PAGE 8 - March 12, 2008
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Inglis Agrees To Leave New Hiring
Power Line Meeting Draws A Crowd
For New Commission
By Sally Price, Newscaster Correspondent
South Levy County may be the site of a new Progress Energy Nuclear Power Plant
within ten years if all goes as planned. Paths of the transmission lines are a question being
The Inglis commission held its regular
In defense of the $9000 increase for Obier,
faced as part of the planning. An open house was held in Inglis last week with information
meeting one day early due to the town elec-
Commissioner Lake said referring to doing
about the possible routes for the base load transmission corridors. The maps charted differ-
tion on Tuesday.Commissioner Roy Smith
what they always did, "The safe route for
ent paths a mile wide but that is only an area the transmission lines could be installed in. The
reported that the percent the police get to
this town is the end of this town". Lake read
actual clearing will only be 100 to 220 feet wide when the actual path is decided according to
keep after $10,000 in forfeiture money had
the decision on taking town vehicles out of
the information being given by those available to answer questions at the meeting.
been reached so all that money now goes to
town, and these need permission and police
Plenty of citizens turned out to file around the room taking in the maps and other
the police department for "big ticket" items,
can only use the police cars from their home
displays to show what could be expected as the plan progresses. The room was filled with
a move made by Commissioner Mosher in
& to work. Lake read a town memo, "you may
plenty of Progress Energy employees and others, all in olive green shirts, to guide folks
the past that was adopted. Commissioner
not remain in a public building when you
through the information process. Computers were set up and one could give their physical
Lake corrected the past minutes to show he
don't have business there, it is not a place to
addresses and see where their homes were located as opposed to where the proposed
did not make the motion or vote for giving
live on a permanent basis". He was referring
corridors were located. There could be up to 6-8 corridors planned.
the Inglis Police Department $8,000 worth of
to the fire department. The fire chief said he
Inglis commissioner Betty Berger said, "their presentation was helpful to pinpoint the
video recorders and lap tops.
had been staying there on a cot. Clerk
property location and a comment sheet was handed out. I emphasized not to destroy our
New fee schedules for permits etc. was
McCranie said there was no provision in the
town. I suggested they use their own property of 44 acres and not take a 250 foot cut out of
read by Commissioner Lake. Butch Enyard
employee manual for anyone to stay at the
our property, destroying our town and our homes." Berger said more than one route could be
of Inglis protested the 100%, and (1) 150%
firehouse. This led into a heated round that
used within the corridor. For questions call 1-800-700-8744.
increase in all fees, followed by the fact he
started with Mayor Risher complaining about
felt everyone should pay taxes not just 20%
a locked door meeting at the police depart-
Plans on Hold For Inglis Police Chief
of the citizens. There was a lively discussion
ment and she went several rounds with Com-
between Commissioners Kellman and Lake
Inglis Police Chief Tim Bible received a call that his training for Iraq duty would be
missioner Smith.
on giving Town Code Enforcement George
put on hold indefinately. Bible said all training for Iraq had been cancelled.
Bringing up a car Chief Bible got from the
Obier a 4th day to do all he is doing. Lake
Bible was set to take an assignment when the cancellation came to him.
sheriff, Attorney Fugate said acceptance of
said he and Obier have been out trying to
Meanwhile, he has taken three weeks vacation time and place Tommy
all town property has to come through the
attract businesses to town to help revenues.
Mashburn in charge, in his absense. In a departmental memo Bible said,
town commission and only the mayor can
These possibilities were: 52 (1) family homes
"This is to inform all personnel, that during my absence, Reserve Officer
sign contracts. When Chief Bible brought
at the Big Eddy, 3 homes on the Bacchus
Mashburn will be in charge. All officers will follw the chain of command
up he would be possibly leaving for Afghani-
property, the new hydro plant, motel and bank
by going through Sergeant Roberts for any questions or help that is
stan April 5th, since his training for Iraq was
Hwy 19 & Inglis Ave, multi-family Hwy 40,
needed." Bible said he might apply for duty in Afghanistan or Pakistan for
canceled, several agenda items were created
Laundromat on hwy 19 and that Hickory Is-
Chief Tim Bible
a similar job.
about the chief and officer replacement. Sev-
Enroll at Yankeetown School for K,
land will become the "Star" of Hwy 19 with
eral members of the audience complained that
remodeling. Lake told how the investment of
Bible had a two year contract and was now
Pre-K & Headstart Programs
an extra day for Obier could pay off in new
leaving. Commissioner Richard Kellman
taxes. At that point Mosher told Lake he might
asked for a moratorium on making any police
PRE-KINDERGARTEN & HEADSTART ELIGIBILITY: Your child may be eligible for
as well be Liaison to the code officer because
department personnel changes until Bible's
a free session of Summer Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK), if he/she will be attending
that was what he was doing. Clerk McCranie
resignation was submitted. The commission
Kindergarten, beginning August 2007, and HAS NOT attended VPK during the School Year.
said that it was his business as finance of-
agreed to put a hold on all personnel changes
VPK is a free 540-hour school year program available for all children who will be 4 years old
until a new commission is seated.
on or before Sept. 1, 2008. HEADSTART is a full year program for children who are 3 or 4
Smith, an advocate of cleaning up Inglis
Election results can be obtained by
years old on or before Sept. 1, 2008 and are income eligible.
felt Obier was letting code enforcement of
town cleanup slide to work on new business.
in VPK or HEADSTART for the 2008-2009 School Year at the following school sites: * Cedar
   Custom Woodworking
Key School, April 14-25, and * Yankeetown School, April 14-25.
KINDERGARTEN ELIGIBILITY: You may enroll your child in Kindergarten for the
2008/2009 School Year, if your child will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2008.
"Your Plans or Ours"
KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT: You may ENROLL your child at the following
school sites: * Joyce Bullock Elementary School, April 14-15 and * Yankeetown School, April
Antique Furniture Refinishing
14-25. For additional information, please contact Emily King (VPK & Kindergarten) at 352-
528-3341, Heather Shepherd (CDI Headstart) at 352-486-1229, or the School Board of Levy
Custom-Made Furniture
County at 352-486-5231.
Entertainment Centers
This Week's Available Properties
Gun Cabinets
Enviro Group of Florida
Kitchen Cabinets
Rare! 4 Acres (mol) industrial property in Inglis
Wood Products Div.
on corner of Michigan Ave and Hwy 40. 2,480 Sq.
Ft. , 2 Story steel building w/partitioned office area,
Tom Robinson
commercial concrete. Explore the possibilities in
this growing area near the gulf. $450,000.00
Hickory Island
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Lighthouse Lounge
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