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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday February 20, 2013
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Sheriff Outlines Plan
For 24/7 Coverage
From Inglis Commission Meeting
Levy County Sheriff
Bobby McCallum made a pre-
sentation at the February Inglis
Town Commission meeting
estimating the cost for contrac-
tual law enforcement Services.
This could happen if McCallum
a charter amendment on the
March 12 ballot passed and the police du-
ties of the town were turned over to the
Sheriff Dept. This could be a three year
McCallum said the first year
would cost $396,420.50 for five full-time
Deputies plus a zone officer. Compared to
Inglis coverage it would reduce the cost
less one Deputy of $78,109.10 making the
1st year cost $318,311.40 . This compares
to the IPD budget this year of $342,196.00
according to clerk Sally McCranie.
LCSO central records and cen-
tral finance could save the town the Ad-
ministrative/Secretarial staff in Inglis
$42,946.55. McCallum said With this cov-
These walkers dressed in orange were part of the third four day Grant Lockenbach Memorial Walk Across Florida. Starting in Yankeetown the
erage there would be four full time Depu-
youth walked the 116 miles across the state to Ormond Beach. Grant was a junior at the University of Florida and died Feb 11, 2011 in El-
ties in the town limits rotating on shifts and
lison’s Cave on Pigeon Mt. in Walker County Ga. The walk is in his memory and earns funds for youth to attend Young Life, a Christian Outreach
still have a roving zone Deputy on as well
Program. Newscaster Photo/Sally Price
who would respond to calls outside the
Woman arrested for child abuse denies she’s baby’s mother
The Sheriff said LCSO has
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
members and family friends told detectives
her female genitalia.
two Deputies who live locally. In year
they had not been allowed to see the child
The child was transported to Citrus
On Feb. 11, personnel
two of the contract the price would re-
since the end of 2012.
Memorial Hospital in Inverness for treat-
with the Citrus County Sher-
duce approximately $47,000 less than
Detectives also spoke with a male
ment and diagnosed with hypothermia. A
iff s Office were dispatched to a
the $318,311.40 first year costs and
acquaintance of Skinner who said that he
CT-scan of the victim’s head was conducted
Hernando residence for a well-
year three about $35,000 less than the
visits Skinner’s residence two or three times
due to visible injuries, and subdural hemor-
being check on a 17 month-old
$318,311.40. An added bonus according
per week and usually stays between 24 to
rhaging was detected. The victim was flown
infant. When deputies arrived,
to the Sheriff is that there is always a shift
48 hours per visit. He said, during these vis-
the woman, Alyssia Skinner, 22, Skinner
to All Children s Hospital in St. Petersburg,
Lieutenant and Sargent on duty to back up
its, Skinner would only bring the child out
FL for further treatment, due to the severity
claimed she had not given birth
his deputies.
of the room one time, and on some occa-
to the child in question and also that the of her condition.
McCallum said that besides patrol
sions, not at all. He told detectives that he
Personnel with the CCSO and the
child was in the custody of a family member.
duties the LCSO has a crime scene inves-
observed Skinner bring the child bottles of
Skinner then ran into the residence, Department of Children and Families (DCF)
tigation unit, investigators, dispatch and all
milk only occasionally, and when he had
according to her arrest report, and locked the personnel were allowed into the residence,
radio equipment updates, public relations,
seen the child, she was lethargic and did not
door to deny officers entry into her home, with Skinner’s consent. The report stated
Continued on page 4- Squawk Box
play, interact or laugh. He said a radio was
but officials observed her enter the back that the room where the child was confined
always playing in the room, and the air con-
room of the mobile home and remove the was noticeably colder that the rest of the
ditioner was always turned on. He said Skin-
child and attempt to feed and clean her prior mobile home. The report also stated that the
ner only went to the baby’s room when she
to opening the door and speaking with them. room was extremely cluttered, with only a
would not stop crying, that Skinner would
The report stated, that due to vis- small area of bare carpet where investigators
stay in the room for several minutes and the
ible injuries on the child’s head and face, believed the child was lying, and that area of
Information On
crying would stop, at which time she would,
emergency medical services( EMS) came to carpet smelled strongly of urine, was wet to
again, leave the infant alone in the room.
check on the well-being of the infant and ad- the touch and discolored. Numerous soiled
The Citrus County Child Protec-
vised officials that the child was cold to the diapers were scattered on the floor.
Page 12
tion Team spoke with medical staff mem-
Several neighbors said they were
touch, that she appeared malnourished, had
bers at All Children s Hospital on Feb. 14.
a bright red rash on her legs and pubic area, not aware that an infant was in the home,
Continued on page 4 - Child Abuse
as well as a large amount of discharge from as they had never seen her. Several family