PAGE 3 - March 5, 2014
The Newscaster-Nature Coast News
As our 2014 election nears, we
sue specifically. At least, display Issue: We live in a beautiful area
2012 were $21,713.50, less than
must evaluate the following ac-
signs acknowledging that there and need to protect the town for
half the new attorney's billing.
tions of our elected officials
are cameras in town hall.
The mayor's answer to why we
the future and celebrate it.
since their election.
are paying more rather than less
Solution: Hanging Christmas
Issue: One of the current com- lights to bring joy to our chil-
as they promised is "We ask the
Issue: The commission voted to
missioners, who is running for dren, celebrating local business-
attorney to do more." That is
sell the vacant police station, re-
re-election, was arrested on Feb- es, holding a river raft contest
true, but they ask him to perform
moving any potential source of
ruary 4, 2014, by the Levy Coun- and other activities would bring
tasks that commissioners or the
ty Sheriff's Office for a felony pride to our citizens and town.
mayor or staff should do, such as
Solution: A better solution
commercial littering charge and Issue: The town commission
write job descriptions or person-
would be to locate the public
a misdemeanor personal property took it upon themselves to inter-
nel manuals. This same group
works supervisor or other town
littering charge. This same per- view individuals for the position
of individuals complained that
staff there, use as a day care cen-
son may have been represented of deputy town clerk. As super-
we asked too much of the previ-
ter or library, or lease the prop-
by our town attorney in a lawsuit visor of that position, the town
ous attorney while some of them
erty to a business, providing rev-
against Inglis. Also, the mayor's clerk should have interviewed
were suing the town and increas-
enue and possible jobs for Inglis
husband serves as chair of the and selected an individual for the
ing his workload. The current
water board, which may be a position. However, the agenda
attorney resides in Cocoa Beach.
conflict of interest.
Does he know the issues facing
for the majority of commission-
Issue: The commission creat-
Solution: The commissioners, ers seems to be to micromanage
Inglis? Does he charge for mile-
ed another full-time position of
mayor and attorney must be held all town-related issues, while ne-
age for attending meetings?
deputy clerk at added cost when
Solution: Hire a local attorney
to the highest standard of conduct glecting their own duties.
current staff can sufficiently
in order to have our trust in their Solution:
who understands the needs of
The commission
handle the workload.
leadership and guidance.
Inglis and its citizens to deal only
should return the daily respon-
Solution: Let current staff han-
with issues of law.
sibilities to the department su-
dle the workload as they have
Issue: While reestablishing the pervisors and the town clerk and
always done.
Issue: The mayor instituted
re cycling program was a good concentrate on their own du-
thing, the bins need to be in a lo- ties, such as seeking funding for
a policy that prohibits current
Issue: The commission imple- commissioners full access to
cation that can be monitored so health, recreation and education-
mented a procedure requiring town hall. Commissioners are
that garbage dumping does not al programs for Inglis, report-
citizens of Inglis to obtain ap- required to ask town staff for
occur and create a health hazard. ing on federal agency activities
proval from a commissioner be- their mail, their pay checks, town
Solution: Find better placement regarding river quality, setting
fore placing a topic on the agenda meeting agenda and packets and
for the bins, possible behind the priorities for road and bridge re-
at town meetings. These same other items or information they
police building or around town pairs and other projects that are
individuals complained previ- need to do their jobs. It places a
hall. Place cameras around the theirs to complete.
ously about limits to public in- strain on staff who have to stop
bins and re-institute and enforce
volvement in town government. their work to provide this assis-
mandatory garbage pickup.
SUMMARY: Many changes
Have they forgotten their "Let tance. It gives the impression
have occurred during the past
the people speak." Campaign that the mayor doesn't trust the
Issue: Our tax code is unequal year; some good but others re-
in its impact on the citizens of quiring attention. As we get close
Solution: Inglis residents should Solution: Restore commission-
Inglis. Only twenty-two percent to casting our votes for those
be allowed to bring issues to the ers' access to mail boxes, files
pay taxes, while the remainder who will govern Inglis for the
commission without first obtain- and other items or information
pay little or no taxes. This places next two years, we need to know
ing approval of a commissioner. necessary for the conducting of
an unfair impact on the few and the candidates and the mayor and
limits the town's revenue. Inglis other commissioner who is not
the business of representing the
Issue: This commission ex- citizens of Inglis.
is lacking in sufficient revenue to up for reelection. While we can-
pressed concern about the previ-
pave roads, replace outdated fire not immediately undo what has
ous attorney's cost and voted to Issue: Someone installed cam-
equipment and improve aging been done, we need to ask our
bring in a new attorney, promis- eras all over town hall. Is this
road equipment.
elected officials and candidates
ing he would be less expensive. another sign of mistrust of town
Solution: Develop a tax code to state their goals for Inglis,
In his first nine months, this at- staff, commissioners and citizens
that ensures all residents pay both long and short term. This
torney billed Inglis $50,859.95 on the part of the mayor?
taxes to our town, rather than just framework will provide direc-
($8,341 in December alone). Solution: Address the issues
22 percent, thus providing equal tion for the mayor, commission-
The previous attorney's invoic- which caused the placement of
distribution of taxes for services ers, planning commission, staff
es for the same time period in cameras and deal with that is-
and other committees.
Paid Political Announcement, Paid for and Approved by Betsy & Bob Webb, Ruth Ruppert, et al