The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - December 28, 2011
Letter to the Editor:
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
As I reflect on my time at Yankeetown School, I am amazed at the support the
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
school receives from the community. Our school has always been community based. It feels
more like a family than a school. I receive calls daily asking ìHow can we help the school?
A Guest Commentary by Yankeetown Mayor Dawn Clary
What do the children need?î
2011 – My mother used to say, “another day, another 50 cents”. I think she meant she wasn’t
I would like to share with you just some of the ways the community has made
getting very far sometimes. Yankeetown has seen another year roll around but it was a good
Yankeetown School an oasis for both our parents and children.
year and I think we did pretty well.
Even before school began, donations of school supplies and book bags filled our
Recognition – The 1000 Friends of Florida awarded us their “Better Community Award”
supply room. Individuals and organizations contributed money to be used to provide awards
because we had fought hard to maintain our community vision against some strong chal-
to our students. Jackets and shoes were given so that none of our students would go without.
lenges. Florida Rural Water Association recognized Yankeetown for supporting them by
Volunteers appeared to provide art classes for our students. At Thanksgiving donations were
being a member for 25 years. They presented the town with a beautiful clock and humidity
made so that none of our families would be without a holiday celebration. Money was do-
gauge at their convention this summer. Though you may say it isn’t a big effort to just be-
nated so that our children would be able to go on field trips. Individuals volunteer to present
long to something, it’s nice when someone appreciates it.
programs to our students on a variety of topics. Prior to Christmas we received monetary
Planting for the Future – We had our first Arbor Day and I was amazed how many people
donations so that we could provide Christmas gifts for students whose families were strug-
were willing to turn out for some really hard work. We planted quite a few trees and most
gling in the difficult economic time. We had an individual donate a substantial amount of
are doing well.
money and told me to use it for the children.
The Most Industrious Award - The Friends of the WGP were super productive this
These are just a few of the things that our community has done to assist Yan-
year. They’ve had some wonderful events at the preserve like the Stargazing Night, and
keetown School. I want each and every one of you to know how grateful we are for selfless
Wonders of the Salt Marsh which featured great speakers on bats, whooping cranes, mana-
contribution. You have made a difference in a childís life. Thank you again for your contin-
tees and more. They’ve raised a good deal of money through events, like the popular duck
ued support of our school.
race, which they have donated toward work on the building. They also do a million other
Ann Jensen, Principal YTS
helpful things such as opening and closing the gate on the weekends, saving the town bucks
Letter to the Editor:
and time.
Re: Support for Inglis PD
New Stuff - Kurt Woerner, our ZO, got his Flood Plain Manager Certification and
has made it through his first year. The Children’s Park was given a basketball court, al-
I am only one of many who want to KEEP the Inglis Police Dept!. These facts have been re-
though the wisdom of that is becoming a question. We got a golf cart which greatly reduced
searched and you can take the info to the bank! Bill Bachschmidt says it loud and clear with
the staff’s dread of water meter reading.
his sign on #40 “Save Inglis P.D.”.  Inglis is lucky to have a Chief such as Steve Dixon.
Some Loses – The town lost the lawsuit against the Levy County Board of Com-
The Chief does not receive a high-hazard retirement supplement from the Town of Inglis as
missioners and Tarmac ending a spectacular winning streak. Genie Sturtevant resigned
he already has State retirement from Metro Dade. The chief will receive the same retirement
from the Board of Trustees and will be missed. We lost one of the oldest businesses in town,
benefits afforded to other town employees, i.e. Town Hall and the Maintenance personnel.
the General Store, which when I first moved here, sold everything from fiberglass to kitchen
The Chief does not receive medical benefits from the Town of Inglis, resulting in savings
faucets. We lost some old friends like Joyce Richards who had been the school bus driver
of approximately $8,700.00 dollars this year and $10,800.00 per year in previous years. The
forever. “Well something’s lost but something’s gained in living every day” – Joni Mitchell,
Chief was advised that he would be compensated at a higher rate after the first six months of
1967, Both Sides Now. Good Night and Good Luck
his contract, but his salary has never increased and he has never asked for it.
Guidelines for submitting Letters to the Editor
The Chief does respond to calls for service and also back-up to other officers.
The Chief is responsible for the administrative and operational running of the Police De-
The Newscaster does not publish anonymous letters or commentaries. We receive letters from
partment on a day-to-day basis. He must review and approve every written report, letters,
time to time that do not meet our requirements (mostly unsigned and no address) and that's why they
faxes, and any other communication coming innto and leaving the Inglis Police Department.
don't get published. All letters must be typed, (NO ALL CAPS) signed by the author, with a local phone
number and current address. Letters can be mailed, faxed or emailed and not accepted at the Newscaster
As for the other officers, it should be noted that the Inglis Police Department police of-
Classifieds drop box. Emailed letters may be delayed while verification takes place. Emailed letters
ficers are the third lowest paid in the State of Florida, and there are over 350 departments in
must be received from the author's valid email address. Comments can be left on our comment line at
the State of Florida.
352-388-1668. You must leave your name and phone number for verification.The limit is 400 words, no
I will ask to be on the agenda January 10 to speak FOR the IPD. Y’all come. The petition
exceptions. For more information see page 2.
to place the matter of abolishing the IPD on the ballot was thrown out, but don’t think they
gave up. They’ll be there.
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