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Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday February 25, 2015
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Please visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
The Citrus County Mole's
Look at Gay Marriage
We meet. We fall in love. We
want to share our lives together. We want
to build our family. Sound right? Not
if you happen to love someone of the
same sex. Then all judgements come to
the forefront. "It's a sin." " It's against
my religion." "It's unnatural." "It's an
abomination!" Really? Is it? Or is it two
people who happen to love each other.?
Who want the same things that "you"
"Marriage is for procreation!"
you say. What happens when there is no
procreation. When a couple cannot have
children. When a couple chooses not to
have children. When you get old. When
love and companionship are all you need
and want.
Who is anyone to be the judge of
how other people live their lives? Why do
you care? How does that have an effect
on your life? I listen to people say all the
reasons gay couples should not get mar-
ried. I can assure you, there are people
in your family who are gay. Neighbors.
Friends.Successful smart business people
in your community. In your local govern-
Manatees flock to Three Sisters Spring in Crystal River to lounge in the constant temperature 72 degree spring water during cold spells. People
ment jobs. Attorneys. Teachers. Medical
by the droves flocked to the springs to see these sleeping mammals that go into stress if they stay in cold water. The springs were so full of
professionals. People you would never
manatee in this recent cold snap that entrance was limited to just the manatees. A presentation on a recent study of the effects of people on
suspect because they are just like you.
these manatees will take place today (2-25-15)at 6pm. For more info see page 5 Photo/story by Sally Price.
Major meth trafficking
The Citrus County Clerk
Homosassa man
stopped all marriages from taking place
because not enough volunteers would
involved in
arrest made in Hernando
perform gay marriages. We are fortu-
nate in this county to have evolved and
Tampa FedEx gas
educated notaries to fulfill the lives of
people who want the same rights that ev-
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
which is the type of lab found during this
eryone in this country should be entitled
spill crash
investigation and was actually `cooking'
Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy
to. It takes love to make a family. With or
(going through chemical changes to make
is pleased with his deputies, including Sgt.
without children. It all boils down to hav-
methamphetamine). Due to the dangers as-
Blair's squad, the HazMat team and others
From FHP
ing the right to choose the person with
sociated with this type of methamphetamine
who contributed to a drug related arrest on
whom you would like to share your life.
A Homosassa man was involved in
lab, investigators and Haz-Mat personnel
Saturday, Feb. 21, that began as a call about
Who is anyone to judge? You don't like
a traffic crash that resulted in a gas spill in
donned the highest level of protective suits
a domestic disturbance in Hernando.
it? Don't do it. Mind your own business.
Tampa on Tuesday evening, Feb. 17. For-
available to collect the evidence.
Patrol deputies responded to 7175
Take care of your own. Have the intelli-
tunately, no one was seriously injured in the
During the extensive search, in-
N. Pearl Pt., and while investigating the dis-
gence or at the least, the compassion to
vestigators located a large amount of meth-
turbance, noted items that were consistent
respect another person's life. It is not your
The crash took place at 8:27 pm,
amphetamine oil, chemicals, and other haz-
with a methamphetamine lab.
life, it's theirs
as a FedEx tractor trailer was exiting the
ardous waste in an amount exceeding the
Investigators with the Tactical Im-
The Citrus County Mole
FedEx Center on Adamo Drive, just east of
highest level needed to be considered a traf-
pact Unit responded and were able to con-
78th St. The FedEx truck, driven by John R.
ficking amount, which indicates that a large
Use our website to order
duct an extensive search of the residence
Craig, III, 56, of Tampa, turned right onto
amount of drug is being distributed to users.
and property. The Fire Rescue Haz-Mat
Adamo Dr., in front of a 2015 BMW 4-door
Based on the amount of meth oil seized, 38
team and Nature Coast Emergency Medical
a classified ad
car driven by 21 year-old Brian J. Alvarado
year old Abram Carver, if convicted, will
Services responded to assist with the inci-
of Homosassa, which was traveling west on
face a minimum mandatory sentence of 20
You can now place classified print ads on
Adamo Dr. As a result, the BMW collided
years. Carver was charged with trafficking
Methamphetamine is produced by
with the fuel tanks of the tractor trailer, caus-
our website:
in methamphetamine, possession of listed
various methods, but the most dangerous
ing fuel to spill along the roadway resulting
chemical and possession of paraphernalia.
and potentially volatile method is one that
uses red phosphorous and iodine crystals,
Continued on page 4 - Crash
Continued on page 4 - Meth Arrest