PAGE 8 - February 27, 2008
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Deputies Make Arrest In
Fair Turnout for Inglis Mine Meeting
CVS Drug Robbery
Inglis and Yankeetown area resi-
extras because of mine impact?" Mostly Mr.
dents turned out last Thursday for a meeting
Townsend was polite to people but there were
hosted by Tarmac America, LLC. The meet-
times that he showed less than respect for a
A 29-year-old New Port Richey man was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's
ing was held at the Inglis Community Center.
person speaking. Only one person actually
Office, Feb. 20, on charges related to the Feb. 14 robbery of oxycontin from the Crystal River
According to one attendee the turnout was
stated he was for the mine.
CVS Pharmacy.
fair, but not standing room only. Tarmac is
One man, from Yankeetown spoke
Detectives had surveillance photos of the robber, along with
applying for permits to operate a mine on
and said that he wanted the mine as he had a
witnesses and a description of the robber's vehicle.
King Rd. just north of Inglis.
boy needing a job, and the other area kids
Michael Paul Davenport was arrested just after 9:30 a.m.,
Al Townsend of Tarmac America,
needed jobs..
Feb. 20 in Crystal River, at the Shell Food Mart across from Seven
LLC offered a slide presentation of the
Betty Berger, Inglis Town commis-
Rivers Regional Medical Center on Hwy. 19. His identity was verified
planned mine and answered questions. He
sioner, got up and said, "I wouldn't trade the
through a query photograph and the Citrus County arrest warrant was
stated the mine would not impact the water
environment for a job. That's the trade-off,
confirmed by teletype.
or the road traffic He stated that the mine
and jobs will go to skilled machinery opera-
He was placed under arrest, handcuffed and transported to
would offer 30 jobs, but only 3 people work
tors and that won't be our kids. Two thou-
the Crystal River substation, where he was turned over to Citrus County
there now, as equipment guards. He is not
sand rock trucks a day with 80% going south
Detectives, interviewed, then transported to the Citrus County Deten-
assembling the dragline until he gets a per-
means one truck every 21 seconds hitting
tion Facility. He was charged with robbery where offender carried no Michael P. Davenport
mit to blast and excavate.
the road."
weapon and possession of a controlled substance. His bond was set
Linda Kelly of Inglis said "I was
Linda Kelly said there were there
at $15,000.
disappointed that there were not more people.
discrepancies in information given at the dif-
Citizen Appreciation Day Scheduled
Then I remembered that information regard-
ferent meetings. "I've seen a lot of spin doc-
ing the meeting had not been posted outside
tors do their thing', Kelly said. "I sincerely
Town Hall until Wednesday sometime - not a
wish that EVERY citizen get involved, attend
For Retiring Dunnellon Police Chief
lot of advanced notice for citizens."
meetings, do research, and let those in power
This was the second presentation
know how you feel! We can't protect what
Special to The Newscaster by Penny Lofton
that Kelly attended, the first was the Levy
we love by ourselves and we can't afford to
The community is invited to a "Community Appreciation Day" at the historic Dunnellon
County Planning Commission. Kelly said,
wait for someone else to do it", she said.
Train Depot to say goodbye to retiring Police Chief Bob Jackson. Jackson is leaving the
"the vast majority in attendance was against
Edward Michaels, of Inglis re-
force after 20 years at DPD.
the mine and asked very good, well informed
minded Townsend of different statements
"We will all miss Chief Jackson and the fine job he did for the citizens of Dunnellon," stated
and pointed questions of Al Townsend,
that he had made at the Yankeetown meet-
former Mayor John Taylor. "He loved the job, he loved the city, and he loved the citizens." And
TARMAC's representative. Mr. Townsend
ing. Townsend had claimed that only 40% of
clearly, the citizens love him. "A group has been planning a retirement party for Chief Jack-
assured all present that they would be good
rock trucks would go south, and there
son since we learned of his plans," explained committee member Doris Magursky. "We
stewards of the land. But I would ask how
wouldn't be many of them. Also, that deep-
wanted it to be a time when everyone in the community could come by and wish Chief
many loaded trucks a day would travel our
well drilling produced no saltwater. Michaels
Jackson and his wife Bonnie good luck and a happy retirement."
roads? How much water would actually be
told him that the permit request showed 2000
The Community Appreciation Day will be held on Saturday, March 1 from 1:00 p.m. 4:00
pumped from our aquifer daily? How was a
rock trucks on Highway #19 in a 12 hour day
p.m. There will be free hot dogs and hamburgers, drinks and chips as well as a full schedule
poor town like Inglis to pay for necessary
and 80% of them would go south.
of entertainment. Special presentation time has been set aside beginning at 3:30 p.m. "If
Custom Woodworking
anyone, a club or organization, wants to show their appreciation to Chief Jackson, this is the
time to do it," added Magursky. "To be placed on the program for a presentation, please
email Penny Lofton at"
"Your Plans or Ours"
Re-Elect Roy Smith March 11
Antique Furniture Refinishing
During my 1st term as Commissioner of Inglis I served as liaison to the Police
Custom-Made Furniture
and Fire Departments and one year to code enforcement and land use. Dur-
Entertainment Centers
ing my tenure we had one chief quit, successfully promoted the captain to the
Gun Cabinets
new chief job, saved the number of police at five which now provides mostly
Enviro Group of Florida
Kitchen Cabinets
24/7 coverage and oversaw many new policy changes making this depart-
Wood Products Div.
ment the best and most respected we have ever had. I have worked diligently
Tom Robinson
to acquire two grants from NSA under their CEDAP program, one for each
department. And have devoted enumerable hours on town business to make
Inglis the best little town in Florida.
Our Featured Properties
A vote for Roy Smith March 11th is a vote for a knowledge-
able commissioner that really cares about the future of this town.
LEASE/OPTION 3 bed 1.5 bath home on large lot next to Yankee-
Paid Political Announcement Paid For And Approved By Roy Smith, Candidate For Inglis Town Commission (NP)
town school, buy today at only $62K or rent with option to buy at only
Hickory Island
$550 per month, don't wait call today, available March 1st.
RV park for sale great location just mins north of new power plant on
"Preserving Florida's Southern Spirit"
U.S. 19. 8 acres, 13 spaces with room for many more spaces plus huge
barn. 2/1 furnished home, and rental mobile included in sale, good
Restaurant and Seafood Market
cash flow and owner financing available
Lighthouse Lounge
Call our Office for a FREE List of affordable homes & land, (352) 447-4442
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Open Pool Table
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