclear Power Plant. Their use will draw a
reasons not to go ahead with this project, and
Locally Owned & Operated
significant amount of water. The proposed
Plaza 40 E. Shopping
I support everyone who spoke." He further
potentiometrics should be re-evaluated. The
Licensed & Insured
commented on concerns about salt water in-
nuke site is directly across the street. All wa-
Center - Inglis
ter studies previously recorded are completely