THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - December 24, 2014
Parkview Lanes News
LATE STARTERS: Handicap: David
will be closed New Year's Eve and New Rogers 248; Bob Desmeules 240; Myron
Year's Day.
Paliwoda 645; Rich Murdock 644; Kathy
LEAGUES' OPENINGS: The second Hession 243,655; Nancy Vaughan 236;
half of the Preserve Pinbusters league be- Gloria Ortiz 659. Scratch: Rich Soletto
gins January 6 (ends April 21), and there is 236,627; David Rogers 228; Rich Murdock
space for two additional teams. The teams 596; Debbe Chung 198,501; Kathy Hession
are 4-person mixed, and the weekly fee is 188,490.
$12. The league is non-sanctioned, and
bowls at 8:50am on Tuesday mornings. LEAGUE: Handicap: Larry Fritz 294;
The second half of the Late Starters league Jim Wright 286; Bobby Craft 819; Eric
begins January 7 (ends May 13), and there Glowacki 754. Scratch: Larry Fritz 279;
is space for one team. The teams are 4-per- Jim Wright 269; Bobby Craft 735; Eric
son mixed, and the weekly fee is $12. The Glowacki 700.
league is sanctioned, and bowls at 12:50pm
WOMEN'S TRIO: Handicap: Betty
on Wednesday afternoons.
Chapman 246; Pam Garbig 241; Marilyn
League and Tourney scores for the Seymour 659; Judi Summers 657. Scratch:
week ending December 21, 2014:
Shirley Tenity 198; Marilyn Seymour
MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: Handi- 181,515; Peggy Murdock 522.
cap: Todd Cridland 288; Eddie Corbitt 267;
Nick Di Costanzo 736; Chris Carr 729; die Corbitt 278,757; Mike Serrano 277,706;
These members of the Red Hat Society from Homosassa stopped in at Shrimp Landing in
Debbie Smith 292; Cheryl Shafer 264,749; Debra Clifton 268,706; Cori Pilcher
Inglis last week for one of their regular dining out adventures. Believing in Fun After Fifty is
Lori Ciquera 728. Scratch: Todd Cridland 256,715. Scratch: Eddie Corbitt 278,757;
their slogan. Lisa Flanders, owner of Shrimp Landing made their dining out a real adventure.
270; Corbitt Chris Chuck
Eddie 267; Carr 714; Hindbaugh 238,613; Robbie Yoa- A gift exchange rounded out their Christmas party. Photo/story by Sally Price.
Matt O'Brien 680; Lori Ciquera 222,620; kum 238; Debra Clifton 168,406; Carolyn
Debbie Smith 222,512; Linda Dudziak 192. Handley 149,396.
OWLS: Handicap: Jim
cap: 280; Jim Abbey 274,755;
Ray Olsen Dollar 282,734; Doug Dorsey 261,742;
Bob Sprague McCarthy KathyPuckett
Swarm 721; Linda 277,796; Donna 242; 238;
Rita 265;Betty Noland 717.Carol 674; Wexler 652.
Fulford Anderson Myla
Scratch: Jeff Koch 255,660; Bob Swarm Scratch: Phil Spencer 246,646; Jim Wright
232; Phil Spencer 648; Linda Sprague 223,633; Jim Dollar 246; Myla Wexler
195,550; Bobbie Christensen 186; Betty 192,523; Toni Mills-Smith 171,453.
Noland 486.
TUESDAY NOTAP TOURNEY: Mike Sprague, 136 pins over her average, and
Seaha 710; Jerry Ness 694; Jack Connell Doug Dorsey, 106 pins over his average.
LCSO Seeking Homicide
On 0, utiesftLy Cou Sherif' ffice responded
December 8, 2 12 Dep rom he ev nty f s O
NE 48th inBronson a deceased
to 10150 Lane to the report of person. The investigation
revealed that the resident, George Pierce (8-15-61), had been murdered in his
After following up on initial leads, the investigation has gone cold.
On the second anniversary of Mr. Pierce's murder, LCSO Investigators are
asking public for their assistance in closing this case for the friends and
ofMr. Pierce. Anyone wishing to provide information the
can contact
lead investigator, Lt. Jimmy Anderson, at the Sheriff's Office.
he Newscaster
Bobby Nagda, owner of the Inglis Super Stop Shell Station Bobbalu's Deli, was chosen 2014
Crime Stoppers of Levy County has authorized cash of up to $1,000.00
a award
Charley Biggs Operator of the Year. The Charley Biggs chicken went on the menu in August
for information leading to the arrest and prosecutiontheor persons involved in
of person
of 2011 and is a main draw to the deli and a big seller in the deli that is open seven days
the murder. That information can be provided anonymously 1-877-349-8477.
Hometown News for the Nature Coast
a week from 5 am till 8 pm. Nagda's deli was awarded 1st place in 600 franchises in 22
LCDPS Promotes Designated Driver Program
different states dvertisong at Reasservice, Rates and presentation.Citrus was W Marion Cou
A judged in customer onablequality for S Levy, NE Nagda & S asked to
speak on how to run a successful deli Decemberll17tat HomosassDeli lorida 3Tampa and
5093 S. Orwe P ., the Florida a, Fshow in 4446
To kic hoday ebrt rogram sponsors a campaign identified
k off li cle a ions, the p
was surprised but proud with the Phone: (352) a 89-4588 Fax: (727) 362-the8award.
presentation of 4 plaque and honor of winning 47 8
as "Celebrate Safely; Driver". campaign is designed to reduce alcohol
Designated The
related traffic accidents during the holiday season. The campaign provides establishments The plaque reads: 2014 Charley Biggs Russell, PubliYearrPresented tocaster1@gmInglisom
Email, Tom Operator of the she : thenews Bobby Nagda ail.c
that serve alcoholposters, coasters, and stickers for wait staff in exchange Super Stop, Inglis Florida mail, Debbie Rushighestditor: inebbiechicken
E for maintaining the sell, E quality d fried newscaster@ and su-
with beverage
for to provide nonalcoholic free patrons who iden- perior service to your customers. Presented by America's Best Chicken. Cary Blanton, owner,
agreeingone (1) beverage of charge to
tify themselves as a designated driver during the week of Christmas through New Year's H.T. Hackney Greg Bradley Fd Svc Div. Pictured are employees Will Wilsey, Angie Milliken,
Day. You will see posters hung and wait staff wearing stickers to identify the Campaign Manager Luhanna Wilsey and owner Bobby Nagda. Congratulations are in order. Photo/story
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
many Levy County establishments. LCDPS hopes to reach out to more establishments by Sally Price.
email news to:
throughout the County to help promote this program. For more information on how you can
participate, call the Levy County Sheriff Dept. at 352-486-5209.
Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC
League of Women
Voters of Citrus County
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