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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday March 6, 2013
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Sheriff Departments
Ready for Spring Break
From Levy County Sheriff Dept.
The Florida Sheriffs Task Force
has launched their latest operation aimed
at protecting the safety of Florida’s youth.
Operation Dry Spring will take place from
March 4 – April 7, 2013 in conjunction
with the spring break schedules of most
public and private schools in Florida. This
time of year, students from across the state
take a timeout from their studies to enjoy
their first break of the semester. Spring
break is also the time when these students,
the majority of which are under 21, choose
to drink alcohol and experiment with ille-
gal drugs.
Not only does the use of drugs
and alcohol by youth lead to poor decision
making, it leads to emergency medical
situations such as overdoses and alcohol
related injuries. In 2010, nearly 190,000
individuals under the age of 21 visited an
emergency room for injuries or conditions
connected to the use of alcohol. Sadly, the
use of synthetic drugs such as bath salts
and spice is on the rise with more than
3,000 reported incidents in 2010. Even
more devastating, that number more than
doubled in 2011 to over 7,000.
Crystal River High School Key Club Members Deven Reed and Kaely Adkins are having a “berry good time” assembling strawberry shortcake des-
“Underage use of alcohol, to-
serts on Saturday, March 2 at the 26th Annual Floral City Strawberry Festival. High school student members of Key Club make a difference by
bacco and illegal drugs has always been
performing acts of service in their communities such as volunteering at civic events. Their efforts at the Strawberry Festival also helped support
a point of concern for families as well as
Hospice of Citrus County as a portion of the proceeds from shortcake sales benefit patients & families served by Hospice of Citrus County.
Fight with neighbor ends with
Florida’s Sheriffs,” said Polk County Sher-
Employee Admits
iff and Task Force Chair Grady Judd. “If
sexual battery arrest
Florida’s youth cannot make the right deci-
Taking Money From
sions, they will be spending spring break at
their Sheriff s office.”
eight years old and that these acts had oc-
Town of Inglis
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Florida’s youth are one of our
curred approximately three
most precious resources and our Sheriffs
When a deputy with the Citrus
times. He said the acts had oc-
have committed to ensuring their safety.
From Levy County Sheriff Dept.
County Sheriff s Office answered a call for
curred in his living room, at
The Florida Sheriffs Task Force will be
service due to a reported physical altercation
the residence where he stills
For the second time in less than a
targeting businesses that are selling alco-
between two neighbors in Hernando on Feb.
lives. The report stated that
year the town of Inglis has found charges
hol, tobacco or synthetic drugs to under-
26, he ended up arresting one of the men on
Clarkin would have been ap-
made to a town credit card for personal use.
age youth. Operation Dry Spring will also
a charge that allegedly occurred about twen-
proximately 36 or 37 years old
On February 15, 2013 the Town
focus on underage youth in possession of
ty years previous.
at the time of the incident, ac-
Hall of Inglis contacted Chief Steve Dixon
Continued on page 11- Squawk Box
During an interview with the dep-
cording to the age he said the boy was, at
(Inglis Police Department) reporting poten-
Inglis Election
uty, one of the men involved in the alterca-
that time.
tial fraud from within the city accounts pay-
tion, who is 29 years old, said that the other
The deputy spoke with the victim
able division. Chief Dixon turned the inves-
man involved in the physial altercation,
again, and he said the acts had occurred at
tigation over to the Levy County Sheriff’s
Frederick Leslie Carkin, 57, had molested
Carkin’s residence, and he was unsure of
him approximately 20 years previously, but
his exact age, but recalls being about six or
A forensic audit was conducted by audi-
the victim refused to answer questions or
seven years old at the time.
tors from Beauchamp & Edwards CPA Firm
make further statements at that time.
Carkin was placed under arrest and
who discovered approximately $23,290.00
Visit the homepage
In a couple interviews, Carkin told
transported to the Citrus County Detention
of undocumented charges to the towns cred-
the deputy that he had touched, fondled and
Facility. Upon arrival, Carkin was charged
it card account. Investigators with LCSO
provided oral sex to the younger man when
with one count of sexual battery. He was
working with the auditors discovered that
he (the younger man) was about seven or
given no bond, the report stated.
Continued on page 2 - Missing Funds