The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - April 19, 2017
Searching For The Truth
Lake Rousseau Resort certified Dementia Friendly
Who Invented the Quiet
Computer Cooling Fan?
The feather of an owl is not like other birds' feathers. Other birds
produce feathers with straight, crisp edges. An
owl's flight feathers have fringes at the edges.
The owl also has a notch on one of its flight
feathers. Both the notch and the fringes pro-
vide the owl with a noiseless flight. In fact, an
owl is one of nature's stealthiest hunters. Its
prey is often unaware it is about to die until it's
too late.
Lake Rousseau RV Park and Fishing Resort, a leisure community at 10811 N Coveview
Terrace, near Crystal River, Florida, has earned certification as a Dementia Friendly community
Question:  What do computers and
based on completion of an ABC of Dementia workshop administered by Debbie Selsavage,
owls have in common? Computers need fans to keep them cool, yet fans
President of Coping with Dementia LLC. As organizer of the training, Ellen Armitage states,
are noisy. What to do? That was the question posed to a group of computer
"As a year-round destination resort on the Nature Coast of Florida where you will experience
engineers. One of the engineers noticed an owl flying noiselessly. He saw
great scenery and abundant wildlife, we appeal to both fulltime residents and vacationers in a
it flying through the woods, but could not hear a whisper of moving air as
broad range of ages. With an interest in providing a safe and welcoming environment for el-
ders, including those with memory loss, we thought it a good idea to earn Dementia Friendly
it whooshed down upon its prey! The owl was noiseless as it moved air
around. Ah ha! Copy the owl feather! Thus, quieter computer cooling fans
were created based on the design of the owl's feathers.
"He is your praise, and he is your God, who has done
for you these great and awesome things, which your eyes have
­ Deuteronomy 10:21 (NKJV)
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement
Contact Bob at
Yankeetown School was a hotbed of fun activity during the week of April 10-14. Early in the
week, Pre-K students were engrossed in a creative project of decorating large tin cans into
Seeds in Space Yankeetown School poster winners with the project display. Left to right stand-
an'Easter Bunny' face, which served as the students' Easter basket, later in the week, when
ing; Morgan Pitts, Principal Hurst, Katelyn Allen, Patrick Stewart, Waylon Machin. Kneeling
they enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt, intently searching to find eggs marked with their assigned
Steven Mulligan, Aries Langenburg. Photo by Mark Moore. See story on page 8.
alphabet letter. Photo Courtesy Yankeetown School.
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