US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday December 25, 2013
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Have A Safe and Merry Christmas!
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Jobless Rate
The unemployment rate in the
Workforce Connection region was 7.1
percent in November, down 0.2 percent-
age points over the month and 1.9 percent
lower than the same time last year. Out
of a labor force of 207,318, there were
14,782 unemployed, a drop of just 91 over
the month, but 3,799 fewer than Novem-
ber 2012.
Over the month, the labor force
and number of employed fell slightly as
did the numbers of jobless in Citrus and
Levy counties. Marion County's labor
force remained virtually unchanged, while
there was a slight boost in the number of
employed and drop in unemployed.
Workforce Connection CEO Rusty Skin-
ner characterized the report as a "mixed
bag," noting it is difficult to determine
what accounts for shrinkage in the labor
force and number of employed over the
month, but that "gains over the year are
The November 2013 unemploy-
ment rates, released today by the Florida
Department of Economic Opportunity,
were 7.1 percent for Marion County, the
lowest since June 2008 when the rate was
7.6 percent; 7.1 percent for Citrus County,
the lowest since it hit 7 percent in May
A day of honoring the fallen - Nine thousand two hundred wreaths lay on the graves of servicemen and women at the Florida National Cemetery
2008; and 7.2 percent in Levy County,
in Bushnell, Fla., Dec. 14, 2013. The Wreaths Across America campaign reached over 500 different cemeteries worldwide this year. (U.S. Air
the lowest since its 7 percent rate in June
Force photo by Airman 1st Class Ned T. Johnston/Released)
2008. Local rates are not seasonally ad-
Hernando man accused of
justed. Florida's seasonally adjusted rate
is 6.4 percent and the non-adjusted rate is
6.2 percent; the national rate, adjusted, is
breaking baby's leg
manatee rescued
7.0 percent and non-adjusted is 6.6 per-
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
In November, nonagricultural
at King Spring
diaper and had told him she felt that he was
employment in the Ocala/Marion County
holding the baby's legs too high. She said
Paul Anthony LaJeu-
metropolitan statistical area (MSA) was
the infant does not cry when she changes the
nesse, 20, Hernando, was arrest-
The first Kings Bay manatee res-
96,400, a gain of 3,300 jobs over the year,
diaper, but does when LaJeunesse changes
ed by the Citrus County Sher-
cue of the season was performed by US Fish
for an increase of 3.5 percent compared to
it. The relative said, that about 4:45 p.m.,
iff s Office, Dec. 16, charged
and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the Florida
a 2.5 percent increase statewide.
Dec. 11, she asked LaJeunesse to change
with one count of aggravated
Wildlife Commission (FWC) staff and vol-
Rebecca Rust, DEO's chief economist,
the infant's diaper. LaJeunesse was playing
child abuse. Members of the
unteers on the morning of December 19th at
said that over the year, all 67 counties had
an X-box game and became upset at the in-
Department of Children and Families (DCF)
the King Spring sanctuary, located in front
declines in their unemployment rates over
in Alachua and Citrus counties assisted with
of the Crystal River Ale House.
the year. Over the month, 42 counties had
In an interview with DCF on Dec.
this investigation, along with the Child Pro-
The manatee was first spotted at
decreases in their unemployment rates, 11
12, LaJeunesse said that when he performed
tection Team in Alachua County.
Three Sisters Springs by volunteer Stacy
the diaper change on Dec. 11, the baby's
On Dec. 12, authorities were noti-
Continued on page 4
Dunn, during the Refuge Day Festival, last
leg was fine, that he was frustrated before
fied about an injury to a four week-old in-
Saturday. Fortunately, USGS manatee bi-
he changed the child's diaper, that he placed
fant, a spiral fracture of the right femur.
Expert Clock Repair
ologists, Dr. Robert Bonde was present dur-
the infant on a bed, and when he lifted the
A relative of the infant told detec-
ing the Refuge Day celebration and was able
baby's legs to change the diaper, he heard a
tives that there is a routine where she feeds
to tag the manatee that afternoon. The next
pop and saw the right leg go limp. He then
the infant and LaJeunesse changes the diaper
day, the manatee moved to the King Spring
summoned the baby's relative.
afterward. She said this routine is done, day
manatee sanctuary where he was rescued to-
The victim was later taken to a lo-
and night, as LaJeunesse does not work. She
cal doctor for an exam and x-rays. On Dec.
said, lately, that LaJeunesse had become up-
The rescue was a success despite
12, the x-rays came back and were read, and
set at having to do this and had made dispar-
the challenges presented by the presence of
the fracture was discovered. The victim was
aging comments about changing the diapers.
see page 12
a few hundred resting manatees in the sanc-
transported to Shands Hospital in Gaines-
The woman said she had given LaJeunesse
Continued on page 4 - Rescue
instructions on how to properly change the
Continued on page 4 - DCF Investigation