PAGE 2 - March 2, 2016
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Citrus News Briefs
Pet Patrol
Old Fashioned Bingo For Pet Lovers
Remember the old fashioned bingo we used to play years ago? You know...the
kind with no electronic equipment and speed games that you can't keep up with! On Sat-
urday, March 19th, SNIPPET will have just that! This is not your high-stakes bingo---just
fun for a good cause. For a $12 non-refundable donation, you will be able to play fun
and easy bingo with a great bunch of animal lovers! A light lunch is included at 12:15 pm,
followed by bingo at 1:00 pm. You`ll have a chance to win one of the many small prizes
or maybe a theme basket worth $25 or more. Everybody is welcome! Guys too, if you
dare! Seating is limited, so make your reservation soon. Call SNIPPET at 436-4268 today.
Admission will also be sold at the door as long as there is available seating. Mark your
calendar for March 19 at 12:15 pm at the Citrus County Resource Center, 2804 W. Marc
Knighton Ct., Lecanto. All proceeds will be used to help Citrus County residents who need
financial assistance to spay and neuter their pets.
Skate Park Closed for Maintenance
The Bicentennial Skate Park will be closed for maintenance March 14 through
Kelsey is a lovely young adult grey and
18, pending weather delays. Please contact Grounds Maintenance at 352-527-5760 for any
white female cat who would love to be ad-
opted into a loving family. She's dainty and
refined, very affectionate, yet curious. She Darling little Valentine hopes to win your Florida Presidential Preference Primary Information
enjoys watching the world from a sunny heart so you will take her home and love her Tuesday, March 15, 2016; Polls open 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
warm window. Previously adopted from forever. She's a mighty cute "Citrus Crit- DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley and
the shelter, she sadly found herself back ter," a dainty black female terrier mix who Bernie Sanders.
there, once again waiting for adoption. was brought in to the Citrus County Animal REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Jim
Kelsey gets along well with other cats. By Shelter on Jan. 24. By the way, adoptions are Gilmore, John R. Kasich, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Donald J. Trump.
giving her a windowsill in your home, you FREE for any dog or cat who's been at the MAIL BALLOTS
could be the one who brings the sunshine shelter for more than thirty days! Valentine's The deadline to request a mail ballot for the Presidential Preferance Primary Election is
into Kelsey's world. Come meet Kelsey at Animal ID Number is 30678142. She can Wed., March 9 (6 days prior to the election). A ballot will be mailed to you within two days.
Citrus County Animal Services. Her Ani- be seen in the "Uppers" area during shelter Mail in ballots may also be picked up at Supervisor of Election Offices. *To request a mail
mal ID is 29746376. Kelsey is located in the hours, Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 am ballot in CITRUS COUNTY, call 352-341-6740 or apply online at -
"garage" area. The animal shelter is open to 4:00 pm. The shelter is located at 4030 S. address 120 N. Apopka Ave, Inverness, FL. *To request a mail ballot in LEVY COUNTY
Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 am Airport RoadPt., Homosassa, Florida 34446 352-486-5163, fax a request to 352-486-5146, or apply online at
5093 S. Orwell in Inverness, behind the Citrus call
Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: Please call - address Supervisor of Elections Office, 421 S. Court St., Bronson, FL. *To request a mail
to 4:00 pm and located at 4030 S. Airport County Fairgrounds on Hwy. 41. (727) 362-4788
Em County 352-746-8400 or TTY 352-726-7093 for ballot in MARION COUNTY, call 352-620-3290, or apply online at
Road in Inverness (behind the Citrusail, Tom Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@gmail.comI
Fairgrounds on Hwy. 41). Please call Debbie Russell, Editor:how to adopt Valentine - address 981 NE 16th St, Ocala, FL.
352- more information on
Websites: · · BRING PHOTO ID
746-8400 or TTY 352-726-7093.
or another pet!
Early voting procedures are the same as on Election Day: Bring a valid photo/signature ID
when coming in to early vote, such as a Florida Driver's License, Florida ID Card, United
States Passport, Debit or Credit card, Military ID, Student ID, Public Assistance ID or Re-
tirement Center ID.
fered all days Feb. 29 - Mar. 12, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, at the *Supervisor of Elections
Office, 421 S.St., Bronson, phone 352-486-5163.
EARLY VOTING CITRUS COUNTY Early voting will be offered all days during March
amvet447@ammcastpm t the following locations: *Central Ridge Library, 425 W. Roos-
4 - 12, 10:00 co - 6:00 .ne at
1:09 PM - 02-23-16
evelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, phone 352-746-6622; *Crystal River Supervisor of Elections
Debbi is it too late to put an announcement
Office, West Citrus Government Center, 1540 N. Meadowcrest Blvd., phone 352-564-7120;
i*Homosassa Public I would4100 S. Grandmarch Ave., Homosassa, phone 352-628-5626;
n our ad you can Library, like to have you
S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
put in for next Hall, 212 W. Main St.,at 11:00 phone 352-726-2611.
*Inverness City Monday (Feb. 29) Inverness,
Phone: (352) 489-4588tEARLY (727) 362-4788 Bushnell for
heFax: VOTING (DUNNELLON) MARION COUNTY Early Voting will be held March
r will be a service in
Emai , Russell, Publisher:Chuck10:00 am - 6:00 pm, aton Saturday the Library, 20351 Robinson Rd., Dunnel-
5 - 12, Cassady and then the Dunnellon Public
Russell, Editor: 5oh,of March we will have a memorial
lt n phone 352-438-2520.
Email, Debbie
on the Web: for him at 1:00 if Active registered voters in LEVY COUN-
sArviAeShere at the post
you as of get it28, 2016: Total 25,639, Democrats 9,606, Republicans 11,161, and Others
TY can Feb. in I would appreciate it so
much,,Active found this out. in CITRUS COUNTY as of Feb. 28, 2016: Total 100,480,
4,872. I just registered voters
Democrats 30,322, Republicans 44,721, and Others 25,437. Active registered voters in
asof are Total 219,671, Democrats 76,234, Republicans
MARION COUNTY Feb. 28, 2016
95,104, and
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