PAGE 2 -­ February 19, THE NEWSCASTER- News T
Nature Coast
PAGE 8 - March 15, 2017
Human bones found in Gulf where
Parkview Lanes Weekly News
Congratulations to Tyler Sandak, the 16 year-old who rolled a 704 series in Pet Patrol
downed aircraft  afuselage was found
the Youth league February 25 , then followed it with an 806 series! His games
According to  press release by the Levy County Sheriff's Of-
were 280,182 and 242 for the 704, and 279,279 and 248 for the 806.
fice (LCSO), the agency is continuing a search to find the remains of 17
year-old Dylan Jerrels of Brooksville, who perished in the Feb. 12 crash
Pro-­Pet Dog Food Recall
of a single engine plane, into the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 6 miles
eague and tournament scores for the week ending March 12, 2017:
S/SE of ro-­Pet Key. The bodiesarys, Ohio  Jerrels (Dylan's father)
PCedar LLC of St. M of pilot Jasper
PARKVIEW SENIORS: Handicap: John Telatnik 266,728; Bill Sumner 265; Ken Tomp-
haandnhisufiance,a voluSingletary, lwereafound by search crews, however,
s a no nced Hue ntary reca l of lim-­
kins 723; Fran Shidner 262,720; Donna Turner 258; Hannelore Herbener 719. Scratch:
ited number of dry dog and cat foods for
Bill Sumner 212,538; Bill Johnston 194,555; Bob Craver 194; Donna Turner 171,437;  Dylan's body was not located, and the search was discontinued by the US Coast Guard
after several days.ossible Salmonella contamination.
Hannelore Herbener 169,473.
On March 1, theAccordinassistedhe Fthe Alachuagle
LCSO, g to t by DA, a sin County Sheriff's Office dive
MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: Handicap: Walter Mosio 279; Bill Levert 277,789; Eric
Mesick 778; Denise Griffin 276,728; Lisa Weston 260,765. Scratch: David McNall 267;  team, began a search in the area where the main fuselage of the downed aircraft was lo-
cated. Dan Griffith,riowner/operator perthe volunteerthe same
u ng a two-­day of iod and on Florida Sonar Search Team, located
Chris Carr 255,663; Bill Levert 693; Denise Griffin 245,635; Lisa Weston 202,591.
line of production may have the potential
PRESERVE PINBUSTERS: Handicap: Bob Furniss 299,780; Jerry Ness 291,775; Bon-  debris. Divers took a closer look and located personal effects and bone fragments. The
to contain the bacteria. There have been
nie Bishop 262,717; Chris Koch 248; Bobbie Christensen 248; Kathy Gilbert 704. Scratch:  bone fragments were identified as human bone by the Medical Examiner's Office. Based
Louey, the Cock-­a-­Poo, is only a 4 yo spe-­  no reports of illness related to this product
Jerry Ness 258,676; Phil Spencer 238,595; Bonnie Bishop 179,468; Bobbie Christensen  upon the bone fragments being human and the location where they were found, it is be-
cial needs dog who appears to ved these are the remainshof three aJerrels. brands include:
lie go around to date. T e Dylan ffectedAdditional DNA testing will be conducted to
SANDY OAKS WINTER: Handicap: Don Powers 263,694; verywhere extremeJoannell, positively ugh
e Jim Clark 244,693; ly we  even tho confirm ubbaSearch , Joy Combo, QC Plus. conduct additional searches in this
Hthis. rd Lifecrews were scheduled to
Do you know my owner?
Gendron 244; Joann Meyer 238; Karen Benefiel 661; Gail Shermana652.ncScratch:raJim He is slocation, later in the week, although no information is available at this time.
he has dva ed cata cts.  same o smart
Clark 231,654; Homer Raush 212; Bob Iverson 561; KarenhBenefiels171,466; Marlene se, walks on a McCallum adult htoucontinue the search for Dylan until he is located. "I
Sheriff A young vowed o nd
e move around the hou
know this familydpersonallyoand d male,
og, a tri-­c lorecan understand the pain this family has to endure," said
Hyde 171; Lavon Strutz 170,488.
PINE RIDGE MIXED FOURSOME: Handicap: Marvin Chapman beautJohn black on white patched will as found this nverness  we can offer closure to Dylan's family." Sher-
e is a 273; iful Telatnik  McCallum. "I  wcontinue in I search until
260; Bob Reed 706; Ives Chavez 697; Linda David 281,665;oLynnnCasdiad244;le, that is houMcCallum, alson E. Goshislgratitude to all the sheriff's offices rand other agencies and receiv
y ung eutere ma Glenda  iff se trained  o expressed pe Island
B ing Bowe Home Project
Johnston 666. Scratch: Marvin Chapman 236; Ives Chavez 231,637; oBobg,Reed is a greavolunteersion. volunteered5, by Citrus and especially to Mr. Griffith. "Their assistance the Brin
sweet and l vin and 637;  t compan who Rd., Feb. in the search,
mation in recognition of
George Livermore 601; Linda David 244,554; Lynn Casdia 173; DianerMauckHuOrwell ociehasof Central County A34446Control
ty been remarkable and isnveryl much appreciated," he said.
No child en. A 482.ane S
Numerous volunteers have work
093 S.
Pt., Homosassa, Florida
LATE STARTERS: Handicap: Ives Chavez 285,725; Al Roque 276; RPhone:nc. will489-4588 g sev-­ (727) 362-4788
FL Pet Leigh e, I
escu Salmon 714; be havin
tions, and having decals and wri
Mar di Gras Homosassa Style
Carolyn McKeithan 269,727; Marie Mooney 256; Vicki Solettoramam,aTomgsIvesr adoPublisher:atthenewscaster1@gmail.comry care. The county  for donations to continue these
e 720. Scratch: fo Chavezon on S urday  ured and needs veterina
l s  ll do
259,647; Mark Ash 218; Rich Soletto 611; Shirley Tenity 192,540; ,PeggyuMurdocket in rovide only mini-­
at the Pet S permark 190;
s, from animal shelter is able to p
al River mayor Jim Farley as Cyn
Email Debbie Russell, Editor:
Rosemarie Marcucci 4872.  Websites: thenewscaster 10-­noon. If you have a littel dog looking mal care to keep him comfortable until the
WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEN: Handicap: Tim Lawrence 288,766; Mike
for a good hoDudziakh3288;cue that does in-­  owner is found and he can receive the x-­rays
me, wit a res
Vince Carlozzi 287; Deke Keyser 287; Tom Marsh 775. Scratch: iTim ,Lawrenceions, contracts and home and medical care he needs. He was wearing
terv ews applicat 288,766;
Eric Glowacki 279,722; Sam Bass 715; Vince Carlozzi 711; Jaceits, phone 352.527.9050 and leave you no collar or tags and has no microchip. Call
vis Peterson 7041
WOMEN'S TRIO: Handicap: Carol McHale 237,654; NancyaVaughann237;mber Leverteturn phone call. the shelter at 352-­746-­8400 to claim him.
n me, pho e nu Pam for a r
235; Judi Summers 235; Jo Enders 658. Scratch: Pam Levert 203,549; Nancy Vaughan
HILLS GANG:  Handicap: Bill Johnston 285; Al Denton 267; Brendan Dooley 694;
Wayne L
Brown 689; Trudy Wittig 259; Susan Fabbre 254; Theresa Sardono 693; Kathy
Fuller 659. Scratch: Bill Johnston 242; Jerry Thompson 210,536; Dick Newhall 536; Peter
No Pets
No Pets
Wilk 524; Susan Fabbre 193; Trudy Wittig 180; Pam Palmer 458; Pat Tutewohl 444.
Homosassa Springs
GOOD TIME BOWLERS: Handicap: Carl Peterson 275,662; Rocky Sincore 272; Gaynor
Sat., March 18
Stoner 642; Pat Stoner 228,613; Janet Murray 219; Laurie Anderson 595. Scratch: Carl
Peterson 256,605; Mike Seaha 216,549; Janet Murray 205,546; Pat
Ad Proof &
Stoner 171; Barb McNally 457.  Announcement
email news
Yulee Dr., Old Homosassa, FL
2-19-2014 issue
9 AM - 6 PM
See The
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Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax:r(727)g
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Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Live Mu
The Strutt Band  Lavigne, owner and op
heresa - 3:30
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
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