The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - February 20, 2013
From Dawn's Front Porch
Comments on Citizens
By Newscaster Contributor Dawn Clary
Big Doin’s in Yankeetown – Riverside Drive will be closed between 63rd street
Saving Inglis PAC mailer
and 64th Street from 6:00AM Saturday the 23rd to 10:00AM on Sunday the 24th. There
will be a detour around the area so you still will be able to get through. This is to accom-
modate a special event being held by Ike’s Old Florida Kitchen, who is hosting a cooking
Did you get the mailer from the “Citizens Saving Inglis PAC”? (Citizens Sav-
competition that may become a televised event. The event will be held on the 23rd.
ing Inglis PAC is in no way related to the Concerned Citizens of Inglis PAC). I did and
And The Winner Is – The final decision of the USPS for the YT Post office is that
I have a problem with the logic of some of their responses. Here’s what they claim to be
the Post Office will be open 4 hours a day from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday through Fri-
about: “We want all citizens to have accurate facts and information.” and “We want all
day. The change will be effective March 23rd. Mail will be put up by 10 AM and access to
citizens to be able to make well informed decisions”. Their comments in the mailer make
boxes will still be available 24 hours a day.
it more than obvious that the only positions of merit are their positions. In other words,
WGP Gate Smashed – Apparently someone had an issue with the gate at the preserve when
unless you agree with Citizens Saving Inglis PAC you are neither informed nor accurate.
it appears they wanted out after the gate was locked weekend before last. The poor thing
One example: Look at the Citizens Saving Inglis PAC argument regarding Petition #1 on
was found bent to point that it is unusable and will have to be replaced. It is not clear exactly
how to fill Commission vacancies. They claim that someone who took the initiative to
what happened. Nothing appears to be missing from the property, so if robbery was the
run for office and came in 3rd or 4th (depending on the year) is somehow less qualified
intent, it was not carried out. There are no leads at this time. It is a shame as it will be one
than a crony selected by commissioners to serve their self interests. Do you really buy, as
more thing to tax the WGP budget. The gate is locked at sunset every night and if you are
the Citizens Saving Inglis PAC claims, that a selected person has won the approval of the
locked in, the procedure is to call the Levy County Police Department.
citizens over someone who ran for office? The “Citizens Saving Inglis PAC” argument
WGP Program Saturday - Keith Morin, Park Biologist – Crystal River Preserve State
wants us to keep the obvious political cronyism of having the Town Commissioners vote
Park will present “Exotics - What to do to get rid of them” - February 23, 10:00 a.m. at the
for someone to fill the vacancy who, of course, will likely agree with the majority of the
Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve. The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the WGP will follow
remaining commissioners on issues. Political cronyism (the good old boy approach) is
the program. The programs and Friends meetings are open to the public. Visit the Friends
one of the biggest problems we have to deal with in politics today. Do we really want to
of the WGP website at for directions or to contact them.
keep it that way here in Inglis? I don’t, I’m voting yes on that one.
New Address for Town Hall – The YT hall has changed their address. It was effective Janu-
There is no substitute for getting the facts yourself by being critical of any opin-
ary 1st. Their mailing address is now 6241 Harmony Lane, YT 34498. On-line bill payers
ion or agenda. Use your common sense to make your own decisions. Citizens Saving
may need to notify their banks of this.
Inglis PAC, tells you to vote all one way. This must be suspect.
YT Help Wanted – Now that the holidays are over if you are wondering what to do with
Citizens Saving Inglis PAC needs to take their own quote from Albert Einstein
all your time, YT is looking for a new member for the Planning and Zoning Commission.
to heart before they tell the rest of us how to vote. “Whoever is careless with the truth in
We could also use another Town Council Member. Only the brave and pure of heart should
small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”
apply. Don’t forget to VOTE. Yankeetown Council Member, Larry Feldhusen was voted
I could go on (vote Yes) but NUFF SAID.
in as the new Vice Mayor for Yankeetown. He is replacing Tommy Sholes who did not run
for re-election and will be the acting Mayor for the town at least until the town resolves this
Paid Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Bob Allen, Inglis, FL
issue after the new council is sworn in.– Good Night and Good Luck
Letter to the Editor:
Re: Garbage
In most civilized communities one expects to have clean water, electric power,
Per Florida Statute 101.591 (1), Immediately following the certification of each
functional paved roads, garbage collection and litter control of some nature. We have only
election, the local board responsible for certifying the election shall conduct a
some of the above items, as our paved roads are in a state of non-repair, garbage is thrown
manual audit of the voting systems used in randomly selected precincts.
everywhere, and litter covers most of our roadsides. We have lived here for fourteen years,
Notice is hereby given that an Audit on the February 26, 2013 Election is Sched-
and I have attempted to pick up litter as a volunteer. However, I can not and will not pick up
the entire town’s litter. Local businessmen tell me their private dumpsters are being used by
uled for:
the public to the point they have no room for their own garbage.
It is time for us to join the civilized world and require garbage collection for every-
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 2:30 pm
one. It is also time for folks to volunteer to pick up litter in their neighborhoods. Otherwise,
At the Yankeetown Town Hall
we will become a candidate for the worst appearing community in the area. Remember, our
6241 Harmony Lane
general appearance effects the value of your homes and their re-sale value.
Yankeetown, Florida 34498
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