3 columns wide x 5 inches deep
PAGE 3 - February 3,2010
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
Felony Charges
Continued from page 1
Deputies located Rowell and Nesbitt on
Chive Loop. Nesbitt stopped and talked with
deputies, But Rowell told deputies that he
was walking home.
One deputy went to speak with
Rowell at his residence, but the deputy was
contacted and informed that Nesbitt had
confessed to committing the crimes involv-
ing the fishing sinkers with Rowell, so Row-
ell was handcuffed and read his Miranda
Rights. Rowell said he would speak with the
deputy, and his mother was present during
the interview.
Rowell said, that over the past sev-
eral days, he and Nesbitt had thrown numer-
ous sinkers at vehicles, he said that Nesbitt
had thrown the sinkers and he had just driv-
en the vehicle. Upon questioning, he admit-
ted that he knew Nesbitt was throwing the
sinkers, and Nesbitt had hit several vehicles.
When asked where the sinkers had come
from, Rowell replied that Nesbitt had lots of
Both Rowell and Nesbitt were tak-
en into custody and transported to the Citrus
County Detention Facility. Two sinkers were
located in Rowell’s vehicle, by the passen-
ger side door.
charged with 12 counts of shooting or
At the detention facility, both
Important Toll Free Numbers
throwing a deadly missile into a dwelling
youths were interviewed. Nesbitt gave de-
Citrus Cty Govt. Citrus Springs & Dunnellon 489-2120
or conveyance ($120,000 bond); 5 counts
tails about he and Rowell throwing sinkers
Levy Cty Govt. 800-733-5389
of criminal mischief more than $200 but
at parked vehicles in the parking lot of the
less than $1,000 ($2,500 bond); 1 count of
Margarita Grill and vehicles traveling on
Levy Cty Sheriff 800-538-9767
aggravated battery using a deadly weapon
Halls River Rd. He gave time frames that
FHP Brooksville 800-500-1240
($5,000 bond); and 1 count of criminal mis-
matched the times of the incidents
chief $1,000 or more ($5,000 bond) - all
Rowell and Nesbitt also confessed
Public Notice
related to the sinker throwing incidents.
to a break-in that was reported on Jan. 22
Charges related to the reported break-in at
to Alexander’s Custom Paint and Body, lo-
the body shop included 1 count of burglary
cated at 142 N.E. 11th St. in Crystal River
from the Town of Inglis
of an unoccupied structure ($5,000 bond)
where various pneumatic power tools (sand-
and 1 count of grand theft greater than $300
ers, paint guns and drills) and stereo speak-
but less than $5,000 ($2,000 bond). Their
ers with a value of $2,375 had been reported
bonds on all the charges totaled $139,500.
as stolen. Entry had been made into the shop
The Next regular town of Inglis Commission meeting will
On Jan. 28, Bishop was located at
by a hole that was punched into the drywall,
the Homosassa Library and arrested on 1
and the door to the business had been opened
be held at 6 p.m. on Feb. 9th at Inglis Town Hall.
count of burglary to an unoccupied structure
by reaching through the hole. They said that
and 1 count of grand theft. He was transport-
Bishop had participated in the burglary and
ed to the Citrus County Detention Facility
had taken possession of the stolen items.
Agenda items will include:
where his bond was set at $7,000.
Both Rowell and Nesbitt were
1. Dissolving the town of Inglis
2. Dissovling the Inglis Police Dept.
Rebuilt - Repaired - Resealed
3. Sale of the Inglis Water Plant
Complete Auto Repairs
4. Transfer of Inglis Fire/Rescue to the county or a pri-
A/C - Brakes - Front End - Exhaust - TuneUps
Computer Diagnostics
vate company.
Oil Changes While You Wait
This meeting will determine the future of out town.
4X4’s - RV’s - Trucks - Autos
Free Estimates
Foreign & Domestic
If you want to have an input into the future of our town,
Visa - Mastercard - Discover
please attend the meeting.
Fax Line 447-6040
God Bless, Mayor Bill Lake
Buddy & Fred's Hardware
Enviro Group of Florida, Inc.
Todd Sumlin
Wood Products Division • 50-Years Experience
517 Hwy 40 W - Inglis,FL - 352-447-2600
Plant Manager
Inglis,FL • (352) 447-3894
Custom Woodworking, Your Plans or Ours!
Established 1983
Solid Hardwoods & Cabinet-Grade Veneers
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm & Sat 8am-2pm
Pet Caskets
R.V. Accessories
10880 U.S. Hwy 19 S.
Furniture Repair
Phone (352)447-2209
R.V. Sewer Part - Paint - Keys - Garden - Patio
P.O. Box 519
Chest of Drawers
Cedar Chests
Plumbing - Electrical - Nuts - Bolts - Tools
Fax (352)447-0218
Inglis, FL. 34449
Entertainment Centers
Gun Cabinets
Stainless - LP Gas Heaters - Thermacell - Case Knives
Antique Repair & Refinishing
Kitchen Cabinets
Leatherman Tools - Unique Tank Chemicals